

Din sökning på "*" gav 533081 sökträffar

Quantification of [18F]florbetaben amyloid-PET imaging in a mixed memory clinic population : The ABIDE project

Introduction: We investigated amyloid-burden quantification in a mixed memory clinic population. Methods: [18F]Florbetaben amyloid-PET (positron emission tomography) scans of 348 patients were visually read and quantified using the Centiloid (CL) method. General linear models were used to assess CL differences across syndromic and etiological diagnosis. Linear mixed models were fitted to assess th

Novel sediment sampling method provides new insights into vertical grain size variability due to marine and aeolian beach processes

In sandy beach systems, the aeolian sediment transport can be governed by the vertical structure of the sediment layers at the bed surface. Here, data collected with a newly developed sand scraper is presented to determine high-resolution vertical grain size variability and how it is affected by marine and aeolian processes. Sediment samples at up to 2 mm vertical resolution down to 50 mm depth we

Rätten att citera – Om citatreglernas innebörd och räckvidd

Både på upphovsrättens område och på formgivningsrättens område inskränks rättighetsinnehavarnas ensamrätt av regler som gör det möjligt citera ur skyddade alster. Den upphovsrättsliga citatregeln stadgas i 22 § upphovsrättslagen (1960:729). Den formgivningsrättsliga citatregeln återfinns i 7 § 3 mönsterskyddslagen (1970:485) och i artikel 20.1 c i formgivningsförordningen. I uppsatsen görs en rBoth copyright law and design law provide rules that limit the exclusive rights of the rightsholders in order to allow users to quote protected works and other protected subject matter. Such rules are prescribed in section 22 of the Swedish Copyright Act (SFS 1960:729), section 7 paragraph 3 of the Swedish Design Protection Act (SFS 1970:485) and article 20.1 c of the EU Design Regulation. The ai

Dömd men inte glömd - En studie av vissa svenska söktjänsters behandling av brottsuppgifter samt av förhållandet mellan rätten till skydd för personuppgifter och rätten till yttrande- och informationsfrihet

I Sverige finns ett antal webbplatser som samlar in offentliga handlingar och tillgängliggör dessa genom en söktjänst. Internetanvändare kan genom en sådan söktjänst, ofta efter erlagd betalning, till exempel se om någon förekommer i en fällande brottmålsdom. Webbplatserna är grundlagsskyddade genom utgivningsbevis. Möjligheten att ansöka om utgivningsbevis finns sedan 2003 genom en bestämmelse i In Sweden, there are a number of websites that collect public documents and make them available through a search service. Internet users can use such a search service, often after paying a fee, to find out, for example, whether someone appears in a criminal conviction. The websites are protected by a publishing license, a possibility that has been included in the Swedish Freedom of Expression Act

Barnets rätt i asylprocessen - En analys av tillämpningen av barnets bästa inom 5 kap. 6 § UtlL efter barnkonventionens implementering

Barnets bästa i 1 kap. 10 § utlL innebär att barnets bästa ska sättas i främsta rummet. Principen har sin utgångspunkt från FN:s barnkonvention som sedan 2020 också inkorporerad i svensk lag. Sverige har återkommande fått kritik gällande tillämpningen och uppfyllandet av barns rättigheter. Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva hur principen om barnets bästa ska förstås i gällande rätt, med ett fokus The principle of the best interest of the child is written in 1:10 § alien act. The meaning of the principle is to always act in the best interest of the child in any case in which children are affected. Sweden ratified the UN Convention on the rights of the child already in 1990, and 1st of January 2020 the convention was incorporated into Swedish law. However, Sweden has gotten criticism regardi

Total defense as a happy object : gendering mobilization of civil defense in Sweden

For the past years, the national rhetoric in Sweden has changed. Due to the Russian actions in Ukraine and Crimea, efforts towards mobilizing military and civil preparedness increased. The concept of the ‘total defence’ was reintroduced and has led to shifting priorities in Swedish politics, serving as a happy object and remedy in times of security threat and social anxiety. The article critically

Två sidor av samma rehabiliteringsmynt - En studie om arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar i relation till rehabiliteringskedjan

Arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar innebär, i samband med att en arbetstagare får nedsatt arbetsförmåga till följd av sjukdom, en skyldighet att utreda arbetsanpassnings- och rehabiliteringsmöjligheterna för att möjliggöra återgång i arbete. Rehabiliteringsansvaret regleras främst inom lagen om (1982:80) anställningsskydd, arbetsmiljölagen (1977:1160), socialförsäkringsbalken (2010:110) och kompThe employer's responsibility to rehabilitate is, in connection with an employee's reduced ability to work as a result of illness, an obligation to investigate work adaptation and rehabilitation possibilities to enable a return to work. The responsibility for rehabilitation is mainly regulated within the Employment Protection Act (LAS), the work environment act (AML), the social insurance

Revisorns ekonomiska brottsbekämpning - En rättsanalytisk studie av revisorns anmälningsskyldighet enligt ABL

Ekonomisk brottslighet (ekobrott) i aktiebolag är ett stort samhällsproblem i Sverige där revisorn fyller en viktig funktion vid misstanke om brott för ett fungerande näringsliv. Regeringen har sedan 1999 verkat för att effektivisera revisorernas brottsbekämpning för att förebygga och upptäcka ekobrott. Revisorn blev skyldig att anmäla misstanke om brott som kan upptäckas inom revisionsverksaEconomic crime (white-collar crime) in limited companies is a major social problem in Sweden, and the auditor plays an important role in cases of suspected crime for a functioning business community. Since 1999, the government has been working to make the auditors' fight against crime more effective in order to prevent and detect financial crime. The auditor became obliged to report suspici

A conceptual model for increasing the speed of decision-making based on images obtained from UAVs

To reduce the load on the operator of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) during long search and rescue, and monitoring missions, the concept of an automatic system is proposed, which directly on board performs a prelimi-nary analysis of images received from a high-resolution navigation video camera, determines areas of interest, and sets the position of an additional camera with a reduced viewing an

Photoluminescence Polarization of MAPbBr3 Perovskite Nanostructures. Can the Dielectric Contrast Effect Explain It?

The dielectric contrast effect is usually evoked to explain anisotropy of optical properties of elongated nanoobjects, for example, semiconductor nanowires. We applied two-dimensional polarization imaging microscopy to measure the polarization of photoluminescence (PL) excitation and PL intensity of nanoaggregates of in-situ formed MAPbBr3perovskite nanoparticles in a stretched polymeric matrix. S

Sialyl-Tn Antigen-Imprinted Dual Fluorescent Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Ratiometric Sialyl-Tn Antigen Detection and Dual-Color Labeling of Cancer Cells

Sialyl-Tn (STn or sialyl-Thomsen-nouveau) is a carbohydrate antigen expressed by more than 80% of human carcinomas. We here report a strategy for ratiometric STn detection and dual-color cancer cell labeling, particularly, by molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs). Imprinting was based on spectroscopic studies of a urea-containing green-fluorescent monomer 1 and STn-Thr-Na (sodium salt of Neu5Acα2-

Atomic Hydrogen Annealing of Graphene on InAs Surfaces and Nanowires : Interface and Morphology Control for Optoelectronics and Quantum Technologies

Folding two-dimensional graphene around one-dimensional III-V nanowires yields a new class of hybrid nanomaterials combining their excellent complementary properties. However, important for high-quality electrical and optical performance, needed in many applications, are well-controlled oxide-free interfaces and a tight folding morphology. To improve the interface chemistry between the graphene an

Finance for Fossils – the Role of Public Financing in Expanding Petrochemicals

The petrochemicals industry (mainly plastics and fertilizer production) is expanding, despite increasing attention to the environmental impact of petrochemicals. In our paper, we explore the role public finance plays in the petrochemicals industry. We do so by mapping the public and private financial flows into large-scale petrochemical projects for the decade 2010-20 and discuss the role of publi

Common Mode Current Measurements in Traction Systems for Electric Vehicles

The market for partly or fully electrified vehicles is expanding fast. The number of sources and loads that are connected to the vehicles traction voltage systems (TVS) increase and thus also the ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements on these sources and loads. These requirements should make sure that neither function nor lifetime of any source or load is severely affected by another. T

Blir det klart någon gång? - Särskilt om beställarens möjlighet att i kommersiella avtalsrelationer häva entreprenaden vid anteciperat kontraktsbrott.

Den svenska entreprenadsektorn innehar en särställning inom obligationsrätten på så sätt att det saknas lagstiftning och att det ofta rör sig om komplexa avtalssituationer där den befintliga lagstiftningen inte är direkt tillämpbar. Entreprenaderna är ofta långa avtalsförhållanden som involverar flertalet parter och entreprenörer i flera led, samtidigt som hela entreprenaden i vissa fall kan vara The Swedish construction sector holds a special position in the law of obligations because there is no legislation and there are often complex contractual situations where the existing legislation is not directly applicable. The contracts are often long-term contractual relationships that involve several parties and contractors in several stages, while the entire contract in some cases is fully de