

Din sökning på "*" gav 535473 sökträffar

Physical background of the development of oxygen depletion in ice-covered lakes

The effect of the heat interaction between a water column and sediments on the formation, development, and duration of existence of anaerobic zones in ice-covered lakes is estimated based on observational data from five frozen lakes located in northwestern Russia and North America. A simple one-dimensional model that describes the formation and development of the dissolved oxygen deficit in shallo

Embedded V2 in Norwegian and Swedish

Embedded declarative V2 clauses can appear in a number of different contexts in Norwegian and Swedish. What all these clauses have in common is that they have illocutionary force—they are asserted. I argue that a syntactic Force head is responsible for the illocutionary force as well as for the V2 order. Thus, the syntax and the semantics of embedded V2 clauses are closely tied together. The analy

Effekter av åtgärder i uteluftsventilerade krypgrunder med fukt- och mögelskador : en undersökning med utgångspunkt i Småhusskadenämndens arkiv

Denna rapport undersöker hur Småhusskadenämndens rutiner för bidrag till husägare med fukt- och mögelskadade uteluftsventilerade krypgrunder fungerar i praktiken, samt ger förslag till förbättringar för att säkerställa kvaliteten i utredningar och åtgärder. En numerisk modell för beräkning av fukt- och temperaturförhållanden i krypgrunder har utvecklats. Modellen har använts för att kunna studera

Increased expression of membrane type 3-matrix metalloproteinase in human atherosclerotic plaque: role of activated macrophages and inflammatory cytokines

BACKGROUND: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are thought to play a prominent role in atherogenesis and destabilization of plaque. Pericellularly localized membrane-type (MT)-MMPs activate secreted MMPs. We investigated the hypothesis that MT3-MMP is expressed in human atherosclerotic plaques and is regulated by locally produced inflammatory cytokines and oxidized low-density lipoprotein (Ox-LDL).

Genetic characterization to dissect the phenotypic complexity of autoimmunity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Rheumatoid Artrit (RA) och Multipel Skleros (MS) är autoimmuna sjukdomar som drabbar ca 1 % respective 0.2 % av den nordeuropeiska befolkningen där kvinnor drabbas oftare än män. Dessa sjukdomar orsakas av att immunförsvaret attackerar kroppsegen vävnad. En fortgående inflammation förstör vävnaden och leder till nedsatt funktion. I RA angrips framför allt leder kan bli Autoimmune diseases are dependent on multiple genes and unknown environmental factors. Great efforts in the identification of genes conferring susceptibility to autoimmune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) have recently been rewarding. A few genes have so far been associated to several autoimmune disorders and the understanding of the role of these genes in the pa

Toll-like Receptors in Allergic Rhinitis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Allergisk rinit är en immunförmedlad sjukdom som huvudsakligen drabbar nässlemhinnan. Vid kontakt med allergen, t.ex. pollen, uppkommer typiska symptom såsom klåda, nysningar, rinnsnuva och nästäppa. Immunförsvaret brukar traditionellt indelas i två samverkande delar, den medfödda och den förvärvade delen. Den medfödda delen aktiveras snabbt vid en första kontakt med miAllergic rhinitis is an inflammatory disorder with the characteristic symptoms itching, sneezing, secretion and blockage upon allergen contact. In addition to the local inflammation in the nose, there is a systemic component that influences peripheral blood, bone marrow and lungs. The immune system is conventionally divided into innate and acquired (adaptive) immunity. The former is important in

General formalism for inhomogeneous random graphs

We present and investigate an extension of the classical random graph to a general class of inhomogeneous random graph models, where vertices come in different types, and the probability of realizing an edge depends on the types of its terminal vertices. This approach provides a general framework for the analysis of a large class of models. The generic phase structure is derived using generating f

Neuropsychological functions predict 1-and 3-year outcome in first-episode psychosis

Objective: To examine neuropsychological performance as a possible predictor of course and outcome in first-episode psychotic (FEP) patients. Method: A group of consecutive FEP patients (n = 120) tested with Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales-Revised (WAIS-R) at baseline was compared with a healthy group (n = 30) matched for age, education and gender. Relationship between WAIS-R and both Brief Psy

Minimum weight pseudo-triangulations

We consider the problem of computing a minimum weight pseudo-triangulation of a set S of n points in the plane. We first present an O(n log n)-time algorithm that produces a pseudo-triangulation of weight O(log n - wt(M(S))) which is shown to be asymptotically worst-case optimal, i.e., there exists a point set S for which every pseudo-triangulation has weight 0 (log n - wt(M(S))), where wt(.M(S))

Microarray image analysis: background estimation using quantile and morphological filters

Background: In a microarray experiment the difference in expression between genes on the same slide is up to 103 fold or more. At low expression, even a small error in the estimate will have great influence on the final test and reference ratios. In addition to the true spot intensity the scanned signal consists of different kinds of noise referred to as background. In order to assess the true spo

Transition Probabilities Between High-spin States in 88Mo and 90Mo

The reactions (Ni(Ar, alpha2p)Mo)-Ni-58-Ar-36-Mo-88 and (Ni(Ar, 4p)Mo)-Ni-58-Ar-36-Mo-90 at 149 and 140 MeV beam energies have been used to carry out Doppler shift attenuation and recoil distance lifetime measurements and to determine DCO ratios in Mo-88 and Mo-90. A singles angular distribution experiment using the reaction (Ni(Cl, 3p)Mo)-Ni-59-Cl-35-Mo-90 has been performed at 120 MeV beam energ

Desulfurization of Low Sulfur Coal by it Acidianus brierleyi: Effects of Microbial Treatment on the Properties of Coal

The effect of microbial desulfurization of two different low-sulfur coals by the thermophilic archaebacteria Acidianus brierleyi was studied with respect to the following properties of the coal: porosity, surface area, pore diameter, particle size, heating value, proximate and ultimate analyses as well as ash composition. About 35-40 percent of the sulfur was oxidized microbially. The microbial tr

Attosecond Optical and Electronic Wave Packets

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vill man ta en bild av något som rör sig mycket snabbt, krävs det att man använder en kort exponeringstid. Om kamerans slutare är öppen under för lång tid, hinner det man vill fotografera röra sig under tiden filmen exponeras, med resultatet att bilden blir suddig. Kemiska reaktioner där atomer och molekyler är inblandade är exempel på något som sker på väldigt kort tidWhen a low-frequency laser pulse is focused to a high intensity in a gas, the electric field of the laser may become comparable to, or even exceed, the electric field between the electrons and the nucleus in the atom. Under such conditions, through a process known as high-order harmonic generation, bursts of extreme ultraviolet radiation may be emitted, with durations in the attosecond domain (1 a