

Din sökning på "*" gav 529424 sökträffar

A Bio-Economic Model of Community Incentives for Wildlife Management Under CAMPFIRE

This paper formulates a bio-economic model to analyze community incentives for wildlife management under benefit-sharing programs like the Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE) in Zimbabwe. Three agents influence the wildlife stock: a parks agency determines hunting quotas, outside poachers hunt illegally, and a local community may choose to protect wildlife by di

DSM performance on practical DSL systems based on estimated crosstalk channel information

This paper investigates practical aspects associated to the adoption of dynamic spectrum management (DSM) in existing digital subscriber lines (DSL) access networks. A standard-compliant crosstalk estimation method is utilized in order to retrieve the crosstalk channel information needed by, e.g., a DSM level 2 system. A DSM application framework was developed to help testing DSM in practice and i

Investigating practice variation in a changing primary care. A multilevel perspective on The Skaraborg Primary Care Database

Popular Abstract in Swedish ”Practice variation” I den kliniska vardagen ser man ofta slående variationer i handläggningsrutiner mellan läkare och vårdcentraler utan att detta kan förklaras av skillnader i sjuklighet hos patienterna. Dessa oförklarade skillnader benämns ”practice variation” och beror på lokalt förankrade rutiner ofta etablerade sedan länge. De är sällan vetenskapligt underbyggda uBackground and Aims: Differences in the clinical care of patients have been explained through the concept of practice variation, that is, the occurrence of established local medical procedures that varies between geographic areas. The primary measures introduced to eliminate undesirable differences in medical care are the introduction of medical guidelines and economical incentives that rewards th

Diet selection in birds: trade-off between energetic content and digestibility of seeds

Partial preferences may occur due to differences in profitability and encounter probability between food types within a patch. In the expanding specialist diet strategy, a forager goes from being partially selective on the preferred, most profitable food, to being opportunistic, after the preferred food has been depleted to a certain critical level. We studied the diet selection strategies of bird

Identifying development blocks - A new methodology Implemented on Swedish industry 1900–1974

The paper specifies a quantitative methodology for exploring development blocks. The concept of 'development block' was a major contribution to the historical analysis of industrial transformation by the late Erik Dahmen, but development blocks have mainly been analyzed by qualitative methods and indirect indicators and not statistically identified. In this paper, development blocks are identified

Exploring multiple spaces and practices : a note on the use of ethnography in LIS-research

Introduction. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in ethnographic research within the field of library and Information studies. Although ethnography has been used by information researchers for studying a wide variety of phenomena, discussions concerning methodological developments and directions, as well as ethnography’s wider applicability within the field are rare. Our intent is

Developments in optics and performance at BL13-XALOC, the macromolecular crystallography beamline at the Alba Synchrotron

BL13-XALOC is currently the only macromolecular crystallography beamline at the 3 GeV ALBA synchrotron near Barcelona, Spain. The optics design is based on an in-vacuum undulator, a Si(111) channel-cut crystal monochromator and a pair of KB mirrors. It allows three main operation modes: a focused configuration, where both mirrors can focus the beam at the sample position to 52 mu m x 5.5 mu m FWHM

Genetic polymorphisms, IGF-1, and oral contraceptive use in women from high-risk breast cancer families

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen bland svenska kvinnor, fler än 7000 kvinnor insjuknar varje år. Mellan 5-10% av bröstcancerfallen tros bero på mutationer i arvsmassan som ärvts från föräldrarna. Om man har en ärftlig mutation i bröstcancergen 1 eller 2 (BRCA1 respektive BRCA2) löper man mellan 60-80% risk att drabbas av bröstcancer. Eftersom inte alla kvinnorBreast cancer is the most common cancer among Swedish women, affecting more than 7000 women each year. About 5-10% of all breast cancers are hereditary, with a monogenic inheritance pattern, but only 2-4% are explained by germline mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2. BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers have a 60-80% risk of developing breast cancer. Further, a large proportion of the breast cancers that are clu

Factors Regulating Neurogenesis in Intact and Pathological Brain: Role of TNF-alpha

During the last decade it has been clearly demonstrated that the adult brain contains neural stem cells (NSCs) localized mainly in two regions: the subgranular zone in the dentate gyrus and the subventricular zone (SVZ) lining the lateral ventricles. In the intact brain, these NSCs give rise to new dentate granule cells and olfactory bulb neurons, respectively. Following a brain damage such as str

Quantification of the Concentration of A beta 42 Propagons during the Lag Phase by an Amyloid Chain Reaction Assay

The aggregation of the amyloid beta peptide, A beta 42, implicated in Alzheimer's disease, is characterized by a lag phase followed by a rapid growth phase. Conventional methods to study this reaction are not sensitive to events taking place early in the lag phase promoting the assumption that only monomeric or oligomeric species are present at early stages and that the lag time is defined by the

Background to the nobel prize to the Braggs

The Nobel Committees have to follow the nominations submitted for a specific year. During the early phase of X-ray crystallography, a limited number of scientists were active. In 1914 Max von Laue and William Henry Bragg were both nominated and could have been awarded a joint Nobel Prize. However, a member of the Nobel Committee for Physics, Allvar Gullstrand, was well aware of the activities in t

Extinction coefficient imaging of turbid media using dual structured laser illumination planar imaging

We demonstrate a technique, named dual structured laser illumination planar imaging (SLIPI), capable of acquiring depth-resolved images of the extinction coefficient. This is achieved by first suppressing the multiply scattered light intensity and then measuring the intensity reduction caused by signal attenuation between two laser sheets separated by Delta zmm. Unlike other methods also able to m

Systematic studies of elliptic flow measurements in Au plus Au collisions at s(NN)=200 GeV

We present inclusive charged hadron elliptic flow (v(2)) measured over the pseudorapidity range vertical bar eta vertical bar < 0.35 in Au+Au collisions at s(NN)=200 GeV. Results for v(2) are presented over a broad range of transverse momentum (p(T)=0.2-8.0 GeV/c) and centrality (0-60%). To study nonflow effects that are correlations other than collective flow, as well as the fluctuations of v(2),

Costs of Inducible Defence along a Resource Gradient

In addition to having constitutive defence traits, many organisms also respond to predation by phenotypic plasticity. In order for plasticity to be adaptive, induced defences should incur a benefit to the organism in, for example, decreased risk of predation. However, the production of defence traits may include costs in fitness components such as growth, time to reproduction, or fecundity. To tes

Random self-decomposability and autoregressive processes

We introduce the notion of random self-decomposability and discuss its relation to the concepts of self-decomposability and geometric infinite divisibility. We present its connection with time series autoregressive schemes with a regression coefficient that randomly turns on and off. In particular, we provide a characterization of random self-decomposability as well as that of marginal distributio