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Demokratins ansikten - En normativ studie av Europeiska unionens demokratiska förutsättningar
The European Union is in many ways a huge and vast organization. With an increasing number of members and a deeper cooperation in many areas, the EU constantly needs to change to adapt to new opportunities and challenges. But in parallel to this development there is an entirely different debate, one that concerns the democratic legitimacy of the cooperation as a whole. The European Union is unique
Kriget mellan Hamas och Israel - Tre svenska tidningars skildringar från striderna i Gaza 2008-2009
Den här uppsatsen undersöker vilka likheter och skillnader man kan se i hur tre svenska dagstidningar med olika politisk inriktning rapporterade om kriget i Gaza under december 2008 och januari 2009. Totalt undersöks 43 artiklar publicerade under åtta dagar. Ett strategiskt urval har gjorts för att välja ut vilka dagar som ska undersökas, dessa dagar föregicks av viktiga krigshändelser i Gaza. Hyp
Organisatorisk effektivitet i en multiprojektorganisation
ABSTRACT An organization that for the most part has routines that are defined and managed as projects and where the projects are carried out parallel to each other is called a multi-project organization. In such an organization, the projects can be unique or recurrent, large or small and organized in different ways, but in common for these organizations are that the projects are many, that they in
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Business Contracts, especially mediation clauses
The alternative dispute resolution (the “ADR”) is an alternative dispute settlement procedure. It pursues the main objective to resolve the disputes arising between the parties to a contract in an amicable way with the aid of independent professionals or so-called neutrals. Nowadays the role of ADR is becoming more and more important, and the number of agreements containing ADR clauses is constant
Är jag vid liv eller lever jag? En kvalitativ studie om asylsökandes boendesituation
Syftet med uppsatsen var att beskriva och analysera exklusionsmönster bland asylsökande, framför allt med avseende på boendesituation. Migrationsverket ansvarar för de asylsökandes asylprövningar. Migrationsverket är den myndighet som klassificerar boende för asylsökande. Man talar om två olika boendeformer. Den ena typen är ABO, som är anläggningsbostäder ordnade av Migrationsverket. ABO innebär The purpose of this paper was to to describe and analyze patterns of exclusion among asylum seekers, particularly with regard to living arrangements. Migration Board is responsible for the asylum seeker's asylum trial. Migration Board is the authority that classifies housing for asylum seekers. We speak of two types of accommodation. One type is the ABO, which is holding housing arranged by th
Swedish Innovation Advice for Austria
At first glance Austria and Sweden seem to be two very comparable European coun-tries. However, in regard of several innovation indexes Sweden scores significantly bet-ter. This thesis elaborates why Sweden achieves continuously better results than Austria and seeks for Swedish innovation advice for the state in the Alps. However, a compari-son of innovation indicators and a comparative case study
En studie av Christian Schads målning Sonja och kontexten i vilken den uppkom
Uppsatsen är en studie av porträttet Sonja som målades 1928 av Christian Schad. I uppsatsen görs först en grundlig beskrivning av verket och sedan följer en kort redogörelse av hur situationen kan ha sett ut för en modern kvinna som bodde i Berlin under 1920-talet, detta för att samhället under denna tid genomgick stora förändringar. Målet med uppsatsen är att undersöka konstverket i förhållande t
Sökandet efter profession och legitimation -Tankar och idéer från yrkesverksamma socionomer
During the last couple of years social-workers and academics have been discussing the lack of validation and professionalism in different areas of social work. The purpose of this study was to find out what social-workers in different fields of work feel about this ongoing discussion. And also how they feel about the lack of validation in their field of work and the lack of profession status socia
Hur gestaltar media Sametingsvalen?
Den här uppsatsen syftar till att med hjälp av gestaltningsteori studera hur Sametingsvalen 2005 och 2009 skildrats och gestaltats i Västerbottens-Kuriren och Dagens Nyheter för att se om det finns någon skillnad i medial bevakning och gestaltning som kan förklara ett sjunkande valdeltagande i Sametingsvalen. Studien genomförs med hjälp av textanalys som klassificerar ett antal artiklar enligt ges
Behandling på lika villkor? - Om psykologisk depressionsbehandling för äldre personer
The aim of this study was to present and examine the views of counselors in primary care and division mangers of home help services on two issues: depression treatment to elderly people and the need of counselors in eldercare. A qualitative method was utilized to interview three counselors and two division managers in various locations around Skane, South of Sweden. The methodology was supported b
A Critique of the Single Cocoa-crop Production in Ghana's Economy
The cocoa is undoubtedly crucial to the economy of Ghana. But a total dependency on a single-crop export is foolhardiness. The evidences as to the paramount need for diversification of the Ghanaian agricultural sector are supported by scholars such as Barghouti, Garbus, Umali, Timmer and Valdes. Political instability, primitive land tenure system and blatant corruption in the society, hindered a b
A Minor Field Study on Student Participation through Class and School Councils in Copperbelt Province, Zambia
The purpose of this Minor Field Study is to describe and analyse student participation through class and school councils as a way of increasing child rights at a school level and democracy at a national level. Class and school councils are new concepts in Zambia in the work towards the child’s right to participation as defined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child article 12. They were esta
På väg in i en annan äldreomsorg? Mellanchefers reflektioner kring gott bemötandearbete
Towards a New Eldercare? Middle managers reflections on how to create good service within homes for the elderly. [translated title] For the past twenty years there has been a governing trend of efficiency and privatization of the swedish elder care. These trends have put the elder cares very foundation, it’s purpose, in a tremble. Middle managers within the swedish elder care are struggling to
Om samverkan och insatser för barn till psykiskt sjuka föräldrar
This essay is a part of the Program for Social Work 210 p, Lund University. Our aim with this study was to explore how the interaction and services around children of mentally ill parents functions. Two of the main questions have been: How does the interaction work between social services, child and adolescent psychiatry, adult psychiatry and a support group for children and young people around ch
Handlingsutrymme - Frihet under ansvar
The aim of this study was to examine and get an insight how social workers in social service consider about the use of discretion in their role as a professional. The study was based on interviews with seven social workers from two different local authorities working with economic aid or other kind of assistance in social service. Data of the interviews were coded and divided into three themes whi
”Jag hade önskat att psykiatrin tog vår grupp på större allvar” - Hur organisationer kring gruppen utvecklingsstörda med psykisk ohälsa använder vårdplaneringar för att samverka
The purpose of this study was to examine the collaboration between organizations that care for mentally retarded persons with added psychiatric problems when they have the need of institutional care in the psychiatry. I have both looked at which kinds of collaboration there are and then looked closer on the coordinated care plan. I’ve also looked at how the organizations adjust themselves after th
Drivers of global wildfires : statistical analyses
Bränder utgör en viktig roll i jordens system. Det är kritiskt för oss att förstå bränder och dess drivkrafter, för att på så sätt kunna förutspå brändernas förändring på grund av klimatförändring. Den här studien använder sig av Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) brandens area produkt MCD45A1 för att karakterisera bränder. Högupplöst data är omformaterad till 0.25° × 0.25° cellWildfires play an important role in the earth system. Understanding the relationship between wildfires and their drivers is critical for us to predict fire regime transformations under the changing climate and anthropogenic influences. This study used the novel Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) burned area product MCD45A1 to characterize wildfires. The high resolution data were
Tänker vi lika?- en undersökning gjord om hur socialtjänsten och förvaltningsrätten resonerar fram sina beslut i LVU-ärenden.
The purpose of this paper is to examine how the social service and the adminisarative law reasoning out their decisions in cases concerning compulsory care of children under LVU §2. The aim was also to concider how to discern any similarities or differences in the two organizations way of reasoning. An content analysis is made on social service´s childcare investigations and the judgements made by
Att motivera medarbetare - röster från chefer inom den svenska äldreomsorgen
The aim of this study is to attain a deeper understanding of how managers in the Swedish geriatric care motivate their employees. Another aim is to investigate if there exists any differences between public and private managers way of motivating. Questions of issue: How do managers motivate their employees? The empirical data has been gathered through four semi-structured interviews. Managers in t