

Din sökning på "*" gav 534702 sökträffar

Vad fan är solidaritetsförklaringen?

In the recent decades, Sweden, traditionally a neutral and non-aligned country, has taken a huge leap in its change of defence- and security policy towards the European Union and its fellow Nordic countries. Sweden has even gone to the extant as to say, that Sweden will not remain passive if another member-state of the European Union is subject to an armed attack. This dissertation raises the ques

En antirasism på knä? En kvalitativ textanalys av svensk antirasism

Studien undersöker om den svenska antirasistiska rörelsen upprätthåller rasistiska värderingar och har inspirerats av den brittiska forskaren Ali Rattansi. Den teori som har används är ytterligheternas likheter också känd som hästskomodellen. Teorin menar att politiska motpoler har många likheter och därför är ideologiskt närmare än vad de verkar. Antirasister avgränsas i studien till de som först

Does more Feminism mean less Nationalism?

This research explores the extent of feminism and nationalism in peacetime Serbia and also the correlation between. Theories suggest these two systems of thought to be incompatible with each other, even exclusive. If someone is in fact a supporter of nationalist ideas, it is unlikely for this person to also have feminist sympathies. Insights obtained by reviewing and analyzing existing national da

Växthusvisionen - Vägen till ett öppnare och grönare Sofielund

Issue: The majority of arable land that exists today is already occupied while the population around the world is constantly increasing. New cultivable areas must be explored and developed. Is the construction of greenhouses on existing rooftops in urban environments possible, and how can this benefit a city like Malmö? Purpose: The purpose of this project is to display how a greenhouse may be con

Vad kännetecknar verksamheten på ett Servicekontor?

Den här uppsatsen beskriver hur verksamhet ser ut på ett servicekontor. Beskrivningen utgår främst från personalens tolkningar och upplevelser av arbetet, arbetsuppgifterna och sin yrkesroll. Fokus ligger på de strukturer som finns i yrkesrollen och inte på de individuella egenskaper som finns hos servicehandläggarna. Jag arbetar själv på ett servicekontor sedan 2 år tillbaka och min utgångspunkt

Understanding Innovation Clusters, An Exploratory Study of Israel and Southern

The main purpose of this explorative master thesis is to describe, explain and understand the main success factors that lie behind the regional innovation system in Silicon Wadi in Israel. This is done in order to suggest some tentative ideas on how to further develop the emerging ICT cluster in Malmö/Lund. Four sub purposes have been applied in order to achieve the main purpose: To understand why

Acoustic Focusing in Microdroplets

This thesis examines the possibility to combine droplet generation techniques together with acoustic particle manipulation in microfluidics to achieve focusing of particles inside micro droplets. In the thesis I introduce the reader to the general concepts of microfluidics, droplet dynamics, acoustics and microfabrication which are the basis for my experiments. The practical work focuses on the im

A theoretical model of physician's behavior with informal payments and ethical concern; the case of Greece

The purpose of this essay is to analyze the phenomenon of informal payments in Greece and introduce a theoretical model for the physicians’ behavior while including ethical concern in the physicians’ utility maximization problem. The inspiration model of this essay comes from the empirical paper of Thompson and Xavier (2002), which introduces informal payments in physicians’ behavior. According to

My wing is better than your wing – on the importance of wing morphology for migration

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Ska du flyga långt med de där vingarna? Vissa fåglar flyger långt, andra inte. Silvertärnorna flaxar med vingarna från Arktis till Antarktis medan pingvinerna använder vingarna för att simma och inte flyger alls. Eftersom att olika fåglar använder sina vingar på så olika sätt så har nämnda vingar anpassats efter vingbärarnas behov. Vissa studier har visat sambaAbstract Bird wings are adapted to the needs of the birds and bird wings therefore differ between species, but also between ages and sexes. In this thesis, an interspecific analysis investigating relations between measurements of wing shape for birds within the Sylviidae-family, revealed strong connections between morphologically unrelated measurements. Long distances (compared to the wing length

Hydrogeologisk undersökning av grundvattenmagasinet Åsumsfältet, Sjöbo

För att skydda Sveriges grundvattentillgångar har Sveriges riksdag beslutat om miljökvalitetsmålet ”grundvatten av god kvalitet”. Ansvarig myndighet för att uppnå målet är Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU). Som ett steg i att uppnå målet utför SGU en kartering av landets grundvattentillgångar. Det innebär att definiera grundvattenmagasinens geometri och utbredning, tillrinningsområde, flödesrTo protect groundwater resources of Sweden, the Swedish parliament decided on the environmental objective "groundwater of high quality". The authority responsible for achieving the goal is the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU). As a step in achieving the goal SGU perform a mapping of the country's groundwater resources. This means defining the groundwater reservoir's geometry and

A Royally Good Idea? A Study of the Relationship Between Swedish State Visits and Aggregate Swedish Merchandise Exports.

Most countries engage in a wide variety of export promotion activities that provide domestic firms with significant support in the hopes of increasing trade volumes. The aim of this thesis is to examine one type of official Swedish export promotion, namely state visits. I investigate the potential effect of state visits, performed by Sweden’s head of state King Carl XVI Gustaf, on Swedish aggregat

Faktorer som kan påverka sjuksköterskans följsamhet till god handhygien En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Vårdrelaterade infektioner som uppkommer till följd av bristande handhygien hos vårdpersonal är ett stort omvårdnadsproblem. Syfte: Denna studie ämnade identifiera faktorer som kan påverka sjuksköterskans följsamhet till god handhygien. Metod: Litteraturstudie baserades på artiklar från de senaste fem åren och inhämtades från databaserna PubMed/Medline och CINAHL. De valda artiklarna bea

Identifying potentially unhealthy housing conditions in Rosengård – a cross-sectional study in immigrant households with small children in Sweden

The social determinants of health form a complex and dynamic web, shaping both population and individual health and disease. The built environment and especially human dwellings influence health in many ways. Associations between factors such as dampness, mould growth, heating/insulation, and crowding on the one hand and respiratory health and infectious diseases on the other hand have been studie

Oskyldighetspresumtionen och den talande tystnaden

Principerna om oskyldighetspresumtion och fri bevisprövning existerar med det gemensamma målet att nå så pass materiellt korrekta domar som möjligt. Dessa två rättssäkerhetsprinciper hamnar på ytan i konflikt med varandra när den tilltalade använder sig av sin rätt att tiga för att undvika att belasta sig själv; tystnaden får inte tolkas negativt för den tilltalade, men domstolen är å andra sidan The principles of presumption of innocence and free evaluation of evidence share a common raison d’être in their strife to produce as materially proper judgements as possible. However, these two principles of rule of law seemingly appear to conflict when a suspect exercises his right to remain silent in order to avoid self-incrimination; a suspect’s silence may not be interpreted negatively as evi

Det osynliga våldet - Kriminellas erfarenheter av symboliskt våld och stigma

Denna studie fokuserar på hur symboliskt våld utövas mot och upplevs av personer med ett kriminellt förflutet. Syftet var att undersöka under vilka former symboliskt våld verkar och effekterna det har på dem som utsätts. Studien baseras på teoretiska verk av Bourdieu, Goffman, Heidegren och Žižek. För att samla in data använde vi oss av kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer med sju individer som s

Electro-Optical Characterization of Individual upright-standing Nanowires using Atomic Force Microscopy

This diploma thesis describes the experimental sessions carried out step by step towards the final aim of implementing the electrical characterization and luminescence detection on individual upright-standing nanowires in LED or solar cell nanowire arrays using a conductive Atomic Force Microscope (C-AFM) instrument. The whole lab work covers various characterization procedures of single nanowires

Gender Subtypes: -Is there a difference within gender subtypes regarding competence & warmth?

The aim of this study was to find female and male subtypes in Sweden and measure peoples’ perceptions of their competence and warmth. This was done through a qualitative survey that collected the subtypes, and a quantitative survey which measured opinions on the different subtypes. The results showed there was a significant difference in competence and warmth within female subtypes as well as male

Contribution of the European Union in Combating Terrorism in Peru from 1993 to 2013

This thesis investigates how the EU has contributed in combating terrorism in Peru. The thesis focuses on the terrorist group Sendero Luminoso during the years 1993-2013. It also investigates why terrorism in Peru should be of concern for the EU and if Sendero Luminoso should be considered a threat today. The theories used are securitization theories developed by Barry Buzan and Ole Weaver, as wel