

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Marxist-Feminist Theories and Struggles Today Essential writings on Intersectionality, Labour and Ecofeminism

This vital new collection presents new Marxist-Feminist analyses of Capitalism as a gendered, racialized social formation that shapes and is shaped by specific nature-labour relationships. Leaving behind former overtly structuralist thinking, Marxist-Feminist Theories and Struggles Today interweaves strands of ecofeminism and intersectional analyses to develop an understanding of the relations of

Minimal relapse risk and early normalization of survival for patients with Burkitt lymphoma treated with intensive immunochemotherapy : an international study of 264 real-world patients

Non-endemic Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is a rare germinal centre B-cell-derived malignancy with the genetic hallmark of MYC gene translocation and with rapid tumour growth as a distinct clinical feature. To investigate treatment outcomes, loss of lifetime and relapse risk in adult BL patients treated with intensive immunochemotherapy, retrospective clinic-based and population-based lymphoma registries

Post-socialist Revolutions of Intimacy : An Introduction

During the past decade, the states situated on the territory of the former Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe have made newspaper headlines around the world for topics on gender and sexuality: it seems that each step towards gender equality and inclusive sexual citizenship in the region has been accompanied by counter-actions on different scales. In what way is the present day of appropriate legis

Requirements, development, and evaluation of a national building standard—a Swedish case study

The aim of this paper is to present a proposal for a national building standard in Sweden. We define requirements for the proposed standard, e.g., it should support development of 3D city models, connect to building information models (BIM) and national registers and be based on a national classification system for the urban environment. Based on these requirements we develop an Application Domain

Depolarizing American voters : Democrats and Republicans are equally susceptible to false attitude feedback

American politics is becoming increasingly polarized, which biases decision-making and reduces open-minded debate. In two experiments, we demonstrate that despite this polarization, a simple manipulation can make people express and endorse less polarized views about competing political candidates. In Study 1, we approached 136 participants at the first 2016 presidential debate and on the streets o

The brain of a nocturnal migratory insect, the Australian Bogong moth

Every year, millions of Australian Bogong moths (Agrotis infusa) complete an astonishing journey: In Spring, they migrate over 1,000 km from their breeding grounds to the alpine regions of the Snowy Mountains, where they endure the hot summer in the cool climate of alpine caves. In autumn, the moths return to their breeding grounds, where they mate, lay eggs and die. These moths can use visual cue

EVAR of AAA: Long term outcomes, disease progression and risk stratification

BackgroundEndovasvular aortic repair (EVAR) is the most commonly utilised technique for the treatment of abdominal aorticaneurysms (AAA) in tertiary referral centers. Detailed long-term outcomes of this technique are relatively scarce,especially for patients presenting symptomatically with AAA. Intra-operatively, proximal type Ia endoleak, involvingblood circulating into the AAA – due to poor prox

Plasma proteomics of biomarkers for inflammation or cancer cannot predict relapse in chronic myeloid leukaemia patients stopping tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy

Several studies have now shown that chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) patients in deep molecular remission may discontinue tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment with a treatment free remission (TFR) rate of approximately 40–60 %. Some factors influencing the possibility of TFR have been described but better tools are needed for individual prediction of long-term TFR. Herein, two multiplex panels

Därför kan nonsens vara värdefullt : Kunskapsresistens i grupper kan bottna i viljan att passa in

Varför låter vi så ofta våra uppfattningar om verkligheten påverkas så mycket av andra personer, även när deras uppfattningar är felaktiga?För att svara på den frågan måste vi nalkas en än mer grundläggande evolutionär fråga – varför människan som art var så framgångsrik under de 99,5 procent av vår historia när släktet Homo levde som nomadiska jägare-samlare. Det är jägare-samlares livsstil som v

Light, Comfort and Joy : User experience of light and darkness in Swedish homes

Avhandlingen undersöker användares upplevelser och beteende kopplat till belysning, ljusarmaturer och fönsteröppningar i svenska hem såväl dag som natt. En kombinerad undersökningsstrategi används där både kvantitativt och kvalitativt material samlats in i fält och i en fullskalemodell av en lägenhet. I avhandlingen identifieras flera motiv bakom boendes ljusrelaterade beteende och val samt faktorThe thesis examines user experience and behaviour relating to lighting, luminaires and window openings during day and night, in Swedish homes. Applying a mixed methods strategy of inquiry, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected in the field and in a full-scale model of an apartment. The thesis has identified multiple motivations behind residents’ lighting behaviour and choices, enab

Public Technology Procurement and Innovation Theory

Public technology procurement (PTP) occurs when a public agency places an order for a product or system which does not exist at the time, but which could (probably) be developed within a reasonable period. Additional or new technological development work is required to fulfil the demands of the buyer. This is the ‘ideal type’ of public technology procurement.

The role of South-South FDI in the economies of developing Asia

This paper attempts to measure the size of South-South foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing East Asia and the trends in it, and the characteristics of the investing countries and the investments themselves. It also summarizes the findings of studies in individual countries of the effects of these investments. The studies of individual countries will be used to try to find some consensus o

The study of contical interactiens in short time intervals during the search for word associations

Cortical connectivity was studied in tasks of generating the use of words in comparison with reading aloud the same words. These tasks were used earlier in PET and high-density ERP recording studies, which described both the functional anatomy and time course of involvement of cortical areas in word processing. We developed a new method for studying the synchrony of EEG spectral components within

Exposure to Phenoxyacetic Acids, Chlorophenols, or Organic Solvents in Relation to Histopathology, Stage, and Anatomical Localization of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Results on 105 cases with histopathologically confirmed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) and 335 controls from a previously published case-control study on malignant lymphoma are presented together with some extended analyses. No occupation was a risk factor for NHL. Exposure to phenoxyacetic acids yielded, in the univariate analysis, an odds ratio of 5.5 with a 95% confidence interval of 2.7–11. Most

Intermittent dynamics underlying the intrinsic fluctuations of the collective synchronization patterns in electrocortical activity

We investigate patterns of collective phase synchronization in brain activity in awake, resting humans with eyes closed. The alpha range of human electroencephalographic activity is characterized by ever-changing patterns, with strong fluctuations in both time and overall level of phase synchronization. The correlations of these patterns are reflected in power-law scaling of these properties. We p

Local phase synchronization of event-related activity modulated by visual attention

In a visual task using 12 healthy subjects, spread of evoked phase-synchronized activity was studied in local cortical areas. The areas were identified in a previous study of the same data set using event-related potentials (ERP). Chains of closely spaced (∼2 cm) scalp electrodes covering these areas were selected for phase synchronization analysis in which task and control conditions were compare