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Kunskap i skolan : ämnesspecifika förmågor
Bone mass in young adults - determinants and fracture prediction.
Bone mass in adolescents and young adults was studied with regard to its age-related change and its determinants. Methodological aspects of bone mass measurements and their ability to predict future fractures were investigated. Bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) were assessed by the Single Photon Absorptiometry (SPA) and Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) techniques. We
An Overview of NQR Signal Detection Algorithms
Nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) is a solid-state radio frequency spectroscopic technique that can be used to detect the presence of quadrupolar nuclei, that are prevalent in many narcotics, drugs, and explosive materials. Similar to other modern spectroscopic techniques, such as nuclear magnetic resonance, and Raman spectroscopy, NQR also relies heavily on statistical signal processing systems
Small-Scale Reforming for On-Site Hydrogen Supply
This chapter describes small-scale reforming for on-site production of hydrogen. By small scale is meant a production rate higher than 50Nm3h-1. First, an overview of the reformer technology and feedstock options is given and hydrogen purity issues are discussed. Second, examples of suppliers and cost trends are presented. Finally, research related to progress in materials, development of more rob
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Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy : Three Methods Describing a Transactional Analysis Group Therapy
Transaktionsanalytisk psykoterapi - Tre metoder som beskriver en transaktionsanalytisk gruppterapi Avhandlingen är baserad på en ett årig Transaktionsanalytisk gruppterapi. Transaktionsana-lysen (TA) är en integrerad, relationell psykodynamisk terapi med rötter i den humanistiska psykologin. Den beskrivs i den internationella TA föreningen, ITAA:s utbildningsmanual (ITAA hemsida, 2011) som "en peTransactional Analysis Psychotherapy - Three Methods Describing a Transactional Analysis Group Therapy The overall aim of the present thesis was to enhance and revive the practical understanding of the active ingredients in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy (TA) and to define and lay down elements of TA, which makes it a distinct and replicable method of treatment. The thesis includes three em
A World of Tropes?
Abstract in UndeterminedWhy should one hold that the world is a world of tropes? Or, more generally: How do we justify our ontological conclusions? It seems clear that the only evidence at our disposal must belong to appearances. For a realist, however, it is unreasonable to think that our conceptualisation of reality will reveal to us reality as it is independently of how it seems. You simply can
Privatiseringens gränser. Perspektiv på välfärdspolitiken
Geofysiska metoder för lokalisering av konstruktioner i mark
Resultaten tyder på att geoelektriska undersökningar kan användas för att lokalisera rester av murar och bastioner i den aktuella miljön. Resistivitetsresultaten är därvid mest användbara, medan IP-resultaten ger kompletterande information i område 2. Resultaten från område 1 är komplexa, troligen p.g.a. rester av yngre byggander och verksamheter i området, men en möjlig tolkning är att de högresi
Working Across Boundaries. Organizational Recovery in Human Services
Island Operation of the Induction Generator - Fault Currents and Protection
During the last years, costs for power interruptions to customers have increased and from 2011 a new legislation will not allow power interruptions longer than 24 hours. Electric power utilities are facing important costs to decrease the likelihood of power interruption in the future. Island operation of distribution systems is not commonly employed in Sweden, also for safety reasons. The penetrat
Offentlighetens nya rum. Teknik och Politik i Sverige 1969-1999
This study in contemporary history describes the transformation of the public sphere in Sweden during the period 1969-1999, and analyses the role of information technology and politics in the process. The overall aim of the study is to explain how, and why, the public sphere in Jürgen Habermas sense has deteriorated during a period of rapid technological and political change, when increasing atten
Hållbara värden. Åtta essäer om tingens ordning och idéers bärkraft
Translating Management Accounting Terms - The Case of ’Performance’
Ecosystems in the Anthropocene: the role of cropland management for carbon and nitrogen cycle processes
Popular Abstract in Swedish Människan har märkbart ändrat Jordens ekosystem och dess funktioner. Genom avskogning och konvertering av naturliga ekosystem till åkrar och betesmarker så har människor skapat helt nya typer av ekosystem. Cirka en tredjedel av den koldioxid (CO2) som människor har släppt ut i atmosfären, kommer från dessa aktiviteter, resten beror till största delen på utsläpp från förThrough deforestation and conversion of natural ecosystems to croplands and pastures, have humans released vast amounts of carbon (C) dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. Roughly one third of the cumulative anthropogenic emissions until today stem from these practices, the remainder being mostly due to fossil fuel combustion. The extra CO2 has caused an increase in global air temperature, and both t
Using spatial frequency adaptation to study word recognition
The study of spatial frequency is being used increasingly often to investigate processes underlying visual word recognition. However, research in this area has adopted techniques that require the physical deformation of word targets used in experiments (e.g., filtered images of words, words embedded in visual noise), and this approach may limit the inferences that can be made about the role of spa
No title
A critical edition of the office and mass for St. Elin (Helena) of Skövde by Brynolf Algotsson, Bishop of Skara 1278-1317.
Drivers’ speed behaviour at a Zebra Crossing: a case study
The purpose of the study was to (1) observe the frequency of giving way to pedestrians at the zebra crossing, (2) reveal speed adaptation problems, (3) examine if the time difference between the arrival of the pedestrian and the car have any influence on the speed of the approaching car, (4) identify so-called “ideal” situations (in which the car brakes on the driver’s own initiative in order to g