Din sökning på "*" gav 529438 sökträffar
Bayesian Detection and Tracking for Joint Positioning and Multipath Mitigation in GNSS
A sequential Bayesian estimation algorithm for joint positioning and multipath mitigation in global navigation satellite systems is presented, with an underlying process model that is especially designed for dynamic user scenarios and dynamic channel conditions. In order to facilitate efficient integration into receivers it builds upon complexity reduction concepts that previously have been applie
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The Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010
Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece: Crossing Borders. Proceedings of the 7th-9th International Workshops, Athens, 1997-9
Proceedings of three international workshops held in Athens on trade and production in premonetary greece
Does R & D for new technologies really pay off? - Is High Tech the only Way
Protein adducts of hexahydrophthalic anhydride- chemical structures and biomarkers
Popular Abstract in Swedish Organiska syraanhydrider (OSA) är reaktiva kemikalier med låg molekylvikt som används industriellt vid produktion av olika plaster, främst så kallade polyestrar och epoxiplaster. Där används de bland annat för att tvärbinda polymerer, det vill säga molekyler bestående av långa kedjor där små enheter av samma struktur upprepas. Det har visat sig att personer som exponeraOrganic acid anhydrides (OAAs) are low molecular weight chemicals used in the industry for manufacturing of plastics such as epoxy resins. Exposure to these chemicals may lead to symptoms from the eyes and the respiratory tract in form of conjunctivitis, rhinitis and asthma. In many workers production of specific IgE antibodies are induced suggesting that a type-1 allergy mediated mechanism is inv
Livet, monadens roterande rörelse: om Cassirers fenomenologi
Epilogue: rest in peace or a relevant piece for the rest: Industrialisation models and the new regional division of labour in Asia-Pacific
Local Problems for Homogenization of Periodic Thin Films
Reconstruction of Focus Movements in Spoken Discourse.
In this paper, we concentrate on the reconstruction of the participants' internal images during spoken discourse. Our question is: What happens if the speaker draws to illustrate something in the discourse? The focus movements should then leave traces in the drawing, that could tell us how the focus of attention moves over the undrawn internal image of speaker and listener.The first part of this p
Value Creation in PSS Design Through Product and Packaging Innovation Processes
Over the years consumer packaging has become increasingly important as a value-adding element, since packages shape the consumer’s experience with the product during use, as well as accelerate the purchase decision. From a prod-uct/service system perspective, the strategic benefits of viewing packaging as a central value carrier are evident. To consumers, the product and its packaging are often pe
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Mit einer Thermopuppe wurde die Erwärmung durch langwellige Wärmestrahlung beim Tragen von Schutzkleidung erfasst, wobei Material und Anzahl der Schichten der Unterbekleidung variiert wurden. Die Unterbekleidung minderte die durch Strahlungs-Absorption hervorgerufene Erwärmung. Die dabei beobachtete hohe negative Korrelation mit der thermischen Isolation zeigt Möglichkeiten zur Berücksichtigung vo