

Din sökning på "*" gav 526253 sökträffar

Geopolitisk rivalitet och en förändrad syn på internationella forskningssamarbeten – Svenska erfarenheter

Under de senaste åren har säkerhetsrisker med internationella forskningssamarbeten alltmer uppmärksammats. Det har därför från politiska aktörer i Sverige betonats att tydligare hantering av säkerhetsrisker kommer att krävas från statligt håll. Denna artikel beskriver den utveckling som setts i Sverige de senaste åren och diskuterar utmaningar med ett ökat säkerhetsfokus. Framför allt finns det en

Fire-Induced Radiological Integrated Assessment : Fire properties of selected materials and products

Characterization of emissions from fires in a laboratory-controlled environment are presented in this report. The project is initiated by the CERN HSE Unit and is called FIRIA, Fire-Induced Radiological Integrated Assessment. The objective of FIRIA is to enhance the knowledge of aerosols emitted from fires in order to develop dispersion models of radiologically-activated material in case of fire.

Prospects for a Free Electron Laser at the FemtoMAX Beamline

A Free Electron Laser (FEL), is a device that generates extremely coherent and brilliant radiation using electrons accelerated to relativistic velocities in a particle accelerator. The process utilises similar equipment to what is used at a synchrotron source like MAX IV, but in addition there is an interaction between the relativistic electron beam and the generated radiation to achieve an expone

“Mystical Spirituality” in Second Temple Period Judaism? : Light from the Decorated Stone in the Magdala Synagogue

While “Merkavah mysticism” as a religious movement is a phenomenon of Late Ancient and Medieval Judaism, scholars have debated whether the origins of this movement are traceable to traditions of the divine Merkavah (chariot-throne) preserved in some early Jewish apocalyptic literature from the Second Temple period. Furthermore, scholars have emphasized that these early Merkavah traditions ref

Changes in the rat urinary bladder after the relief of outflow obstruction – tracing targets for treatment of persistent symptoms in patients

Studies on patients with bladder outflow obstruction who have undergone surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia, successfully relieving the obstruction, have revealed a persistence of storage symptoms associated with detrusor overactivity (DO) in 20% to 40% of patients. To study the underlying mechanisms, we have used a common rat model of obstruction/de-obstruction, assuming that non-voiding con


The European Spallation Source (ESS), presently under construction in Lund, Sweden, is a multidisciplinary international laboratory that will operate the world’s most powerful pulsed neutron source. Supported by a 3M Euro Research and Innovation Action within the EU Horizon 2020 program, a design study (HighNESS) is now underway to develop a second neutron source below the spallation target. Compa

Deconstructing the (E)state - An interpretive content analysis of the Danish government’s 2018 ‘ghetto-initiative’

This thesis seeks to study the connection between space, architecture, city planning, policy and human rights. The case studied is the so-called Danish ‘ghetto-initiative’, focusing on the government’s 2018-plan “A Denmark Without Parallel Societies – No Ghettos By 2030”. The strategy entails initiatives legalizing sales, demolishing and renovation of residential areas that fulfils criteria based

Circulating cell-free mitochondrial DNA levels and glucocorticoid sensitivity in a cohort of male veterans with and without combat-related PTSD

Circulating cell-free mitochondrial DNA (ccf-mtDNA) is a biomarker of cellular injury or cellular stress and is a potential novel biomarker of psychological stress and of various brain, somatic, and psychiatric disorders. No studies have yet analyzed ccf-mtDNA levels in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), despite evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction in this condition. In the current study, we

α-amino radicals induced by an Fe(III) N heterocyclic carbene photosensitizer

Photoredox catalysis with 1st row transition metals is an expanding, but challenging field of research. Using iron complexes as useful catalysts is especially difficult due to low exited state lifetimes and the need for suitable redox-potentials of the involved ground and excited states. The use of strongly σ-donating NHC-ligands led to exited state lifetimes in the pico- and nanosecond region, wh

Unfold the Untold Stories: Journey of Permanent Resident, Bangladeshi Migrant Student in Sweden.

This study investigates the experiences of Bangladeshi migrant students who have obtained permanent residency (PR) status in Sweden. This study examines the Bangladeshi migrant students’ aspirations and achievements, daily experiences, and challenges in maintaining their transnational identities in Sweden. Given this context, this study is based on ethnographic observation, examining empirical dat

Prevalence and incidence of diabetes mellitus : a nationwide population-based pharmaco-epidemiological study in Sweden

AIM: To investigate the changes in prevalence and incidence of pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically treated diabetes in Sweden during 2005 to 2013.METHODS: We obtained data on gender, date of birth and pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically treated diabetes from national registers for all Swedish residents.RESULTS: During the study period a total of 240 871 new cases of pharmacological

Interim Report on Gribshunden (1495) Excavations: 2019–2021

We present an interim archaeological report on the ship- wreck of the Danish-Norwegian flagship Gribshunden. Built in 1485, extensively employed by King Hans as his floating castle, and ultimately lost in June 1495 en route to Kalmar, the ship carried people and material selected to further the political goal of re-unifying the Nordic region. Three field campaigns led by Lund University and Blekin

Sanning eller Sken: Social Önskvärdhet i Mätningar för Emotionell Intelligens och dess Förhållande till Samband med Big Five Personlighetsfaktorer

Denna studie undersöker effekterna av social önskvärdhet på emotionell intelligens och dess implikationer för samband och prediktioner i relation till personlighetsfaktorerna i Big Five. Då båda konstrukten ofta uppskattas genom självskattningstest mottagliga för påverkan av social önskvärdhet, ämnar denna studie att undersöka huruvida mätinstrumenten för emotionell intelligens, TEIQue-SF och delaThis study investigates the effects of social desirability on emotional intelligence and its implications for the relationships and predictions regarding Big Five personality factors. Since both constructs are often estimated through self-report measures susceptible to social desirability, this research aimed to examine whether the TEIQue-SF and parts of the SSREIT measures of emotional intelligen

Klimatanpassning av svensk järnväg ur ett riskperspektiv - Var står vi och vart är vi på väg

Världen står införstora utmaningar när vårt klimat förändras. Varmare, blötare somrar, köldknäppar och höga vindar är bara ett par exempel. Samtidigt tas krafttag för att minska människans påverkan på klimatet, där transporter utgör en stor del. Fler resor måste gå på järnväg, och fler än någonsin vill resa med tåg, det mest miljövänliga alternativet. Dock finns stora risker och sårbarheterThe world faces significant climate changes with potential societal disruptions and risks to critical infrastructure like railways. This study explores the topic of climate change, extreme weather, and changing travel patterns for Swedish railways. It describes the vulnerability of the railway system with emphasize on the need for climate adaptation. It also includes a comparison between Swedish T

Förbättringsmöjligheter för socioekonomiskt utsatta bostadsområden i Sverige

Med inflytande av egen erfarenhet av en uppväxt i ett socioekonomiskt utsatt område, väcktes mitt intresse att undersöka anledningarna till att miljonprograms kvarter ofta utvecklade höga nivåer av brottslighet, skadegörelse, hög beroendegrad av förmåner och andra sociala och ekonomiska problem. Men framför allt ville jag ta reda på hur detta kunde förändras. Denna rapport syftar till att via erfaInfluenced by my own experience growing up in a socioeconomically deprived area, my interest was sparked to investigate the reasons why million-program neighborhoods often developed high levels of crime, vandalism, a high dependency on benefits, and other social and economic issues. More importantly, I wanted to find out how this could be changed. This report aims to answer how a socioeconomically

The Inverted Wish : Towards Walter Benjamin’s Notion of Time

Walter Benjamin’s complex notion of time, permeating much of his historical, political, and cultural-critical thought, has been the subject of considerable discussion. In particular, the interaction between the two opposing categories of historical time and messianic time poses a great difficulty: how do messianic moments of cessation act within the homogeneous continuum of history? To propose one

Factors associated with sex differences in viral non-suppression in the Swedish InfCareHIV cohort : An observational real-world study

Objectives: Women living with HIV are underrepresented in clinical trials assessing outcomes of antiretroviral treatment (ART), justifying the need for observational studies. We investigated differences in viral non-suppression between women and men in the Swedish InfCareHIV cohort and analysed results in relation to biological and socio-demographic variables and patient-reported outcome measures