

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Surveillance of antibiotic resistance in ICUs in southeastern Sweden

Background: A study was designed to assess a computer-based program for continuous registration of antibiotic resistance, statistics concerning severity of illness, and consumption of antibacterial drugs. Methods: The frequency of antibiotic resistance among bacteria in eight ICUs in southeastern Sweden was investigated yearly from 1995 through 1997. The antibiotic consumption in the ICUs was regi

Investigating the Communicating of Science

This study investigates the challenges and potential pathways for improved science communication, particularly in regards to research on the topic of smallholder food security and for science being generated by universities in sub-Saharan Africa. Questions asked in this study include those that aim to identify the academic substrate from which a university based in Africa must navigate. It also id

Hawkmoth lamina monopolar cells act as dynamic spatial filters to optimize vision at different light levels

How neural form and function are connected is a central question of neuroscience. One prominent functional hypothesis, from the beginnings of neuroanatomical study, states that laterally extending dendrites of insect lamina monopolar cells (LMCs) spatially integrate visual information. We provide the first direct functional evidence for this hypothesis using intracellular recordings from type II L

HER2-specific pseudomonas exotoxin a pe25 based fusions : Influence of targeting domain on target binding, toxicity, and in vivo biodistribution

The human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is a clinically validated target for cancer therapy, and targeted therapies are often used in regimens for patients with a high HER2 expression level. Despite the success of current drugs, a number of patients succumb to their disease, which motivates development of novel drugs with other modes of action. We have previously shown that an albumin

Electrophysiological and morphological characteristics of pheromone receptors in male pine sawflies, Diprion pini (Hymenoptera : Diprionidae), and behavioural response to some compounds

The morphology and physiology of pheromone receptors on the antennae of male pine sawflies, Diprion pini L., were investigated. Using scanning electron microscopy, five sensillar types were recognized. The type shown to be pheromone sensitive has a long (50-70 μm) cuticular hair, is single-walled, and is innervated by 8 or 9 sensory cells as revealed by transmission electron microscopy. Electroant

Development of mating disruption for control of pine sawfly populations

Mating disruption of the pine sawfly Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffroy) (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) was strongly indicated by reduced male trap catches in pine plantations permeated with the sex pheromone, (2S, 3S, 7S)‐diprionyl acetate. The trap catch reduction was 95 to near 100% when dispensers every 10 m were used, giving a total release of about 3 mg per hectare and day. Two mg of pheromone per co

The PiZ gene of α1-antitrypsin as a determinant of outcome in PR3-ANCA-positive vasculitis

We have previously demonstrated that a strong correlation exists between systemic vasculitis with proteinase 3-anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibodies (PR3-ANCA) and heterozygosity for α1-antitrypsin (α1-AT) deficiency, PiZ. In the present study we characterized the PiZ-positive subgroup by laboratory findings, clinical features and outcome. The series studied consisted of 18 PiZ-positive and 81 PiZ-

Psykiatrisk tvångsvård: tillåten (sär)behandling eller otillåten diskriminering?

Konventionen om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning (CRPD) innehåller en ny vision för den psykiatriska vården som bygger på principer om likabehandling och självbestämmande. Denna artikel analyserar innebörden av denna vision och dess implikationer för den svenska kontexten. Mitt syfte är att bidra till diskussionen om hur den psykiatriska tvångsvården bör regleras i Sverige. Fokus

PROTOTYPING PLATEAU GEHRY_CONNECTIVES : Reading Frank Gehry’s experiments through Deleuze and Guattari

This thesis attempts to describe and interpret the design practice of an American architect, Frank O. Gehry through concepts developed by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze and his collaborator, French psychotherapist, philosopher and activist, Félix Guattari. At the same time, prototyping a website-based interactive project called PLATEAU GEHRY_CONNECTIVES, it explores an alternative form for the

Effectiveness of the Q fever vaccine : A meta-analysis

In the Netherlands, the number of notified human Q fever cases showed a steep increase over the last three years and is not expected to disappear in the next few years. Since vaccination might be an option to prevent Q fever cases in the general population, evidence is needed about its effectiveness. We therefore conducted a meta-analysis to determine the evidence base for effectiveness for Q feve

Comparative study of pheromone production and response in Swedish and Zimbabwean populations of turnip moth, Agrotis segetum

Analysis of female sex pheromone gland extracts of the turnip moth (or common cutworm), Agrotis segetum, from Zimbabwe revealed three compounds previously identified as sex pheromone components in the Swedish population, namely (Z)-5-decenyl acetate (Z5-10:OAc), (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate (Z7- 12:OAc), and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate (Z9-14:OAc). However, the proportions from the Zimbabwean population

Leaf volatiles from nonhost deciduous trees : Variation by tree species, season and temperature, and electrophysiological activity in Ips typographus

The leaf volatiles emitted from four nonhost tree species of lps typographus, i.e. Betula pendula, B. pubescens, Populus tremula, and Sambucus nigra, were collected outdoors by headspace sampling in situ and analyzed by GC-MS. Three major classes of compounds, aliphatics [mainly green-leaf volatiles (GLVs)], monoterpenes, and sesquiterpenes, existed in all the deciduous tree species investigated.

Central nervous processing of sex pheromones in two strains of the European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae)

Antennal lobe neurones were investigated in the pyralid moth Ostrinia nubilalis using intracellular recording and staining techniques. Response characteristics of antennal lobe neurones from males in the so-called E and Z strains, in F1 hybrids and in parental backcrosses were studied. The antennal lobe of a male O. nubilalis comprises approximately 30 ordinary glomeruli and three enlarged glomeru

A genetic analysis of population differences in pheromone production and response between two populations of the turnip moth, Agrotis segetum

The genetic basis of the differences in female pheromone blend ratio and male behavioral response in the turnip moth, Agrotis segetum, was examined by crossing individuals derived from Scandinavian and Zimbabwean populations. These two populations differ both in the ratio of the three major female pheromone components. Z5-10:OAc, Z7-12: OAc, and Z9-14: OAc and in the behavioral response of the mal

Olefinic acetates, Δ-9,11-14:OAc and Δ-7,9-12:OAc used as sex pheromone components in three geometrid moths, Idaea aversata, I. straminata, and I. biselata (Geometridae, Lepidoptera)

Pheromone compounds so far identified from most geometrid moths consist of all-Z diene, triene, or tetraene hydrocarbons with chain lengths of C17 to C21, and their monoepoxide derivatives biosynthesized from linoleic and linolenic acids. The present study reports the occurrence of olefinic acetates as sex pheromones in three species of Geometridae. (Z,Z)-9,11- tetradecadienyl acetate and (Z,Z)-7,

Functional specialization of olfactory glomeruli in a moth

The specific function of the glomerular structures present in the antennal lobes or olfactory bulbs of organisms ranging from insects to humans has been obscure because of limitations in neuronal marking methods. By tracing individual neurons in the moth Agrotis segetum, it was determined that physiologically distinct types of pheromone receptor neurons project axons to different regions of the ma