

Din sökning på "*" gav 528693 sökträffar

Denmark and Europe in the Middle Ages, c.1000–1525 Essays in Honour of Professor Michael H. Gelting

Where medieval Denmark and Scandinavia as a whole has often been seen as a cultural backwater that passively and belatedly received cultural and political impulses from Western Europe, Professor Michael H. Gelting and scholars inspired by him have shown that the intellectual, religious and political elite of Denmark actively participated in the renaissance and reformation of the central and later

Tool support for usage-based reading

Software inspection is an efficient method to increase the quality of software products. The main purpose of software inspections is to detect faults. In order to provide support to reviewers and inspection moderators, computer support can be used. Some computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools have been developed. However, no tool provides support for the reading method, usage-based readin

Jet Production and Parton Dynamics in Deep Inelastic Scattering

Popular Abstract in Swedish All materia i vår värld består av protoner, neutroner och elektroner. För att förstå hur materian byggs upp av dessa partiklar behöver vi även förstå hur nukleonerna (protonerna och neutronerna) samt elektronerna (som vi i dagsläget anser vara grundläggande, "elementära") är uppbyggda, samt hur dess beståndsdelar (i fallet med nukleonerna) växelverkar med varandra. HERAHard QCD processes have been studied by measuring the di-jet event rate for deep inelastic scattering in the kinematic range 5 < Q2 < 100 GeV2 and 10-4 < x < 10-2. The jets we re reconstructed using the cone algorithm in the hadronic center-of-mass frame in which the transverse momentum of the jets were required to be greater than 5 GeV. The result of the investigation is that using Leading Order

Svensk-tyska relationer kring sekelskiftet 1900. Politik och ekonomi vid tillkomsten av 1906 års svensk-tyska handels- och sjöfartstraktat

Undersökningen behandlar relationerna mellan Sverige och Tyskland från 1890-talet och fram till första världskriget med fokus på tillkomsten av 1906 års svensk-tyska handelstraktat. De handelspolitiska förbindelserna sätts här i relation till den inrikes- och säkerhetspolitiska situationen i respektive land och ses mot bakgrund av de maktpolitiska förhållandena och den handelspolitiska utvecklinge

The effect of syntactic representation on semantic role labeling

Almost all automatic semantic role labeling (SRL) systems rely on a preliminary parsing step that derives a syntactic structure from the sentence being analyzed. This makes the choice of syntactic representation an essential design decision. In this paper, we study the influence of syntactic representation on the performance of SRL systems. Specifically, we compare constituent-based and dependency

Analysis of Self-Pressurization Phenomenon in a Cryogenic Fluid Storage Tank With VOF Method

The self-pressurization phenomenon is studied numerically with the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method in a cryogenic fluid tank. Heat and mass transfer modelling is used for the phase change calculation at the interface. Transient simulations of the vaporization and pressure rise in a cylindrical liquid hydrogen tank are performed. The computations are carried out by using the CFD software package, Ansy