

Din sökning på "*" gav 533090 sökträffar

State Aid for Rescue and Restructuring in European Community Law

The purpose of this thesis was to examine the EC Commission's role and policy in the EC control of state aid to companies that risk going out of business. The thesis explores the Commission's role in relation to the Member States as well as to the Community courts. It also examines the Commission's policy towards such aid in order to establish whether the Commission is coherent in its

Det öppnaste rummet : att visa konst på nya sätt

I denna rapport presenteras ett examensarbete i industridesign utfört på Lunds Tekniska Högskola och i samarbete med ÅlstaUtvecklingsCentrum i Fränsta. I rapporten beskrivs både slutresultatet och vägen dit, själva designprocessen som vi anser är ett utmärkt verktyg för att synliggöra visioner och strategier likaväl som produkter. Vi har i vårt examensarbete utvecklat och visualiserat ett helhetsk

Utländsk efterfrågan på turism i Sverige: Långsiktiga elasticitetsskattningar

I den här uppsatsen kommer det att med hjälp av den kointegrations-teknik som utvecklats av Pesaran med flera, utredas om det fanns ett långsiktigt jämviktssamband mellan de tre förklarande variablerna oljepris, inkomst och växelkurs samt utländsk efterfrågan på turism i Sverige. Långsiktiga elasticitetsskattningar kommer att studeras för landsspecifika modeller med påvisad kointegration. Den ARDL

Migration and trade - Substitutes or complements?

Countries interact more and more and borders open up, especially in Europe and within the European Union. A more intertwined world raises the question of how more free movements of goods and people –migration and trade – will affect each other. The purpose of this thesis is to establish whether migration and trade are complements or substitutes. Different theories on international trade and factor

Analysis of Geo-Energy System with Focus on Borehole Thermal Energy Storage

Ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems have become more popular lately both for residential space heating and for commercial applications. GSHP systems can use water, ground or the bedrock as a thermal source. The energy extracted is regarded as a renewable energy-source and it consists of both stored solar energy and a share of geothermal energy. A borehole thermal storage (BTES) consists of bore

PlayRightNow - Designing a media player experience for PlayNow arena

This paper discusses the process of designing a media player tailored for PlayNowTM arena with the purpose of enhancing the user experience of this media portal. The design process is divided into two main stages, the first consisting on gathering information to inform the design of a media player and the second stage involving a low-fidelity prototype of a media player. In the first stage, three

Öresauktioner - Seriösa auktioner eller spännande bondfångeri?

This essay deals with a new kind of internet trading and/or gaming, where the interplay between the consumer and the producer is found to be a variation of the Dollar auction. The question is asked how this market should be viewed, which parties are involved as well as whether the market should be regulated or not. In order to gain an overview of the market, the market was compared to different es

Energieffektivisering vid snötillverkning

Idre Fjälls snow production has been analyzed in cooperation with Snowtech AB. A survey of the energy use and how to decrease the energy use was carried out. The first part is about snow and snowmaking. Natural snow consists of water molecules that form a hexagonal pattern in solid state. The reason to the hexagonal pattern is due to dendritic growth during the snow crystals journey through the cl

Kringskuren omskärelsedebatt

Sammanfattning Denna uppsats har syftat till, att från ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv, analysera omskärelsedebatten i fyra av Sveriges största tidningar. Omskärelsemotståndare försöker framställa omskärelse av pojkar som ett problem med hänvisning till kulturellt accepterade, och sekulära föreställningar, medan omskärelseförespråkare försvarar sedvänjan genom att försöka neutralisera arg

Upplevelser av rockmusik – en explorativ studie

This study explored emotional experiences reported by 24 subjects who listened to two rock-tunes, Debaser and Paranoid, played by the Pixies and Radiohead, respectively. The subjects filled in a questionnaire, comprising quantitative as well as qualitative items, about their somatic reactions, feelings and thoughts about the tunes. Research questions were derived from David Huron’s musicological t