Influence of cisplatin on RNA structure in solution Escherichia coli tRNA(Ala) and human Wnt-5a 3' UTR model system studies
Popular Abstract in Swedish Studierna i denna avhandling behandlar hur anticancer preparatet cisplatin påverkar RNA strukturen. För att visa att strukturella förändringar kan hämma viktiga funktioner i cellen har två RNA modellsystem valts i) tRNAAla (specifikt för aminosyran alanin) från bakterien Escherichia coli och ii) en modell som representerar ett humant proteins 3' UTR (untranslated regionRNA molecules in the cellular environment have several important functions. In many cases, proper RNA function is intimately linked to proper three-dimensional structure of the molecule. Thus, it seems reasonable to assume that structural changes caused by external influence can strongly inhibit important cellular functions maintained by RNAs. Studies in this thesis have had a focus on the influen