Din sökning på "*" gav 534512 sökträffar
Dendrokronologisk analys av vrakfynd från Ellös badplats vid Orust, Bohuslän
Dendrokronologisk analys av timrad loge på Rödön, Jämtland
Preventing the brownification of water
Det är insidan som räknas - En fallstudie om motivation i ett stort, men platt, svenskt IT-företag
Studien visar att det är de inre motivationsfaktorerna som är viktigast för de anställda samtidigt som den också visar att uppfyllandet av Herzbergs hygienfaktorer ger mer än neutral tillfredsställelse hos de anställda på Techleverantören. Trots att lönerna är lägre än branschgenomsnittet har företaget lyckats skapa ett helhetspaket som gör att de anställda både trivs och hålls motiverade i jobbetThe study shows that it is intrinsic motivation that has the most significance to the employees while simultaneously showing that the fulfilling of Herzberg’s hygiene factors provide more than a neutral satisfaction for the employees at “Techleverantören”. Despite wages being lower than the industry average the company has successfully created a comprehensive package of benefits that make employee
Recombinant yeast for production of the pain receptor modulator nonivamide from vanillin
We report on the development of a method based on recombinant yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to produce nonivamide, a capsaicinoid and potent agonist of the pain receptor TRPV1. Nonivamide was produced in a two-step batch process where yeast was i) grown aerobically on glucose and ii) used to produce nonivamide from vanillin and non-anoic acid by bioconversion. The yeast was engineered to express
Investigation and optimization on melting performance of a triplex-tube heat storage tank by rotational mechanism
Phase change heat storage is the backbone of energy storage technology, but its storage time is affected by the low thermal conductivity of phase change materials. Therefore, the melting performance of a triplex-tube latent heat thermal energy storage unit (T-LHTESU) in a phase change heat storage system is studied in this paper, and the rotation mechanism is applied to the unit. Firstly, a numeri
Rapid microwave-stimulated fixation of entire prostatectomy specimens
Conventional fixation of large solid surgical specimens is a slow process. Consequently, autolytic damage to tissues may occur if the fixative does not reach the central part of the specimen in time. However, as there is also a time relationship between formalin fixation and antigen masking, fixation for too long can also be detrimental. In seeking the optimum balance for fixation, microwave irrad
Plasma p-tau217 predicts in vivo brain pathology and cognition in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease
Introduction: Plasma-measured tau phosphorylated at threonine 217 (p-tau217) is a potential non-invasive biomarker of Alzheimer's disease (AD). We investigated whether plasma p-tau217 predicts subsequent cognition and positron emission tomography (PET) markers of pathology in autosomal dominant AD. Methods: We analyzed baseline levels of plasma p-tau217 and its associations with amyloid PET, tau P
To report or not to report: What happens when middle managers receive bad news about safety issues?
Fascinated and often frustrated, it has often been that the flow of critical safety information is not as fluid and transparent as one would consider reasonable (Westhuizen & Stanz, 2017). This notional concept of ‘reporting’ has been researched and studied from many different industries and perspectives but has yet to answer, why individuals and groups lack the culture necessary to report wha
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Charles Tilly: Beständig ojämlikhet - kategorier, vardagsrelationer och berättelser
COVID-19-related hospital admission in spouses of partners in at-risk occupations
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to quantify the risk of COVID-19-related hospital admission in spouses living with partners in at-risk occupations in Denmark during 2020-21.METHODS: Within a registry-based cohort of all Danish employees (N=2 451 542), we identified cohabiting couples, in which at least one member (spouse) held a job that according to a job exposure matrix entailed low risk of occupati
Akuta vaskulära neurokirurgiska tillstånd kräver snabb hantering
Conditions involving intracranial vascular anomalies are increasingly diagnosed, not least incidentally, with the increasing availability of neuroradiological investigations. Acute deterioration and development of symptoms due to a vascular condition could require neurosurgical intervention depending on the nature of the condition and status of the patient. On the other hand, asymptomatic patients
Hanteringen av rättegångskostnader i förvaltningsmål - En analys efter avgörandet HFD 2022 ref. 10
Hanteringen av rättegångskostnader i förvaltningsmål har stundtals varit komplicerad till följd av avsaknaden av uttryckliga kostnadsregler på området. På senare tid har kostnadsfrågorna behandlats genom flertalet rättsfall i förhållande till grundläggande fri- och rättigheter i allmänhet och bestämmelserna om en rättvis rättegång i synnerhet. Rättsläget klargjordes delvis genom HFD 2022 ref. 10 dThe law of litigation costs in Swedish administrative law cases has sometimes been complicated due to the lack of clear legal rules on the topic. In recent years the question of litigation costs has been examined in relation to fundamental rights and freedoms. The legal position was partly clarified in the case of HFD 2022 ref. 10 where the Court established a specific scheme for how claims for co
Internationell handel och råvaruförsörjning i orostider
Rapid Radiations and the Race to Redundancy: An Investigation of the Evolution of Australian Elapid Snake Venoms
Venom is a key evolutionary trait, as evidenced by its widespread convergent evolution across the animal kingdom. In an escalating prey-predator arms race, venoms evolve rapidly to guarantee predatory or defensive success. Variation in venom composition is ubiquitous among snakes. Here, we tested variation in venom activity on substrates relevant to blood coagulation among Pseudonaja (brown snake)
Säkringsredovisning – företeelse som klar ökar även bland mindre företag
The injury-induced transcription factor SOX9 alters the expression of LBR, HMGA2, and HIPK3 in the human kidney
Induction of SRY box transcription factor 9 (SOX9) has been shown to occur in response to kidney injury in rodents, where SOX9-positive cells proliferate and regenerate the proximal tubules of injured kidneys. Additionally, SOX9-positive cells demonstrate a capacity to differentiate toward other nephron segments. Here, we characterized the role of SOX9 in normal and injured human kidneys. SOX9 exp