

Din sökning på "*" gav 529722 sökträffar

Organizational Learning from previous Investment Decisions

The purpose of this thesis is to provide a deeper understanding of how organizations learn from previous investment decisions and to develop a framework that suggests an illustrative overview of how the experience from a previous investment decision process is turned into organizational learning. The study used a qualitative approach consisting of a multiple case study. In addition to the literatu

Consumer Engagement on Instagram: Viewed through the perspectives of social influence and influencer marketing

Purpose: The purpose consists of gaining an understanding of how young consumers engage on Instagram. This was done by applying the perspectives of social influence and influencer marketing. Methodology: This study utilized a qualitative method from a social constructionist standpoint. The study has adopted an abductive approach. Ten semi-structured interviews with female participants have been

Development of 3D Spectrometry using Compressive Sensing

3D-spektroskopi - Att blanda färg och sortera pussel Att blanda färg är något alla gjort i något läge av livet. Det bygger på att ögat har svårt att skilja på olika färger. Det har forskare löst genom att använda en spektrometer, som dock sätter andra begränsningar. I det här projektet visar vi att man kan undvika några av de begränsningarna med hjälp av en ny teknik, vilket skulle hjälpa forskniMulti-spectral imaging is a powerful approach in spectral analysis of objects with spatial details. However, such approaches are most often time consuming and experimentally complex since both spectral and spatial information in two dimensions are to be resolved. Presented here is an alternative approach to thee-dimensional spectroscopy, utilizing the Compressive Sensing methodology to treat a dig

Radiometric correction of multispectral images collected by a UAV for phenology studies

Genom att ta bilder i specifika våglängder på växer, från det visuella till det osynliga, kan man ta reda diverse information om växter såsom biomassa och stress. Detta kan man då göra med multispektrala kameror som oftast har varit monterade på satelliter. Satelliter har dock problem såsom eventuella molntäcken som täcker vyn över växterna. Drönare med multispektrala kameror har därmed blivit allVegetation monitoring over time is important in a changing world due to climate change. Remote sensing, especially with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), can be utilized to monitor vegetation at flexible scales at an accurate degree. However, the relatively new remote sensing platforms that are UAVs imply the requirement of understanding how to best monitor vegetation in an accurate way w

Using gallium nitride nanowires as STM probes

Gallium nitride (GaN) nanowires grown using catalyst-free metal organic vapor phase epitaxy were used as scanning tunneling microscope (STM) probes. The probes were prepared by placing a GaN nanowire on a tungsten STM probe using a nanomanipulator in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and welding them together using an electron beam induced platinum deposition. STM imaging was performed on indiuA microscopy field known as Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), uses various methods to get a picture of a sample surface down to such a small scale that individual atoms can be observed. One particular method to perform such microscopy uses the phenomena of quantum tunneling rather than using visible light. This method is called Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and the way it works is extremely d

Femtosecond Photoemission Electron Microscopy of Indium Arsenide Nanowires

PhotoEmission Electron Microscopy (PEEM) has proven to be a successful method for examining the electronic characteristics of nanostructures. The experiments relevant for the following report were conducted using a combination of PEEM and a femtosecond pulsed laser to determine the electrical characteristics of Indium Arsenide nanowire of crystal structure varying between wurtzite and zinc blend.

Dröjsmålstalan och EU-rätten – En undersökning av i vad mån förvaltningslagens dröjsmålstalan uppfyller unionsrättens krav på rättsskydd

Den 1 juli 2018 trädde den nya förvaltningslagen (2017:900) i kraft. I lagen ges enskilda, genom införandet av en dröjsmålstalan, för första gången i svensk förvaltningsrätt en generell rätt att föra talan mot förvaltningsmyndigheters passivitet. Om unionsrätten inte anger annat kommer den nya dröjsmålstalan, enligt principen om medlemsstaternas processuella autonomi, att tillämpas även vid förvalOn the first of July 2018, the new Swedish Administrative Procedure Act came into force. The Act introduces a new remedy against the inaction of administrative authorities (an action for failure to act, in Swedish “dröjsmålstalan”). Through the introduction of the new remedy, individuals are given a general right to appeal against the administrative authorities' inaction for the first time in

The Use of Sustainable Business Models in Emerging Markets: How is it Influenced by Macroeconomic Trends? A Case Study of the Indian Dairy Industry

Businesses are increasingly attracted to Emerging Markets due to the potential of increased demand for goods and services, driven mostly by macroeconomic trends in the external business environment. However, the business model approach for emerging markets differs from the one for developed markets as they are faced with a different set of demand and supply conditions. The purpose of this study is

When comes the sun? A study of stakeholders, driving forces and future scenarios of solar power in Sweden.

Background: In order to decouple from carbon dioxide, alternative, renewable energy sources need to replace traditional fossil fuels. The fastest growing renewable technology has for the past years been solar, more specifically in the form of photovoltaics (PV). With the support of policy schemes, solar systems are being installed on rooftops of private houses and corporations - and are incre

Personalomsättning inom den offentliga sjukvården - Sambandet mellan sjuksköterskors organisatoriska engagemang, tillit och lönetillfredsställelse

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur agentteorins och stewardshipteorins mekanismer lämpar sig för att hantera målkonflikter mellan sjuksköterskor och deras chefer inom offentlig sjukvård i Sverige. Metod: Studien utgörs av en kvantitativ undersökning med en deduktiv ansats. En webbaserad enkät skickades ut till sjuksköterskor på Skånes Universitetssjukhus. Enkätsvaren användes för att Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine if the agency theory or the stewardship theory are suitable for managing conflicting goals between nurses and their managers within public healthcare in Sweden. Methodology: The study was conducted with a quantitative, deductive approach. A web survey was sent out to nurses at Skåne University Hospital. The nurses were asked to respond to a set of

Press på priset

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om korruption, pressfrihet och gini-koefficienten påverkar graden av underprissättning i europeiska länder. En deduktiv ansats och en kvantitativ metod används för att uppnå syftet. Studien använder sig av tvärsnittsdata och genomför tre separata multipla regressionsanalyser, en för var oberoende variabel. Teorier från tidigare forskning i ämnet används. DThe purpose of this study is to examine if corruption, freedom of press and the ginicoefficient can affect the degree of underpricing in European countries. A deductive approach and a quantitative method is used to fulfil the purpose of the study. The study uses cross-sectional data and performs three separate multiple regression analyses, one for each of the independent variables. The theoretical

Billigt och bra?

I Sveriges storstadsregioner råder idag en brist på bostäder. Vill man hyra en lägenhet ska man helst ha ställt sig i kö många år i förväg. Har man inte kötid, kontakter eller lust att betala ockerhyra för att bo i andra hand bör man ha en årsinkomst eller två i kontanter bara för att få låna ihop till en bostadsrätt. Till följd av detta byggs det nu mer än på länge, men det som byggs är oftast inIn Sweden, there’s currently a shortage of housing. If you want to rent an apartment, you will have to have been queuing for years. If you don’t have the queue time to compete, the necessary contacts or you just don’t want to pay an arm and a leg for a sub-let you might need to have a year’s salary in cash just to be able to get the loan you need for a condominium. In reaction to this we are seein

Talent Management For Millennials - Is it different and should it be?

Talent Management is a vague concept that is covering everything from recruiting, developing and retaining talents within organisations. A constant challenge in this field is to develop new generations within the workforce to fit what the organisation needs in order to do business. Generations are said to be shaped after historical and political factors that are impacting their behaviors and requi

Loanword compound truncation in Japanese: A study on Japanese learners’ understanding of loanword abbreviations

In this study, the comprehension of English loanword truncations in Japanese will be investigated. Both Japanese native speakers and learners of Japanese will display their ability to truncate different kinds of gairaigo compound loanwords. I wanted to find out how native Japanese speakers and learners of the Japanese language compared in the truncating process. I found out that Japanese natives a

Mjuka värden i en hård bransch

Examensarbetets titel: Mjuka värden i en hård bransch: En fallstudie av Axis Communications företagskultur Seminariedatum: 2018-06-05 Ämne/kurs: FEKH19 Examensarbete kandidatnivå i Strategic Management 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Christoffer Connée, Tobias Johansson, Clara Markstedt Handledare: Niklas Hallberg Nyckelord: Företagskultur, Koordination, Resursbaserat synsätt, Teamwork, Projekt. SyftTitle: Soft values in a tough industry: A case study of Axis Communications corporate culture Seminar date: 2018-06-05 Course: FEKH19 Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Strategic Management Undergraduate Level, 15 University Credits Points Authors: Christoffer Connée, Tobias Johansson, Clara Markstedt Advisor: Niklas Hallberg Key words: Corporate culture, Coordination, Resource-ba

Calibration and Implementation of Robot for Detection of X-rays

While industrial robots have traditionally been designed for tasks such as pick-and-place that require a high repeatability, an increasing demand for off-line control and high-precision applications have in recent decades put higher demands on the accuracy of robots. One application in that vain is the detection of X-rays that have been scattered from a sample during X-ray diffraction, which produ

Female Political Participation Opportunities in palestine: a Case Study on Shadow Councils

The thesis examines how the Palestinian women’s initiative of the shadow councils contributes to female political participation opportunities in the Palestinian National Authority areas (PNAa). The shadow councils are women groups that lend support to elected local councilwomen and encourage women who are not yet politically active to run for local offices. Based on qualitative field research in t

The right to mother tongue education for national minorities in international human rights law in the light of Lithuania

This thesis aims to determine whether there is a human right to education in mother tongue for national minorities in international as well as regional human rights law. Its goal is to contribute to the existing research by evaluating and assessing the available treaties as well as non-binding documents issued by United Nations, Council of Europe and Organization for Security and Co-operation in E

The road to food security : evaluating and improving open-access road data in Tanzania with satellite imagery

Metoderna som används för att göra den globala livsmedelsförsörjningen tryggare har bytt fokus från själva produktionen av jordbruksgrödor till att öka människors tillgänglighet till marknader. Analyser visar att det finns ett samband mellan inkomst, avlägsenhet, och hur stor andel av god jordbruksmark faktiskt används för jordbruk. För att beräkna tillgänglighet krävs fullständig, uppdaterad, ocContemporary approaches to improving food security amongst the world’s vulnerable populations have shifted from attempts to improve crop yield to improving accessibility to markets. Analyses show that there is a correlation between income, distance from cities, and the ratio of potential agricultural production to realised agricultural production. Complete, up-to-date, and reliable road network