

Din sökning på "*" gav 529683 sökträffar

Customer flow data visualization for retail analytics

This master thesis collaborates with Axis Communications which is a Swedish video camera company. The mission for the thesis was to take advantage of Axis developed or developing technology to explore data value in the retail industry and design a data visualization interface. Shopping via online shopping platform, customers will leave their shopping journey data and the data could be recorded st

The Japanese writing systems, script reforms and the eradication of the Kanji writing system: native speakers’ views

This study aims to deduce what Japanese native speakers think of the Japanese writing systems, and in particular what native speakers’ opinions are concerning Kanji, the logographic writing system which consists of Chinese characters. The Japanese written language has something that most languages do not; namely​ a total of three writing systems. First, there is the Kana writing system, which cons

Konsumenters emotionella reaktion till reklamannonser

Title: Konsumenters emotionella reaktion till reklamannonser Seminar date: 1st of June 2018 Course: FEKH29, Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate level, 15 credits Authors: Johanna Centerblad, Matilda Nilsson, Ebba Petersson Advisor: Clara Gustafsson Key words: Stereotypical advertising, Emotional response, Emotional Quotient Scale, Male and female consumers, Survey Purpose: The

Varför kanalintegration? En studie om företags integrering av den fysiska och den digitala försäljningskanalen ur ett värdeskapande perspektiv

Syfte: Studien syftar till att ur ett företagsperspektiv skapa förståelse för hur fysiska butiker integreras med företags nätbutiker samt undersöka hur både fysiska och digitala kanaler verkar värdeskapande för dessa aktörer. Syftet kommer besvaras genom följande forskningsfrågor: " Hur är det värdeskapande för företag att ha flera försäljningskanaler? " Hur arbetar dessa företag med

Gender and age discrimination on the labour market in Poland: the compliance of Polish law and practice with International instruments

The principle of equality and non-discrimination in employment existed only in a very basic form in the Polish law until the fall of Communism in 1989, even though Poland had already ratified some major international instruments in this area, such as the ICCPR, ICESCR and the ILO Fundamental Conventions. The first positive development in Polish law concerning the principle of equality and non-disc

Is it Wa or is it Ga – that is the question: A study of Swedish learners’ knowledge of the Japanese particles Wa and Ga

The aim of this thesis is to test Swedish Japanese learners’ knowledge of the Japanese topic and subject markers, wa and ga. This was done through sending out surveys, where the participants were forced to choose an answer out of four options for each sentence. The four types of sentences which were tested were embedded clauses with individual-level predicates, embedded clauses with stage-level pr

Spatial Channels and Regional Mechanisms of Dutch Disease in Canadian Economy

Dutch disease is one of the mechanisms through which the boom in one of the sectors induced by an exogenous shock may have profound adversary implications over the economic growth in the long term. The windfall gains generated from the commodity price increase leads to real exchange rate appreciation boosting wages and prices across all economic sector. As a result, economic growth becomes unsusta

Redovisningsmanipulation vid börsintroduktion, behöver investerare ta hänsyn till redovisningsmanipulation vid börsintroduktioner?

Examensarbetets titel: Redovisningsmanipulation vid Börsintroduktion, behöver investerare ta hänsyn till redovisningsmanipulation vid börsintroduktioner? Seminariedatum: 2018-06-01 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i redovisning, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Gustaf Håkansson, Albin Ohlander & Peder Wachtmeister Handledare: Peter Jönsson Fem nyckelord: Redovisningsmanipulation

Pseudo Cs-Symmetric Heterometallic Bissalen Complexes: Scaling up

In this project work, we report the scaling up of the production of pseudo Cs-symmetric catalysts for asymmetric ring opening (ARO) of epoxides. These catalysts consists in heterometallic bissalen complexes whose synthesis has already been designed by our research group. Further research will be based on catalytic studies of the synthetized pseudo Cs-symmetric bissalen complexes in ARO of epoxides

Monetary policy and functional income distribution, 1875-2010

This paper examines the existence of a link between changes in monetary policy and changes in functional income distribution using a panel of up to fourteen countries over the period 1875-2010. It also investigates the potential transmission channels (changes in asset prices, wages, unemployment, and inflation) that explain such a phenomenon. The evidence indicates the presence of a correlation be

Privilegierad med tid och resurser

The Victim Support organization is a Swedish non-profit organization that provides support to victims of crime. The organization relies on its volunteers sinse they are the ones who perform the majority of the work in the various offices. For the organizations work to continue as it does today a requirement is that the number of volunteers is reasonably stable. As the number of organizations in ne

Ensamkommande flyktingbarns retrospektiva erfarenheter av HVB-hem - En kvalitativ studie

Syftet med vår studie var att belysa ensamkommande flyktingbarnens retrospektiva erfarenheter av sin tid i HVB-hem, med fokus på hur de upplevde sin vardag, vilka faktorer de ansåg vara av betydelse för att hantera sin vardag och hur delaktighet och omgivning påverkade deras vardag. Vår empiri har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sju tidigare ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Vi analyserade iThe aim of our study was to highlight the unaccompanied refugee children’s retrospective experiences of their time in HVB-homes; focus being on how they perceived everyday life, which factors they considered to be the most important in dealing with everyday life and how participation and environment affected their everyday life. The data was gathered by qualitative interviews with seven previously

Classification in Bone Scintigraphy Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Skelettskintigrafi är en bildgivande undersökning liknande röntgen, där cancer metastaser och andra benskador visar sig som hotspots. Att identifiera dessa hotspots är en svår uppgift även för erfarna läkare. I detta arbete används faltningsbaserade neuronnät till att träna datorer att hjälpa läkare identifiera hotspots.The main goal of this thesis is to design and implement a convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify whether hotspots in bone scintigraphy images represent cancer metastases, caused by prostate cancer, or some other physiological process. A side task was included, where another CNN was designed and trained to classify whether a bone scintigraphy image image is acquired from the front of the pa

How entrepreneurial team processes change when a new entrepreneur joins the team?

The purpose of this research is to examine what are the changes in team processes of entrepreneurial team when a new entrepreneur joins it. The paper recognizes a gap in the literature between changes in team processes and changes in team processes in entrepreneurial context. Therefore, it uses a literature from the team processes, which later is compared to the findings which are conducted in an

"Please, please, please let me reach safely" - Exploring the fear of sexual violence in Delhi

Since the gang rape of a physiotherapist student in Delhi 2012 the media reporting on sexual violence has increased by 30 percent. Several studies have looked at how media report on sexual violence in India, but very few have looked at the increased news reporting from a critical point of view. This thesis draws upon interview narratives collected in Delhi in February and March 2016 and looks at h

Att överföra innehåll i ett nytt format – Strukturella skillnader vid översättning av en populärvetenskaplig text om Spirited Away

Denna magisteruppsats är baserad på översättningen av ett utdrag från boken Spirited Away(2008) som är skriven av den brittiska journalisten Andrew Osmond och handlar om den japanska animerade filmen med samma namn. Uppsatsen inleds med en källtextanalys som tar avstamp i den analysmodell som presenteras av Lennart Hellspong och Per Ledin i Vägar genom texten – Handbok i brukstextanalys (1997). Te

Applying FARSITE and Prometheus on the Västmanland Fire, Sweden (2014) : fire growth simulation as a measure against forest fire spread : a model suitability study

År 2014 drabbades Västmanland län i Sverige av en allvarlig skogsbrand som växte till att täcka drygt 13 000 ha. På grund av vädersituationen klarade räddningstjänsten inte av att hantera branden, vilken resulterade i att bli den största branden i Sverige sedan mitten av 1900-talet. Året efter branden rapporterade Myndigheten för Sam- hällskydd och Beredskap ett behov av ökad beredskap för allvarlIn 2014, the Västmanland County in Sweden suffered from a severe forest fire that grew to a size of roughly 13000ha. Recent and prevailing weather conditions made the fire overpower the extinguishing ability of the Swedish emergency services, and it ran out of control to become the largest forest fire in Sweden since the middle of the 20th century. The year after the fire, a need to increase the e

Organic farming’s role in adaptation to and mitigation of climate change : an overview of ecological resilience and a model case study

Jordbruk är avgörande för människans överlevnad och idag står det inför många problem relaterade till både klimatförändringar och en ökande befolkning. Medan ökande totalskördar under 1900-talet har skapat förutsättningar både för global ekonomisk tillväxt och för befolkningstillväxt, har de jordbruksmetoder som används ofta fört med sig negativa konsekvenser både för ekosystem och människor. JordAgriculture is essential for human survival and today it faces many problems related to both climate change and an increasing population. While increased total yields during the 20th century have created the conditions for both global economic and population growth, the agricultural practices utilized have often had detrimental consequences both for ecosystems and people. The agricultural sector i