

Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar

Temporal quality of post-compressed pulses at large compression factors

Post-compression of ultra-short laser pulses via self-phase modulation is routinely employed for the generation of laser pulses with optical bandwidths reaching far beyond the laser gain limitations. Although high compression factors can be routinely achieved, the compressed pulses typically suffer from temporal quality degradation. We numerically and experimentally analyze the deterioration of di

Dynamical Modeling of Cloud Applications for Runtime Performance Management

Cloud computing has quickly grown to become an essential component in many modern-day software applications. It allows consumers, such as a provider of some web service, to quickly and on demand obtain the necessary computational resources to run their applications. It is desirable for these service providers to keep the running cost of their cloud application low while adhering to various perform

Islet Gene View-a tool to facilitate islet research

Characterization of gene expression in pancreatic islets and its alteration in type 2 diabetes (T2D) are vital in understanding islet function and T2D pathogenesis. We leveraged RNA sequencing and genome-wide genotyping in islets from 188 donors to create the Islet Gene View (IGW) platform to make this information easily accessible to the scientific community. Expression data were related to islet

A Recombinant Alpha-Like Protein Subunit Vaccine (GBS-NN) Provides Protection in Murine Models of Group B Streptococcus Infection

BACKGROUND: Group B Streptococcus (GBS) transmission during pregnancy causes preterm labor, stillbirths, fetal injury, or neonatal infections. Rates of adult infections are also rising. The GBS-NN vaccine, engineered by fusing N-terminal domains of GBS Alpha C and Rib proteins, is safe in healthy, nonpregnant women, but further assessment is needed for use during pregnancy. Here, we tested GBS-NN

Synergies and trade-offs between climate change adaptation options and gender equality : a review of the global literature

Climate change impacts are being felt across sectors in all regions of the world, and adaptation projects are being implemented to reduce climate risks and existing vulnerabilities. Climate adaptation actions also have significant synergies and tradeoffs with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 5 on gender equality. Questions are increasingly being raised about the gendered and

Enforcement Powers of the United Nations Security Council : Enforcement Regimes for the Protection of Animals in Wartime

The United Nations Security Council has the authority to adopt binding decisions and to authorise military means to ensure international peace and security. Whereas the Security Council is not typically associated with animal protection, wildlife issues have become an international security concern. Wildlife poaching and trafficking of wildlife products finance criminal networks and armed groups.

Gender Differences in Tournament Choices: Risk Preferences, Overconfidence, or Competitiveness?

A long line of laboratory experiments has found that women are less likely to sort into competitive environments. Although part of this effect may be explained by gender differences in risk attitudes and self-confidence, previous studies have attributed the majority of the gender gap to gender differences in a competitiveness trait. I re-examine this result using a novel experiment that allows me

Partly decoupled tree-ring width and leaf phenology response to 20th century temperature change in Sweden

The recent warming trend, and associated shifts in growing season length, challenge the principle of uniformitarianism, i.e., that current relations are persistent over time, and complicates the uncritical inferences of past climate from tree-ring data. Here we conduct a comparison between tree-ring width chronologies of Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine), Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Norway spruce) and

Affektmedvetenhet och stress : En sambandsstudie utifrån en integrerad stressmodell med affektsystemet som brygga mellan psyke och soma

A unified model of stress and affect consciousness was proposed. The connection between affect consciousness and perceived stress was studied. Teachers (n = 19) were interviewed using Monsens affect interview, followed one month later by a questionnaire containing Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S, STAI-T) and Twenty Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). Stati

Nyhetsrapporteringen kring 11/9 2001 ? En studie om hur kvällspressen skildrade terroristattackerna mot USA den 11 september 2001

Vår uppsats behandlar det statsvetenskapliga forskningsfältet politisk kommunikation. Vår ambition ligger i att undersöka hur kvällspressen valde att rapportera kring terrorattacken den 11 september 2001 i USA. Den hypotes som vi har är att medieklimatet har blivit allt tuffare och mer underordnad ekonomiska intressen som i sin tur leder till förenklade, tillspetsade och sensationella nyheter. Det

Modeling Scientific Revolutions: Gärdenfors and Levi on the Nature of Paradigm Shifts

Gärdenfors' and Levi's theories of rational belief changes will be compared to Kuhn's theory of scientific progress. Gärdenfors' proposal to analyze scientific revolutions in terms of big changes in epistemic entrenchment will be criticized for not being able to represent the important constituting function of the paradigms. Parts of Levi's theory that are incompatible with Ku

Okända vissheter. Slavoj Zizek om den ideologiska fantasin.

This essay focuses on psychoanalytic theory and its relevance for political studies. It especially draws attention to the conceptual toolkit developed by Jacques Lacan and the way that it serves as the starting point for Slavoj Zizek´s approach to the theory of ideology. One important point of this approach is that the power of an ideology is not primarily related to the ideas or worldview it expr

Myten om Governance En studie av den nyliberala normen och välfärdsstatens förfall

The thesis of this essay is that the concept of governance is a product of the neo-liberal dominant ideology and that the implementation of governance ideas will lead to a weaker nation-state. Using critical theory the essay constructs an ideal type of neo-liberalism and compares its core values with these of the governance concept as treated by the main literature in the area. The essay then focu

What about the law? - A case study of the protective structures concerning young girls sexual and reproductive health and rights in Mbarara, Uganda.

A case study done in Mbarara, Uganda, investigating to what extent the law about defilement is implemented. Included in the study is also a survey presenting the existing protective structures for young girls in Mbarara who have been subjected for defilement. The focus is on sexual and reproductive health and rights for young women in Mbarara and a holistic gender perspective is used in the analys

Hur synliggörs barnperspektivet i kontaktfamiljsprocessen? : en undersökning med fokus på avslutningen

The most common preventive and treatment service for children in child welfare services in Sweden is the contact family program. The number of children who are involved in the program has steadily increased. Usually it is a single mother who apply for or is offered this service. The aim with a contact family is that the parent should get respite and that the child should have its network enlarged

Realism - en intern angelägenhet?

Det verkar vara naturligt för oss människor att i metafysisk mening ha realistiska uppfattningar om världen. Våra vardagliga intuitioner säger oss att ting som exempelvis stolar och bord existerar, och att de gör det oberoende av oss och vad vi tänker, tror och tycker om det. Vi verkar också ha en intuitiv förståelse av sanning som någon form av korrespondens mellan ord och värld. Ett påstående so

Building Democracy in Ukraine - The Role of post-Soviet Identities

This thesis aims to explore the relevance of identities for the support of democracy in Ukraine. It elaborates on the assumption that the identity's construction affects which ideas are embraced and sets out to test whether a civic as opposed to ethnic identity construction would correlate with the embracing and pursuit of the idea of democracy. Material gathered during a Minor Field Study - i

Rödlistade kärlväxter i Göteborgs innerstad : temporal och rumslig analys av rödlistade kärlväxter i Göteborgs artdataarkiv, ADA

Biologisk mångfald i urban miljö har visats sig ha stor betydelse för människans rekreation och fysiska och psykiska hälsa. Samtidigt förbättras stadens hälsa genom de bullerdämpande, luftrenande och klimatförbättrande egenskaper som vegetationen har. Syftet med denna undersökning är att utföra en temporal och rumslig analys med avseende på antal och utbredning av rödlistade kärlväxter i GöteborgsThe importance of green areas in urban environment has over the last decades, become more and more evident. The physical and psychological health of people is improved by having green and diverse surroundings. Positive effects from vegetation for the city itself are for example, improved air quality and climate. The aim of this study was to investigate temporal and geographical changes of red list