Din sökning på "*" gav 538864 sökträffar
Measurement of antihaemophilic factor A antigen (VII:CAg) with a solid phase immunoradiometric method based on homologous non-haemophilic antibodies.
Antihaemophilic-factor-A-antibodies, which had spontaneously arisen in 2 patients, were used to develop an immunoradiometric method for measurement of antihaemophilic factor A antigen (VIII:CAg). 13 patients with severe haemophilia A had VIII: CAg below the limit of detection (0.01 U/ml). Patients with moderate and mild haemophilia A either had VIII:CAg roughly equal to factor VIII clotting activi
How do carriers of hemophilia and their spouses experience prenatal diagnosis by chorionic villus sampling?
A semistructured personal interview with 29 female carriers of hemophilia and 23 of their spouses was performed at a median of 3 1/2 years after the first chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and gene analysis. Carriers with a hemophilic father or brother, had high sense of coherence (SOC) scores, and thus would be expected to have good ability to handle the stress of prenatal diagnosis (PD). Prenatal
Factor VIII and factor IX inhibitors in haemophiliacs
Comment on "anaerobic mercury methylation and demethylation by geobacter bemidjiensis bem"
Binding free energies in the SAMPL5 octa-acid host–guest challenge calculated with DFT-D3 and CCSD(T)
We have tried to calculate the free energy for the binding of six small ligands to two variants of the octa-acid deep cavitand host in the SAMPL5 blind challenge. We employed structures minimised with dispersion-corrected density-functional theory with small basis sets and energies were calculated using large basis sets. Solvation energies were calculated with continuum methods and thermostatistic
Growth, inequality and extraction in Ibero-American democratizations
Will democracy improve the distribution of economic welfare? Do dictatorships leave long-run legacies behind? In this paper we explore four Ibero-American countries with some common historical traits, but also different contexts: Spain, Portugal, Brazil, and Chile. The two Iberian nations suffered long periods of autocratic regime in the 20th Century, while our south American cases had relatively
Simulations of reactive settling of activated sludge with a reduced biokinetic model
Denitrification during the sedimentation process in secondary settlers in waste-water treatment plants has been reported to be still a significant problem. The modelling of such a process with the conservation of mass leads to a nonlinear convection–diffusion–reaction partial differential equation, which needs non-standard numerical methods to obtain reliable simulations. The purpose of this study
Book Review : Ann af Burén, Living Simultaneity. On religion among semi-secular Swedes
Supporting Change Impact Analysis Using a Recommendation System: An Industrial Case Study in a Safety-Critical Context
Change Impact Analysis (CIA) during software evolution of safety-critical systems is a labor-intensive task. Several authors have proposed tool support for CIA, but very few tools were evaluated in industry. We present a case study on ImpRec, a recommendation System for Software Engineering (RSSE), tailored for CIA at a process automation company. ImpRec builds on assisted tracing, using informati
Structural pathology is not related to patientreported pain and function in patients undergoing meniscal surgery
Background The relationship between meniscal tears and other joint pathologies with patient-reported symptoms is not clear. We investigated associations between structural knee pathologies identified at surgery with preoperative knee pain and function in patients undergoing arthroscopic meniscal surgery. Methods This study included 443 patients from the Knee Arthroscopy Cohort Southern Denmark (KA
Incidence of oral thrush in patients with COPD prescribed inhaled corticosteroids : Effect of drug, dose, and device
Background and aims Little information is available on real-life occurrence of oral thrush in COPD patients treated with ICS. We investigated oral thrush incidence in COPD patients prescribed FDC ICS/LABA therapies and assessed whether it is modulated by the ICS type, dose, and delivery device. Methods We conducted a historical, observational, matched cohort study (one baseline year before and one
Scoping the field of disaster exercise evaluation - A literature overview and analysis
The evaluation of emergency, disaster and crisis management exercises supports both individual and organisational learning, facilitates the development of response capabilities, and helps to determine whether the current level of preparedness is good enough. Nevertheless, despite its importance in the field of disaster risk management, there is a lack of a comprehensive overview of research in the
Beräkningsprogrammet :"TORK" : Val av vct hos byggfuktfri betong
Brosystem mellan Honchu och Shikoku: Japanska rekordbroar
I denna artikel redovisas en sammanställning av ett stort antal broprojekt mellan den japanska huvudön Honchu och den söder därom belägna ön Shikoku. Först ges en bakgrund vad gäller andra stora hängbroar och snedkabelbroar i världen. Därefter belyses och specifieras de aktuella japanska broarna i detalj. Sammantaget är brosystemen mellan Honchu och Shikoku imponerande inte bara vad gäller spännvi
Femton stycken bjälklag i uttorkningsförsök med högpresterande betong
Anatomical basis for interactions of enkephalins with other transmitters in the CNS of a snail.
Immunocytochemical techniques for double staining were employed to investigate the morphological basis for interactions between enkephalins and other neuroactive compounds in the behavior of the gastropod mollusc Cepaea nemoralis. Coexistence of each of the two enkephalins with FMRFamide, serotonin or GABA-like immunoreactivity was found in certain neurons in cerebral, parietal, and pedal ganglia.
Mögelpåväxt på mineraliska fasader
Mikrobiell påväxt på fasader har alltid förekommit. På senare tid har dock problemet ökat kraftigt. Flera fall med krafigt påväxt på putsade fasader inom några år efter putsningen har rapporterats. Vid ett seminarium i Göteborg 2001, arrangerat av Mur och Puts Information (MPI), framkom starka önskemål att problemet skulle analyseras i detalj. Innan något större projekt påbörjades beslöts att geno
Några fakta om vattenavvisande fasadimpregnering
Sedan 1990 har forskningsprojekt rörande vattenavvisande fasadimpregnering ingått i forskningsprogrammet för Fuktgruppen vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Projekten har finansierats av Svenska Byggbranschens Utvecklingsfond, SBUF.