

Din sökning på "*" gav 529380 sökträffar

Tidig kommunikation av beställarens krav och brukarens behov i byggprojekt

Abstract Title: Early communication of the client's requirements and the end-user's needs in construction projects. Authors: Emmy Göransson & Lisa Åhlin, Lunds Technical University, Campus Helsingborg Supervisors: Henrik Garney & Mathilda Persson, SWECO Management in Malmö. Radhlinah Aulin, Division of Construction Management, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University. Examiner: Stef

Prissättning av företrädesemissioner - Vilka variabler påverkar rabatten på emissionspriset?

Syftet av denna studie är analysera ett antal tänkbara faktorer och huruvida dessa har en inverkan på den rabatt som sätts vid en nyemission i Sverige. Vidare avser studien även att besvara hur stor rabatten i genomsnitt är. Resultaten visar att faktorerna börsvärde, erbjudandets relativa storlek, rådgivarens ranking, Price to Book samt andelen av erbjudandet som är garanterat eller på annat sätt

Evaluating and Improving a Spare Parts Warehouse in the Mining Industry - A Case Study at Sandvik AB

Title: Evaluating and improving a spare parts warehouse in the mining industry – a case study at Sandvik AB. Authors: Filip Linse, Jacob Sandefeldt Supervisor: Joakim Kembro, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University Problem description: The importance of having efficient warehouse operations is increasing as customer demand changes quickly in comb

Building Data Classification and Association

Almost half of the energy consumption in the EU originates from heating and cooling of buildings. The European Commission states that smart control of building systems may reduce the energy consumption. Cloud based smart control or even advanced fault-detection systems are becoming more common and should work for any building in the world. These systems need to receive data from the physical build

Managing the Semi-Fictive Brand Persona - In Theory and Practice

Title: Managing the Semi-Fictive Brand Persona – In Theory and Practice Submission date: 28th of May 2018 Course: BUSN39 Degree Project in Global Marketing Authors: Emma Jungerth & Sam Lidström Supervisor: Mats Urde, mats.urde@fek.lu.se Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the phenomenon of Semi-Fictive Brand Personas and to further broaden the understanding through a communic

En hedervärd lagstiftning? Om hur 2 § LVU tillämpas i mål med hederskultur som kontext

Honour related violence has been up for political discussion in the last two decades in Sweden, a discourse primarily concerned with girls. In the absence of a legislation concerning honour related violence, children in need of protection can receive it through the Care of Young Persons Act (CYPA). The purpose of this thesis is to study how the second paragraph in the CYPA is applied by Administra

Women’s Movement in Contemporary Georgia and The Role of Facebook in Developments of the Movement

There is a theoretical debate among social movement scholars around an increasing concern with the role of technology in terms of key social movement activities, including mobilization, running and engaging in campaigns and making claims on authorities. This research deals with this debate and contributes to it with this case study on the Georgian women’s movement. The research examines women’s m

Framtagning av IoT-prototyp med LoRa och GPS

This thesis work has has been done at Sensative in Lund and the goal has been to build a prototype of a product which the company then may build further upon. The product aims to combine IoT with social responsibility by preventing drowning accidents with the data that is generated and sent via the product. Based of an initial description of the product provided by Sensative, the work then was div

One Money, One Market? - An Empirical Study on the Effect of the Euro on Business Cycle Synchronization

The theory of optimal currency areas (OCA) states that different regions need to comply to certain criteria in order to benefit from a monetary union (Mundell(1961); McKinnon(1963) and Kenen(1969)). One of the most important OCA properties is similarity between business cycles (Masson and Taylor, 1993, p. 274). In the debate preceding EMU critiques argued that the European countries were subject t

An evaluation of the Bacillus content in beer

The aim of this project was to investigate how Bacillus can survive in the finished beer. This was evaluated by producing batches of beer with starter cultures that were deemed to be interesting in terms of their Bacillus content. This beer, together with beer from microbreweries and store-bought beer were plated onto Bacillus Chromoselect agar, a selective agar for Bacillus. Samples were then tak

Gymnasielärarens betygsättning i musik. En studie om hur musiklärare arbetar med och påverkas av betyg

Som blivande gymnasielärare i ämnet musik har intresset för betyg, dess påverkan och betydelse för yrket, skapat denna uppsats. Därför är syftet med studien att undersöka hur betyg på gymnasiet påverkar musiklärarens undervisning. Hur arbetar musikläraren med bedömning för betygsättning i undervisningen? Hur påverkas musiklärarens undervisning av betygssättning? Studien utgår från en kvalitativ iAs a future high school teacher in the subject of music, interest in grades, its impact and importance for the profession, created this essay. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to investigate how the grades of high school affects the teaching of music teachers. How does the music teacher work with assessments in the classroom? How is music teacher's teaching affected by assessments? The s

Substantive and formal requirements in the VAT case law of the CJEU

The VAT system has been operating since 1967 across the European Union and is currently still in need to be adopted as definitive. Some issues should be confronted in 2018 before the implementation towards a fairer and simpler system. The proposal from the Commission set up in 2016 details the changes taken into account. As a cornerstone of the mentioned VAT system, this thesis will analyse the

The first supernovae and the mass distribution of Population III stars

Populärvetenskaplig beskrivning: Att veta hur olika saker i världen kom till hjälper en att släcka den törstiga sömn-förstörande nyfikenheten. Många har ställt sig frågan: hur skapades universum? Någorlunda hela svar har lagts fram (som till exempel teorin om Big Bang), men det finns mer att upptäcka. På en relativt mindre skala kan man fråga sig hur skapades Vintergatan? Ännu en fråga delvis svaradThe properties of the early Milky Way are quite mysterious and some are completely unknown even today. This study is the first one ever to analyze the mass distribution of Population III bulge stars. Using the fitting code STARFIT, we perform an analysis of 65 bulge metal-poor stars obtained by the EMBLA survey to estimate the IMF (initial mass function) of the very first stars that defined our ga

Atmospheric soot particle transformation from urban to rural

The main objective of this work was to investigate if there is a contribution of aerosol from the urban region of Copenhagen at the rural station Vavihill. This was done by analyzing measurement data between 1st of January and the 28th of February 2013 measured with a Dierential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS), Soot Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (SP-AMS), a Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter (C

Search for High-Mass Dijet Resonances Decaying into Top Quark Pairs using Machine Learning Techniques in the ATLAS Experiment

This thesis presents an application of machine learning techniques in a search for a high-mass resonance particle decaying into top quark pairs in high energy dijet events using the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Top tagging is applied to the dijet events to select the events with top signature and suppress the background, increasing the sensitivity of the search. All the data used

Glacial history of the upper Drac Blanc catchment (French Alps)

Glacier advances in the Écrins massif (French Alps) during the Late Glacial and the Early Holocene are poorly constrained. Based on field observations, a high-resolution digital elevation model and an orthophoto, glacial landforms in the upper Drac Blanc catchment were mapped. Thanks to 42 new 10Be exposure ages, the timing of the stabilisation of selected moraines was constrained. The application

Adopting a whistleblowing system: A study on the use and design in Swedish municipalities

The purpose of the study was to investigate how and why the municipalities in Sweden are using whistleblowing systems. The theoretical framework was based on the institutional context of Swedish municipalities, previous research on whistleblowing and the different factors that affect the adoption of a whistleblowing system. A quantitative study was conducted through a questionnaire which was sent

Organic matter reduces acute toxicity for Daphnia magna exposed to polystyrene nanoparticles

Organiskt material reducerar den akuta toxiciteten för djurplankton exponerade för nanoplastpartiklar. Produktionen och användningen av plast har ökad de senaste åren vilket gör att mer och mer plast kommer hamn i våra naturliga vattensystem. Väl ute i naturen kommer plasten brytas ner till mindre bitar och bilda så kallade nanoplastpartiklar. Oron för negativa ekologiska effekter av dessa små plThe global production and use of plastic is increasing and a substantial part will end up in aquatic environments where it will degrade into micro- and nanoplastic particles (NPPs). NPPs will interact with naturally occurring biomolecules present in aquatic environments which in turn will affect the properties of the particles. The purpose of this study was thus to investigate how organic matter a

Södervärn - från trafikapparat till stadsrum

Södervärns bussterminal ligger mellan stadsdelen Möllevången och Södervärn i södra Malmö, och utgör tillsammans med Spårvägsgatan en tydlig gräns mellan dessa två stadsdelar. Platsen ligger väl till i staden och har fördelen av att vara en knutpunkt för kollektivtrafik och en viktig plats för människor som transporterar sig både till och från sjukhusområdet samt mellan Möllevången och Södervärn, s