

Din sökning på "*" gav 529438 sökträffar

Revision 1 Size and position of the healthy meniscus, and its Correlation with sex, height, weight, and bone area- a cross-sectional study

Background: Meniscus extrusion or hypertrophy may occur in knee osteoarthritis (OA). However, currently no data are available on the position and size of the meniscus in asymptomatic men and women with normal meniscus integrity. Methods: Three-dimensional coronal DESSwe MRIs were used to segment and quantitatively measure the size and position of the medial and lateral menisci, and their correlati

Development of Novel Models for Studying Osteoclasts

Popular Abstract in English My PhD thesis has focused on increasing the understanding of the osteoclasts, the cells responsible for degradation of bone, by studying the rare hereditary disease autosomal recessive osteopetrosis (ARO). ARO is present already at birth and is caused by mutations affecting the osteoclasts ability to degrade bone. Non-functional osteoclasts lead to dramatic increases inThis thesis focuses on developing and characterizing novel models for studying osteoclasts with an emphasis on how mutations abolishing osteoclastic acidification affect osteoclast signaling and bone remodeling, as well as how to treat patients bearing these rare mutations. Bone remodeling is under normal circumstances a tightly balanced process where resorption of bone by osteoclasts is followed

Test of a Jastrow-type Wavefunction for a Trapped Few-body System in One Dimension

For a system with interacting quantum mechanical particles in a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, a trial wavefunction with simple structure based on the solution of the corresponding two-particle system is suggested and tested numerically.With the inclusion of a scaling parameter for the distance between particles, at least for the very small systems tested here the ansatz gives a very good es

Decreased expression of Yes-associated protein is associated with outcome in the luminal A breast cancer subgroup and with an impaired tamoxifen response.

Yes-associated protein (YAP1) is frequently reported to function as an oncogene in many types of cancer, but in breast cancer results remain controversial. We set out to clarify the role of YAP1 in breast cancer by examining gene and protein expression in subgroups of patient material and by downregulating YAP1 in vitro and studying its role in response to the widely used anti-estrogen tamoxifen.

Vindkraftsutbyggnaden - vem bestämmer och baserat på vilken kunskap?

Rättssociologen Stefan Larsson tecknar vad han kallar en tankekarta runt beslutsprocesser och frågan om vem som bestämmer om vindkraften och på vilken kunskapsgrund detta görs. När det gäller beslutshierarkier beskriver Stefan Larsson vindkraftsutbyggnaden som en naturlig konflikt mellan nationella och lokala perspektiv, men menar att det är just kunskapstyperna som missas i debatten. Det är nämli

Replacement of acetate with citrate in dialysis fluid: a randomized clinical trial of short term safety and fluid biocompatibility

Background: The majority of bicarbonate based dialysis fluids are acidified with acetate. Citrate, a well known anticoagulant and antioxidant, has been suggested as a biocompatible alternative. The objective of this study was to evaluate short term safety and biocompatibility of a citrate containing acetate-free dialysis fluid. Methods: Twenty four (24) patients on maintenance dialysis three times

The effect of a biphasic injectable bone substitute on the interface strength in a rabbit knee prosthesis model.

In joint prosthetic surgery, various methods are used to provide implant stability. We used an injectable bone substitute, composed of calcium sulfate/hydroxyapatite, as bone defect filler to stabilize a tibia prosthesis in an experimental rabbit model. The aim of the study was to investigate and compare the stability of prosthetic fixation with and without the use of an injectable bone substitute

Hydrogen storage properties of the pseudo binary laves phase (Sc1-xZrx)(Co1-yNiy)(2) system

The (Sc1-xZrx)(Co1-yNiy)(2)-H-z system has been studied using both experimental techniques and ab initio calculations. The material was synthesised through high temperature synthesis and characterised using powder XRD. Hydrogen absorption and desorption was studied in-situ using synchrotron radiation. Maximal storage capacity increased when Co replaced Ni and substitution of Sc for Zr increased th

Comparison of the Abbott RealTime CT New Formulation Assay with Two Other Commercial Assays for Detection of Wild-Type and New Variant Strains of Chlamydia trachomatis

In an analytical-method comparison study of clinical samples, the Abbott RealTime CT new formulation assay (m2000 real-time PCR), consisting of a duplex PCR targeting different parts of the cryptic plasmid in Chlamydia trachomatis, was compared both with version 2 of the Roche Cobas TaqMan CT assay, comprising a duplex PCR for a target in the cryptic plasmid and the omp1 gene, and with the Gen-Pro

Influence of polymorphic metabolic enzymes on biotransformation and effects of diphenylmethane diisocyanate.

Objectives To identify effect modification produced by genetic traits found in metabolic enzymes, to investigate how these affect the levels of different biomarkers of sprayed and thermo-degraded polyurethane (PUR) based on 4,4′-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) and to determine how associated respiratory disorders are affected. Methods Two partly overlapping groups of 141 and 158 factory employe

Looking at the keyboard or the monitor: relationship with text production processes

In this paper we explored text production differences in an expository text production task between writers who looked mainly at the keyboard and writers who looked mainly at the monitor. Eye-tracking technology and keystroke-logging were combined to systematically describe and define these two groups in respect of the complex interplay between text production and the reading of one's own emerging

Mobility Devices in Everyday Life among Very Old Europeans: Aspects of use and changes over time

The aim of this thesis was to expand the knowledge regarding the use and need of assistive devices, in particular mobility devices, and to investigate how, from a European perspective, the use of them changed during the ageing process. An additional aim was to explore the use of mobility devices in everyday life among very old Swedish women during a five-year period. Further, the aim was to contri

Randomly Punctured LDPC Codes

In this paper, we present a random puncturing analysis of low-density parity-check (LDPC) code ensembles. We derive a simple analytic expression for the iterative belief propagation (BP) decoding threshold of a randomly punctured LDPC code ensemble on the binary erasure channel (BEC) and show that, with respect to the BP threshold, the strength and suitability of an LDPC code ensemble for random p

Hypoxia-inducible factor-2alpha correlates to distant recurrence and poor outcome in invasive breast cancer.

Differential regulation as well as target gene specificity of the two hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-alpha subunits HIF-1alpha and HIF-2alpha in various tumors and cell lines have been suggested. In breast cancer, the prognostic significance of HIF-1alpha is not clear-cut and that of HIF-2alpha is largely unknown. Using IHC analyses of HIF-1alpha, HIF-2alpha, and vascular endothelial growth factor

Effect of cardiovascular drug classes on all-cause mortality among atrial fibrillation patients treated in primary care in Sweden: a cohort study

Risk factors for stroke are well known in atrial fibrillation (AF) patients, while less is known on the effect of these factors on total mortality. Our aim was to study the impact of cardiovascular drug classes on mortality in AF patients treated in primary care. The study population was chosen based on patient data from 75 primary care centres in Sweden compiled in a database. Individuals diagnos

Meiofauna increases bacterial denitrification in marine sediments

Denitrification is a critical process that can alleviate the effects of excessive nitrogen availability in aquatic ecosystems subject to eutrophication. An important part of denitrification occurs in benthic systems where bioturbation by meiofauna (invertebrates