Din sökning på "*" gav 530573 sökträffar
Adverse reactions in myelography. Correlation between animal research and clinical practice.
Juridisk forskning i gränslandet mot ekonomi
Surface Transformations and Water Uptake on Liquid and Solid Butanol near the Melting Temperature
Teaching Matching to Naïve Gorillas
Administrative Regulations concerning Counterfeiting and their Implementation in Eighteenth Century China
Secretory Leukocyte Protease Inhibitor (SLPI) in the gastrointestinal tract in man.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sedan urminnestider har vi utsatts för attacker av virus, bakterier och andra för kroppen skadliga ämnen. Som svar på detta har kroppen utarbetat ett speciellt försvarssystem, det så kallade immunsystemet. När kroppen angrips aktiveras immunsystemet som står färdigt att bekämpa inkräktaren av vad slag det vara månde. Till sin hjälp har det många förfinade verktyg. BlandSecretory leukocyte protease inhibitor is a 11.7 kDa acid stable serine protease inhibitor. SLPI has been shown to be the dominant protease inhibitor in bronchial secretions and has been used in treatment of pulmonary emphysema. In ulcerative colitis faecal extracts has been shown to contain an abundance of free proteolytic activity, mainly leukocytic and pancreatic proteases. SLPI is a strong inh
Power System Damping - Structural Aspects of Controlling Active Power
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ekonomiska och miljömässiga problem gör det svårt att bygga ut kraftledningsnätet i samma takt som efterfrågan på elenergi ökar. Ett alternativ är att öka belastningen av befintliga kraftledningar på bekostnad av de säkerhetsmarginaler som finns. En av flera dimensionerande faktorer är risken för otillräckligt dämpade effektpendlingar mellan generatorer i kraftsystemet.Environmental and economical aspects make it difficult to build new power lines and to reinforce existing ones. The continued growth in demand for electric power must therefore to a great extent be met by increased loading of available lines. A consequence is that power system damping is reduced, leading to a risk of poorly damped power oscillations between the generators. This thesis proposes the
Improving sustainability of wastewater management - important resources and possibilities for improved efficiency
Small-Molecule Galectin Inhibitors
Tibetan refugees as objects of development: Indian development philosophy and refugee resistance in the establishment of Lukzung Samdrupling, the first Tibetan refugee settlement in India
Changing grading scales in higher education as apart of the Bologna process - the case of Denmark, Norway and Sweden
Does class matter in protests? Social class, attitudes towards inequality, and political trust in European demonstrations in a time of economic crisis
In this paper, survey data from 60 demonstrations in 8 European countries is analyzed, to explore whether social class matters in political protest. Do different types of demonstrations mobilize different groups of employees/workers? And do social class matter for demonstrators’ attitudes about social inequality, welfare privatization and political trust—or do national context and/or the issue of
Clinical Applications of Diffusion Tensor Imaging.
Nanotoxicology: Aerosol surface area determination
Useful Use Counts in C++
Benen från Hammar 9:21, Nosaby socken : En osteologisk analys av ett benmaterial från övergången yngre bronsålder/äldre förromersk järnålder
Schumpeter's Theory of Business Ideas: "Incorporating" Opportunity Creation and Discovery in Management Studies
Management scholars have long separated the study of opportunity creation and discovery, assuming that the nature of opportunities itself is not affected by information acquisition. Research on judgment and decision-making challenges this assumption, confirming that we judge the nature of opportunities in large part by the way we acquire information about it. Management theorists have yet to diges
A study of pp and p̄p interactions at the CERN intersecting storage rings
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