Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar
Knee abduction during drop jump does not predict future anterior cruciate ligament injury in females : A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies
Mechanisms of secondary brain damage in global and focal ischemia : a speculative synthesis
The objective of this article is to amalgamate previous results into a speculative synthesis that sheds light on the causes of secondary brain damage following either global/forebrain or focal ischemia. The hypothesis is based on the well-founded assumption that the pathophysiology of the brain damage incurred by global or forebrain ischemia is different from that of focal ischemia. In the former,
Skogsmarkens humuslager byggs upp underifrån
Nya forskningsresultat vänder upp och ner på uppfattningen om hur kol inlagras i skogsmark. Det så kallade humuslagret i skogsmarken verkar byggas upp underifrån istället för ovanifrån. Det kan vara avgörande för att bättre kunna beskriva kolets kretslopp i ekosystemmodeller och i förlängningen göra bättre prediktioner i globala klimatmodeller.
Turkey’s signature of the Kyoto protocol
In May 2004 Turkey became a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In February 2009, in a time when the Protocol’s first commitment period comes to an end, Turkey also became a party to the Kyoto Protocol. The aim of this article is twofold: first, to identify the diverse factors that lie behind Turkey’s late ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, and second, to discuss i
High Sugar-Fat Diet Induces Metabolic-Inflammatory Disorders Independent of Obesity Development
Kalprotektin och zonulin - vilken plats har de i kliniken?
Association between visual rating of Postural Orientation Errors (POEs) and hop performance in people with an ACL injury
Is Iran to blame for suspected attacks on Gulf tankers?
Skrikiga och oroliga spädbarn
Mestadels mina kompositioner i Brasiliansk stil inspelat i Rio de Janeiro och Malmö 2016 tillsammans med Carlos Cesar, percussion och Luis Barcelos, Bandolim.
Differential Tuning to Visual Motion Allows Robust Encoding of Optic Flow in the Dragonfly
Visual cues provide an important means for aerial creatures to ascertain their self-motion through the environment. In many insects, including flies, moths, and bees, wide-field motion-sensitive neurons in the third optic ganglion are thought to underlie such motion encoding; however, these neurons can only respond robustly over limited speed ranges. The task is more complicated for some species o
Trait-based functional dietary analysis provides a better insight into the foraging ecology of bats
The degree of trophic specialization determines the ability of predators to cope with changing foraging conditions, but in predators that prey on hundreds of species it is challenging to assess, especially when prey identity varies among predator individuals and across space and time. Here, we test the hypothesis that a bat species foraging on flying insects like moths will show ample flexibility
To shake or not to shake : Silicone tube approach for incubation studies on CH 4 oxidation in submerged soils
Incubation experiments are the most common approach to measure methane (CH 4 ) oxidation potential in soils from various ecosystems and land-use practices. However, the commonly used headspace CH 4 injection into microcosms and the shaking of the soil slurry during incubation fully removes CH 4 (soil-born) and O 2 (air-born) gradients common in situ, and may also induce various errors and disturb
Girth Properties of Time-Varying SC-LDPC Convolutional Codes
Time-varying spatially-coupled low-density parity-check convolutional codes (SC-LDPC-CCs) exhibit excellent features, but their representation requires a very large number of parameters. On the other hand, the description of time-invariant SC-LDPC-CCs is very convenient and their error rate performance, though usually worse, is often satisfactory. In this paper we investigate the girth properties
Molecular biology : A linkage between microbial ecology, general ecology and organismal biology
The field of microbial ecology has been developing rapidly, largely owing to the introduction of new molecular methods for identifying individuals, species and populations of microorganisms in nature. In contrast to traditional methods, the new ones do not require the isolation and culture of organisms from the environment. With many of the new methods, genotypes and species of microorganisms can
Purification and characterization of a surface lectin from the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora
Several studies have indicated that the capture of nematodes by the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora is mediated by a lectin on the fungal surface. One of the major surface proteins of this fungus showed haemagglutinating activity and was isolated by affinity chromatography using a mucin Sepharose column. Biochemical analysis showed that the protein was a dimeric glycoprotein with a mo
EU-domstolen läxar upp Polen
Utan rätt till den egna kroppen
I kolonin Danska Västindien utnjyttades förslavade kvinnor inte bara som arbetskraft, de uttnyttjades också sexuellt. Möjligheterna till motstånd var så gott som obefinntliga. Ändå kämpade slavkvinnor för rätten till att bestämma över egen kropp.