Din sökning på "*" gav 534793 sökträffar
To initiate the conversation - Public health nurses' experiences of working with obesity in persons with mobility disability
AIM: Developing a theory explaining how public health nurses accomplish and adapt counselling in lifestyle habits to decrease obesity in people with mobility disability.DESIGN: Empirical research - qualitative.METHOD: Classic grounded theory with face-to-face interviews, 2017-2018, using inductive approach to understand public health nurses' intervening experiences with obesity patients.RESULTS: T
Electromagnetic finite-size effects to the hadronic vacuum polarization
In order to reduce the current hadronic uncertainties in the theory prediction for the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, lattice calculations need to reach subpercent accuracy on the hadronic-vacuum-polarization contribution. This requires the inclusion of O(α) electromagnetic corrections. The inclusion of electromagnetic interactions in lattice simulations is known to generate potentially la
Higher Order Calculations for Low Energy Precision Physics
Denna sammanläggningsavhandling berör beräkningar som behövs för precisionsfysik vid låga energier inom Standardmodellen, särskilt högre ordningars korrektioner. I avhandlingens två första artiklar introduceras beräkningar på ordning p8 i kiral störningsräkning, vilket är en effektiv fältteori för QCD vid låga energier. De sista två artiklarna handlar om myonens anomala magnetiska moment och de haThis thesis concerns higher order calculations needed for precision physics in the low energy region of particlephysics. Of the four papers it contains, the first two introduce calculations at order p8 in the power countingof chiral perturbation theory, which is an effective field theory of QCD at low energies. The remaining twopapers concern the hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnet
Vägledning för utvärdering av transformativ omställning : – med fokus på energisystemet
Sverige och världen står inför stora samhällsutmaningar, inte minst inom energi- och klimatområdet. För att möta dessa utmaningar och nå målsättningarna i Parisavtalet och Agenda 2030 krävs genomgripande förändringar av dagens samhälle – en utveckling som fordrar transformativa, kunskapsbaserade och samordnade processer för omställning. Rätt utformade och i effektiva kombinationer förväntas forskn
Urban bicycle tourism: path dependencies and innovation in Greater Copenhagen
New comminution applications using hydrocone crushers with setting regulation in real time
The setting (distance between mantle and concave ring) of the Hydrocone cone crusher is altered, even with the crusher operating at full load, by lifting or lowering the mantle by means of a hydraulic piston (Hydroset). Modern developments in the field of electronics and microcomputers have made it possible to design a small, reliable and very sophisticated system for automatic regulation of the s
Multidisciplinary approach to characterize natural degradation of PCE
Pin-ups and political passions: Citizenship address in post-war men's magazines
Massive MIMO From a Terminal Perspective
This thesis focuses on the terminal aspects of massive MIMO systems. Based on the degree of freedom a terminal have in a MaMi, different antenna configurations, transceiver topologies with associated transmission schemes, and the underlying algorithms are researched.The first studied topic concerns multiple-antenna terminals in a massive MIMO system for sub-6 GHz, operated at the center frequency
Interaction between serum levels of Anti-Mullerian Hormone and the degree of sperm DNA fragmentation measured by sperm chromatin structure assay can be a predictor for the outcome of standard in vitro fertilization
Serum levels of Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) have been shown to be biomarker for prediction of the quantitative aspects of ovarian reserve. On the male side, sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) DNA fragmentation index (DFI) has been demonstrated to be an important predictor of outcomes in standard IVF procedures but to less degree in intracytoplasmic sperm injection procedures (ICSI). The purpo
Dubbla verbformer : Efterapare eller betydelseskapare?
DVCS off deuteron and twist three contributions
We study the deeply virtual Compton scattering off a spin-one particle, which is exemplified by the case of coherent scattering on a deuteron target. We discuss the role of twist three contributions for restoring the QED gauge invariance of the amplitude corresponding to this process. We consider both kinematical and dynamical sources of twist three generalized parton distributions.
Convergence properties of Lévy expansions: implications for Odderon and proton structure
We detail here the convergence properties of a new model-independent imaging method, the Lévy expansion, that seems to play an important role in the analysis of the differential cross section of elastic hadron-hadron scattering.We demonstrate, how our earlier results concerning the Odderon effects in the differential cross-section of elastic proton-proton and proton-antiproton scattering as well as t
Radiative origin of the Standard Model from trinification
Candid conversations : Politics and politicians in Playboy Magazine
Analysera, lyssna, åtgärda, be om ursäkt och lära - Så blir en organisation säker - och bättre
Association Between Earliest Amyloid Uptake and Functional Connectivity in Cognitively Unimpaired Elderly
Alterations in cognitive performance have been noted in nondemented subjects with elevated accumulation of amyloid-β (Aβ) fibrils. However, it is not yet understood whether brain function is already influenced by Aβ deposition during the very earliest stages of the disease. We therefore investigated associations between [18F]Flutemetamol PET, resting-state functional connectivity, gray and white m