Din sökning på "*" gav 530343 sökträffar
Sources of customer satisfaction with shopping malls: a comparative study of different customer segments
In spite of the growing importance of planned,centrally managed and enclosed shopping centres in the retailing sector,the understanding concerning sources and outcomes of customer satisfaction with this kind of shopping malls is limited.This paper develops and vali- dates a conceptualisation of shopping mall satisfaction based on ?eld studies in Sweden.The results show that eight underlying factor
Att lägga ut diskursen i landskapet
An introductory chapter in a book about centrality in the Late Iron Age and the Early Middle Ages. The chapter focusses on concept formation regarding centrality, hierarchy and heterarchy, the landscape, complexity, aristocratization and urbanization.
Studies on myeloid differentiation: cytokine influence and identification of a novel marker gene
Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING PÅ SVENSKA I blodet finns en mängd olika celltyper som alla har sin specifika funktion. De röda blodkropparna (erytrocyterna), transporterar livsnödvändigt syre till kroppens alla vävnader. De vita blodkropparna (leukocyterna), vilka inkluderar lymfocyter, monocyter och granulocyter, deltar i kroppens immunförsvar och skyddar kroppen Hematopoiesis is a highly complex process by which a range of specialized blood cells are generated from a small pool of multipotent stem cells in the bone marrow. The survival, proliferation, and differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells are tightly regulated by both soluble and membrane-bound cytokines produced within the bone marrow microenvironment. Kit Ligand (KL) and Flt3 Ligand (FL) are t
Simple Tests for Cointegration in Dependent Panels with Structural Breaks
Radial head and neck fractures
Popular Abstract in Swedish Strålbensfrakturer i armbågsleden I denna avhandling har jag försökt kartlägga hur det går för individer som drabbats av ett benbrott i anslutning till armbågen. I underarmen finns två ben, strålbenet och armbågsbenet. Strålbenets övre del ledar dels mot överarmsbenet men också mot armbågsbenet. När en person ramlar med utsträckt arm finns det risk att det uppstår ett All elbow fractures between 1969 – 1979 (n=2965) registered at the radiographic archives at the Malmö University Hospital, where all radiographs are saved since a century, were evaluated. Fractures of the radial head and neck were classified according to the by Broberg and Morrey modified Mason classification. A Mason type I fracture is a less than 2 mm displaced fracture of the radial head or nec
No title
Redefining the Past, Taking Charge of the Present, Appropriating the Future; the Hokkaido Ainu Case
Abstract not available
Det sociala arbetets moraliska bas
Central Bank Power is a Matter of Faith
Omvändelser : nedslag i svenska romaner under hundra år
Abstract not available
Determinants of poverty in Lao DPR
Lao PDR has been relatively successful in raising incomes and reducing poverty since the early 1990s. However, the gains in terms of poverty reduction are unevenly distributed across regions and population groups. This paper uses a detailed household survey data set to examine the determinants of income and poverty in Lao PDR. The results suggest that household size, dependency ratios, education,
Handbok i sydöstskånsk byggnadsteknik
Cleaning of ultra-high temperature milk fouling -Structural and compositionl changes
Popular Abstract in Swedish Mjölk värmebehandlas för att döda eventuella bakterier och för att förlänga hållbarheten på produkten. Samtidigt som eventuella bakterier förstörs av värmen så sker även andra reaktioner i mjölken. Proteiner förlorar sin naturliga struktur och börjar sätta ihop sig i olika aggregat och formationer som sedan kan fastna på den värmande ytan. Tillsammans med proteinerna faFouling is the deposit of proteins and minerals formed on equipment surfaces during the heat treatment of dairy products. The concentrations of the components and the structure of the fouling reflect the processing conditions used. The use of a higher processing temperature, e.g., ultra-high temperature (UHT) treatment, promotes a mineral-rich fouling. The fouling layer decreases the transfer of h
En otidsenlig kropp
Rabbinic Commentaries
Software Configuration Management in Agile Development
Software Configuration Management (SCM) is an essential part of any software project and its importance is even greater on Agile projects because of the frequency of changes. In this chapter, we argue that SCM needs to be done differently and also cover more aspects on Agile projects. We also explain how SCM processes and tools contribute both directly and indirectly to quality assurance. We give