

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Asbestkontamination av dricksvatten och associerade risker

Asbest är ett samlingsnamn för mineralen krysotil, aktinolit, antofyllit, amosit, tremolit och krokiodolit. Alla är de värmetåliga och stresståliga vilket har gjort dem användbara inom industrin. Dock har det bevisats att de vid inandning ger upphov till svåra lungåkommor. Under 70- och 80-talet oroade sig forskare även över huruvida det fanns ett samband mellan mag- och tarmcancer och asbestkontaThe term asbestos includes the minerals chrysotile, actinolite, anthophyllite, amosite, tremolite and crociodolite. Their heat-resistance and durability has made them applicable within the industry. At the same time it has been proven that they are the cause of severe lung-disorders when inhaled. During the 70’s and 80’s scientists also worried about whether there was a relationship between intest

Sveriges arbetarklass i utveckling : en studie av klass i Mig äger ingen och Yarden

Denna kandidatuppsats syftar till att studera hur representanter för arbetarklassen framställs i romanerna Mig äger ingen (2006) och Yarden (2009). Vidare undersöks det huruvida man genom dessa verk kan följa arbetarklassens utveckling i Sverige under den senare delen av 1900-talet. Arbetat utgår från tidigare forskning om arbetarlitteratur och framställningen av klass i skönlitteratur. Min fråge

A Financial Crisis Study: How Fiscal And Monetary Policy Affects The Stock Market Returns Considering The Specific Counties

This paper measures the impacts of fiscal and monetary policy adjustments on stock markets in U.S., Sweden, and China, during the financial crisis of 2007-2009. The purpose of this paper is to gauge the direction and magnitude of stock market responses to the policy announcements and compare the effects of policies across these three countries. A four-year period prior to financial crisis is selec

Mellan fackspråk och motspråk. Attityd, meningsstruktur och andra problem vid översättning av fransk, populärvetenskaplig text

Denna magisteruppsats grundar sig på den egna översättningen av delar av en populariserad sociologisk analys av arbetarnas situation vid Peugots bilfabriker i norra Frankrike (Stéphane Beaud & Michel Pialoux 2004). Den första delen består av en textanalys grundad på i huvudsak Hellspong & Ledin (1997). Den andra delen utgörs av ett antal översättningsteoretiska reflektioner och presenterar

Constructing a sustainable Africa

This master’s thesis analysed sustainable development policies in China’s 11th Five-Year Plan and sustainable development considerations at the building of the Bui Dam in Ghana. The theory section discusses and defines sustainable development, and in the method section, ‘ideal-types’ of economic, social and environmental development were developed. These ideal-types were then used as reference poi

Marknadens eller människans rättigheter? Om multinationella företags ansvarstagande i lönefrågan.

As globalization advances, so does international trading. This Bachelor’s thesis’ purpose is to analyze in what way corporations conform to human rights by using suppliers in a globalized environment and what impact globalization has on corporation’s actions in accordance with human rights. By qualitatively analyzing documents and by conducting an argumentation analysis, the methodological foundat

Structural Response With Regard to Explosions

When a structure is subjected to an explosion, it will have a response that differs from the one that arises from a static load. Engineers are used to design for static loads but the common knowledge of how to design for explosions is weak. There are guidelines for how to design for explosions with simplified methods but they are partly outdated and the explanation of how they are derived is vague

Förbättring av ät- och skrivmöjligheter i lastbilshytt

This report summarizes the conclutions of a Master Thesis at Lund University (LTH) in cooperation with Scania CV AB R & D during the fall of 2010 and winter 2011. The mission is to improve the eating and writing ability (EWA) in truck cabs. A EWA offers truck driver to eat and write inside the cab. A EWA can for example be a countertop, a full table or a simple cup holder. There is great pote

The role of Maf transcrition factors in type 1 diabetes

Abstract Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia that results from a selective loss of insulin secreting pancreatic beta cells. The aetiology of T1D often involves both genetic and environmental factors like viral infections. In T1D, insulin is regarded as primary autoantigen that becomes one of the targets of autoimmune attack and is found to be expressed i

Voltage regulation in distribution systems - Tap changer and Wind Power

Power quality is an important issue for the distribution network companies. They must guarantee the electricity supply fulfilling the requirements for the consumers. In this thesis we investigate specifically voltage requirements. We use transformers and tap changers to see how the voltage works in an electric system and we analyze the relationships with other aspects of the system’s performance,

Multi-Pitch Estimation of Inharmonic Signals

A signal with harmonic structure is often characterized by its fundamental frequency, or pitch. This single parameter contain vital information of a range of applications such as musical transcription, tuning of stringed instruments, speech processing and more. Some signal sources, for instance a sti vibrating string, exhibit waveforms with slightly deviating harmonic structure. This phenomenon is

Production of Anthracene (C14H10) Clusters using Cold Aerodynamic Source (CAS) and Verification of the Products via Time of Flight Spectroscopy

Molecular cluster is a nanoparticle that is defined as an agglomerate of few up to 106-7 of molecules (corresponding to 1- 100 nm in size) that can be manipulated by the cluster beams. Molecular cluster properties typically lie between the individual molecule and bulk matter properties. This work describes the employment of the Cold Aerodynamic Source (CAS) to produce a narrow, collimated and iso

Development of a Continuous Blending System

The company QB Food Tech designs and installs powder in liquid mixing systems for the food and pharmaceutical industries. The aim of this master thesis is to develop a continuous blending system with concentration output feedback for inline blending of complex products starting from an existing batch process. A method for measuring a substance concentration in flow‐rates therefore needs to be esta

Provning av reläskydd med intermittentfunktion

The Division of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation, IEA, at LTH is participating in the research project DLAB, sponsored by E.ON. The goal of this project is to gain more understanding of the problems arising from increased cablification of Swedish medium voltage distribution grid and to develop an electric power laboratory. More and longer cables have increased the capacitive earth

Fast, vast and variable - spatio-temporal migration patterns of Great Reed Warblers revealed by using geolocators

Abstract: Avian long-distance migration as an adaptation to spatiotemporally changing resources is a complex evolutionary trait shaped by various endo- and exogenous factors. Descriptive studies of migratory journeys provide direct investigations of migratory parameters and these often set the basis for fun-damental follow-up studies on the eco-evolutionary principles. In this study, male Great

Identification and Functional Studies of Fusion Genes in Soft Tissue Tumors

ABSTRACT Soft tissue tumor-associated gene fusions are currently being used as diagnostic genetic markers and seem promising as potential prognostic markers. In the present study, a new fusion gene was discovered in one case of a specific subtype of soft tissue sarcoma displaying a t(6;16) translocation. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), the FUS gene in 16p11 was shown to be rearra

Microcensorship in China: Controlling the narrative or “letting a hundred flowers bloom”?

This thesis looks at government censorship of Chinese social media, with a focus on the especially vibrant medium of micro-blogs – weibo 微博 in Chinese. It looks in detail at what kind of content is more likely to be censored, and how effective that censorship is. The approach is to conceptualise the Chinese online environment and the state-user interaction. Using these findings a hypothesis is the