

Din sökning på "*" gav 536564 sökträffar

Influence of cisplatin on RNA structure in solution Escherichia coli tRNA(Ala) and human Wnt-5a 3' UTR model system studies

Popular Abstract in Swedish Studierna i denna avhandling behandlar hur anticancer preparatet cisplatin påverkar RNA strukturen. För att visa att strukturella förändringar kan hämma viktiga funktioner i cellen har två RNA modellsystem valts i) tRNAAla (specifikt för aminosyran alanin) från bakterien Escherichia coli och ii) en modell som representerar ett humant proteins 3' UTR (untranslated regionRNA molecules in the cellular environment have several important functions. In many cases, proper RNA function is intimately linked to proper three-dimensional structure of the molecule. Thus, it seems reasonable to assume that structural changes caused by external influence can strongly inhibit important cellular functions maintained by RNAs. Studies in this thesis have had a focus on the influen

Organisational frameworks for straw-based energy systems in Ukraine and Western Europe

Ukraine (UA) has large biomass potentials, and faces broad needs for energy security enhancement, agricultural sector revitalisation and environmental improvement. Cross case study analysis is applied to nine straw-fired installations in UA within a conceptual framework developed by the authors. The analysis yields three distinct straw-based frameworks for organisation and action including ‘small

Ribosomes and subunits from Escherichia coli studied by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Fältflödesfraktionering-ett verktyg för att optimera genteknisk produktion av proteiner Läkemedel av proteintyp kan i framtiden tillverkas mer kostnadseffektivt. Utbytet av protein maximeras genom att den proteinproducerande bakteriens ribosomer separeras och räknas. Proteiner i vår vardag Protein kan vara mer än den blodiga biffen eller torskfilén på lunchtallriken. PIn this thesis asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (FFF) separations of ribosomes and subunits have been studied. Ribosomal material was prepared from Escherichia coli (E. coli) cells and analyzed by the size separation technique. The five main peaks in the fractograms correspond to transfer RNA (tRNA), unidentified proteins, small subunit, large subunit, and ribosome. The accuracy of the

Enzymatic hydrolysis coupled to hot water extraction for determination of flavonoids in plants

Popular Abstract in Swedish I Sverige produceras dagligen flera ton biprodukter avfall inom jordbruks-, livsmedels- och skogsindustrierna. Detta avfall förbränns, komposteras och går till biogasproduktion samt i vissa fall till djurfoder. Intressanta avfallsgrupper ur ett svenskt perspektiv är lök- morots-, och potatis avfall från jordbruk- och livsmedelsindustrin och bark från skogsindustrin. DesThe word sustainability is more and more frequently used within the field of chemistry and in many other fields. Green or sustainable chemistry was introduced during the 90 ́s as a field of chemistry where the environmental and health impacts of processes and products are evaluated and improved. Within analytical chemistry the awareness of sustainability has also increased, which has resulted in o

Musik som mat.

Att musik är en livsnödvändighet, liksom mat, visar sig tydligt i att alla mänskliga kulturer har musik och att musiken ofta används för att förmedla den innersta kärnan i kulturen. I västafrikansk kultur återges detta till exempel i det muntligt traderade eposet om Sunjata Keita, den store hjälten som på 1200-talet grundade det gigantiska Mali-imperiet. Vid den tronstrid som uppstod mellan Sunjat

Biosensors and Automation for Bioprocess Monitoring and Control

Bioprocess monitoring and control is a complex task that needs rapid and reliable methods which are adaptable to continuous analysis. Process monitoring during fermentation is widely applicable in the field of pharmaceutical, food and beverages and wastewater treatment. The ability to monitor has direct relevance in improving performance, quality, productivity, and yield of the process. In fact, t

Comparing the xylose reductase/xylitol dehydrogenase and xylose isomerase pathways in arabinose and xylose fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains

Background: Ethanolic fermentation of lignocellulosic biomass is a sustainable option for the production of bioethanol. This process would greatly benefit from recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains also able to ferment, besides the hexose sugar fraction, the pentose sugars, arabinose and xylose. Different pathways can be introduced in S. cerevisiae to provide arabinose and xylose utilisatio