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Hur avdelningschefers utövande av ledarskap påverkas av ramfaktorer såsom ekonomifaktorer, personalfrågor och samhällsaspekter: en fallstudie gjord på kirurgiska divisionen vid Skånes Universitetssjukhus, SUS

Författaren till denna studie är sjuksköterska och har arbetat på Skånes Universitetssjukhus. Upplevelserna från denna tid ligger till grund för denna uppsats. Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera i vilken utsträckning avdelningschefers arbete inom kirurgiska divisionen på Skånes Universitetssjukhus påverkas av ramfaktorer såsom personalfrågor, ekonomi och samhällsaspekter. Metoden som användes

Kvinnor I Väntan

The purpose of the study is to examine whether the group therapy, KIV (Kvinnor i Väntan ‘Women waiting’) improved the mental health and the symptoms of PTSD for six female asylum seekers. The hypothesis for the investigation was that the participation in the group therapy would lead to improved mental health and decrease of PTSD symptoms. The experimental group was compared to a control-group cons

Sex & Action (A campaigning concept for improving adolescent sexual health).

This master’s degree project, carried out within 20 weeks of the spring term 2012 within Lund University’s School of Industrial Design was started with an unconventional topic of sexual health and design which quickly specified itself into Sexual health and Adolescence. The view point of the research was focused on Finnish society and its youth. Trough professional literature, interviews and discu

Evaluation of Family- Focused-Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy ”RAINBOW” for Pediatric Bipolar Disorders Adapted to Adolescents in Sweden: A Case Series

The RAINBOW program, a Child and Family-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy program (CFF-CBT) for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder (PBD) designed for children aged 8-12 years and their parents, in a parallel group format, has been adapted to adolescents aged 14-17. The aim of this study was to investigate if CFF-CBT is effective and feasible for adolescents and their parents in Sweden. Method: The samp

Vegetation establishment after restoration measures in calcareous sandy grasslands

ABSTRACT Calcareous sandy grasslands are among the most threatened habitats in Europe, primarily because of abandonment, acidification, eutrophication and fragmentation. Much of the biodiversity found in calcareous sandy grasslands depend on the availability of calcareous sand in the topsoil layer. As this sand is naturally depleted of CaCO3 heavy disturbances such as erosion or use of military

Deriving and Implementing a Model of the Fifth Generation Haldex AWD Actuator

The objective for this master thesis has been to develop a mathematical model of the actuator parts of the fifth generation Haldex AWD system. The parts to be modeled are the DC-Machine and the pump. Also a model of the elasticity of the clutch has to be derived as well as a model for the hydraulic fluid. These models were then to be implemented in Matlab Simulink. The model was derived by means o

Promoting the dual earner family: is the German welfare state following the social investment strategy?

This master thesis examines if the German welfare state is following the social investment strategy in relation to one of its core components, the dual earner family model. The thesis considers four, interrelated policy areas that promote the dual earner family. Regarding the appropriate design of parental leave, formal childcare services, part-time employment regulation and the taxation of spouse

Breaking Gender Roles and Gaining Agency

The thesis will present and analyze different roles women actors in Northern Ireland took upon themselves during the period known as ”The Troubles” (1969- 1998). It will present a theoretical framework that consists of several relevant theories on agency, actorship and gender in conflict as well as created categories that helps organize the roles identified. The type of conflict, in this case eth

Understanding the Rise of Social Enterprises in Vietnam: Social Capital, Factors of Emergence and Policy Considerations

Social enterprises are important contributors to Vietnam's socio-economic development, namely by providing services in such areas as health and education. While the state-managed Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM) has recently acknowledged their presence and put forth related public policy suggestions, there remains a lack of related government policies and sparse literature explo

Personlig integritet i arbetslivet - Med särskilt fokus på arbetsgivarens befogenheter att genomföra drogtester i arbetslivet

Personlig integritet är ett begrepp som har fått en allt viktigare innebörd i arbetslivet de senaste åren. Frågan om drogtesters plats i arbetslivet är en av de mest framträdande frågorna, då det av många anses vara en kränkning av den personliga integriteten. Det är därför av stor vikt att bedöma när och för vilka syften ett drogtest kan anses vara befogat. Det uppstår därmed en situation där arb

Water harvesting in Erbil Governorate, Kurdistan region, Iraq : detection of suitable sites using geographic information system and remote sensing

Popular science: Find a suitable area for rainwater harvesting Rainwater harvesting is a technique to capture and store rainfall where it falls. The technique of water harvesting can be used for different purposes, e.g providing irrigation water, drinking water, increase groundwater recharge, and reduce flood risk. The application of rainwater harvesting is suitable in arid and semi-arid areas, w

Constitutionalizing the International Normative Environment: An Investigation of the Systemic Nature of International and Global Law

2005 släppte Förenta Nationernas folkrättskommission rapporten "Fragmentation of International Law: Difficulties arising from the diversification and expansion of International Law". Även om fragmenteringen av folkrätten hade varit ett diskussionsämne långt före 2005 fick rapporten verkligen debatten ta fart och fragmentering att bli en av de mest omdebatterade frågorna under senare år bIn 2005 the United Nations International Law Commission released the report Fragmentation of International Law: Difficulties arising from the diversification and expansion of International Law. Although fragmentation of international law had been a topic of discussion long before 2005 the report really made the debate take off, becoming one of the most debated issues in recent years among internat

Den eviga återkomsten

Friedrich Nietzsche, omvandlaren av alla värden, ställer tänkandet och sanningen och gudarna på huvudet. Frågan är kanske inte vad världen är, utan hur världen blir. Finns det ett nav som allting kretsar kring, som innebär en återkomst av allt, eller är återkomsten navet som alstrar tillvaron? Vad skriver Nietzsche själv om den eviga återkomsten, om hur världen skall förstås, hur livet måste levas

Luftledning eller markkabel -Hur ska framtidens regionnät byggas?

In my thesis I have chosen to immerse myself in the regional power line network and how it will be built. I have chosen this topic because it is a significant question today and in the future. The investments and technical choices made today, will affect the outcome on the society of tomorrow. When the local power line network was rebuilt, after the hurricane Gudrun in the year 2005, it implied a

Normen i fokus: En studie om socionomers förhållningssätt till normer och normkritik

Focusing on the norm: A study of social workers’ attitudes towards norms and a norm-critical approach. [translated title] Norms are constantly present in our society and affects us all by narrowing our view of each other and limiting people’s possibilities. Norms concerning social categories such as gender, sexuality, ethnicity and disabilities divide people into different categories based on pre

An evaluation of the NPD process from a lean perspective

New product development is a complex process for bringing new products to the market. While manufacturing is a very repetitive process, the new product development has to be more flexible as the same product is never developed again. Therefore the theory behind lean manufacturing is not applicable in new product development. The purpose of this study is to propose improvements to Oriflame’s new pr