Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar
Analysis of the poem "Rifbjerg!" by Danish writer Klaus Rifbjerg
Framgångsområden inom e-lärande/blended learning för högre utbildning
Dynamic Runtime Environments for Grid Computing
In a grid computing context the execution of jobs on remote machines of collaborating institutes often requires the provisioning of more than mere CPU time. Besides libraries and utilities distributed with the operating system in question, further software may be required by the jobs and in such cases need to be installed prior to the job's execution. In grid computing this problem is aggravated b
Systemic and Local Inflammatory Mediator Response to Major Surgery
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kroppens svar på vävnadsskada är avgörande för initierandet av läknings-processen och försvaret mot invaderande mikroorganismer. Det lokala samspelet mellan de olika cellerna i immunförsvaret sker genom cellsignalering via små proteiner kallade cytokiner. Ett kraftigt eller obalanserat svar kan medföra att inflammationsdrivande cytokiner (IL-6, IL-1, TNF) läcker ut i blCell-signalling via cytokines modulates the local response to surgical trauma, directs the immunologic response and initiates the healing process. Surgical trauma induces a systemic cytokine response and a down-regulation of the antigen presentation capacity of monocytes (HLA-DR expression), which is associated with a poor prognosis if pronounced. The aims with the studies in this thesis were to i
Empatins tidsålder (The Age of Empathy)
Global Engagement and the Occupational Structure of Firms
Engagement in foreign markets can have an impact on firm organization and on the type of occupations that a firm needs. We examine the effect of globalization on the occupational mix using detailed Swedish data that cover all firms and a representative sample of the labor force for 1997-2005. We find a robust relationship between a firm’s degree of international integration and its occupational mi
De utestängda. Kommunal diskriminering av 'tattare' i Halland 1880-1941
Design Science Research in Information Systems: A Critical Realist Approach
Antiquarian Knowledge, Sales Expectations and personal Expression. The Piranesian Marbles - somewhere between Inventive Design and Commercial Interest
A Framework for Sustainable Strategic Energy Company Investment Analysis and Decision-support: Towards the Operationalisation of Sustainable Energy Systems
In addition to being a key criterion of the sustainable development proviso, for business, the integration of social- and ecological considerations into decision-making is of growing importance for minimising future environmentally-related risk and associated economic costs, as well as gaining a share in growing markets favouring products and companies focusing upon social responsibility and ecolo
On the second order random walk model for irregular locations
The second order random walk (RW2) model is commonly used for smoothing data and for modelling response functions. It is computationally efficient due to the Markov properties of the joint (intrinsic) Gaussian density. For evenly spaced locations the RW2 model is well established, whereas for irregularly spaced locations there is no well established construction in the literature. By considering t
The Niyatidvātriṃśikā Ascribed to Siddhasena Divākara
TOA Sensor Network Calibration for Receiver and Transmitter Spaces with Difference in Dimension
We study and solve the previously unstudied problem of finding both sender and receiver positions from time of arrival (TOA) measurements when there is a difference in dimensionality between the affine subspaces spanned by receivers and senders. Anchor-free TOA network calibration has uses both in sound, radio and radio strength applications. Using linear techniques and requiring only a minimal nu
Alfonso de Jaén, Confesor y asesor de Santa Brígida
The importance of Spaniards in the entourage of St. Birgitta of Sweden
The Oeuvre of Nina Sadur : proceedings of the 2004 Pittsburgh conference
Implementing Craft in the Institution of Art
Parenthood meets market-functionalism: Parental rights in the labour market and the importance of gender
Photoemission Electron Microscopy for Ultrafast Nano-Optics - Femtoseconds to Attoseconds
Popular Abstract in Swedish Nanotekniken håller i skrivande stund på att revolutionera samhället med nya innovationer inom exempelvis elektronik och medicin. En viktig del i detta är utvecklingen av nya och förbättrade sätt att avbilda strukturer av nanometerstorlek (en nanometer är en miljarddels meter). Avancerade karakteriseringsmetoder skapar en ökad förståelse för hur nanostrukturer beter sigUltrafast nano-optics is a new and quickly evolving research field centred around the control, manipulation, and application of light on a nanometre and femtosecond scale. This can lead to improved electro-optical devices, more sensitive spectroscopy, and real-time control of chemical reactions. However, understanding the simultaneous nanometre and femtosecond evolution of nano-optical fields requ