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Bilder av Förintelsen. Mening, minne, kompromettering

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vår egen tid kännetecknas av ett mycket stort intresse för Förintelsen, det vill säga nazisternas folkmord på Europas judar. Denna bok försöker skissera några viktiga aspekter av den kulturella förståelsen av Förintelsen, genom att studera hur den avbildats i visuell kultur. Med "visuell kultur" förstås ett brett spektrum av kulturella uttryck, från dokumentär- och presThis thesis examines the representation in visual culture of the Holocaust, the Nazi genocide of European Jewry. It is divided into three main parts, each one focusing on a particular aspect of Holocaust representation. Part 1, "Meaning" (chapter 1-3), begins by considering the important role played by documentary photographs from the concentration camps for the public knowledge and conception of

Counterworking Male Takeover during Class Room Activities in Superior Technical Education

An increase in student activity is the goal of various pedagogic approaches and highly valued in most teaching situations. The benefits of student activation are widely discussed in literature (Fox, 1983), but possible drawbacks of such techniques need to be identified and compensations need to be found. This paper discusses a case study concerning one particular course moment, a seminar, held ove

Search for optimal tube voltage for image plate radiography

Purpose: To search for the tube voltage which results in the highest clinical image quality per effective dose unit for chest and pelvis radiography respectively, using image plates. Methods: Two anthropomorphic phantoms were imaged with several different tube voltages. For the chest phantom, the tube voltage was varied between 70 and 150 kV, and for the pelvis phantom between 50 and 102 kV. The m

Electronic and Vibrational Coherence in Photosynthetic and Model Systems

Ultrafast optical response and excitation energy dynamics in light harvesting pigment-protein complexes and in a few model systems have been studied both experimentally and theoretically. Femtosecond light pulses were employed to excite the system and monitor the subsequent time evolution of the transient absorption kinetics and anisotropy. A new form of pump-probe technique was developed for perf

Real-Time Shadowing Techniques

Shadows heighten realism and provide important visual cues about the spatial relationships between objects. But integration of robust shadow shadowing techniques in real-time rendering is not an easy task. In this course on how shadows are incorporated in real-time rendering, attendees learn basic shadowing techniques and more advanced techniques that exploit new features of graphics hardware.The

Molecular analysis of Streptococcus pyogenes and its interactions with the human host

Popular Abstract in Swedish De flesta bakterier lever i harmoni med människan, på huden och på olika slemhinnor framför allt i mag-tarmkanalen. Cellerna på dessa ytorna utgör ett effektivt skydd mot sjukdomsalstrande bakterier. Ibland bryts emellertid försvarsbarriären och bakterierna kan få tillgång till delar av kroppen som normalt är sterila. De är försvarade av fagocyter, ätarceller, som omsluStreptococcus pyogenes causes infections only in humans, from trivial tonsillitis to life-threatening conditions. One of its most important virulence factors is the M-like protein family conferring resistance to phagocytosis to the bacterium. The M-like proteins are surface exposed rod-like molecules attached to the cell wall. Each strain of S. pyogenes expresses unique M-like proteins that bind t