

Din sökning på "*" gav 533529 sökträffar

Health care utilization following "digi-physical" assessment compared to physical assessment for infectious symptoms in primary care

Background: The use of chat-based digital visits (eVisits) to assess infectious symptoms in primary care is rapidly increasing. The "digi-physical" model of care uses eVisits as the first line of assessment while assuming a certain proportion of patients will inevitably need to be further assessed through urgent physical examination within 48 h. It is unclear to what extent this approach can mitig

Byggnaders klimatpåverkan, timme för timme – idag och i framtiden : En gemensam metod för energi- och miljöklassning

Projektets metodik ska ses som en första leverans med ett unikt resultat där klimatprestanda för el- och fjärrvärmenäten ges som unika timdata för energisystemen 365 dagar om året, idag och i framtiden. Det finns idag ett antal frivilliga system på marknaden för energi- och klimatklassning av byggnader. Dessa system har det gemensamma att de har som ambition att driva utvecklingen framåt.I den utv

Solallén i Växjö : Sveriges första nollenergibostäder?

I Växjö har Skanska uppfört radhus som uppfyller företagets interna krav för att kallas mörkgröna. Mörkgrönt byggande enligt Skanska betyder högt ställda krav på miljöprestanda vad gäller energi, klimat, material och vatten, exempelvis behöver projektet klara netto-noll primärenergibalans över året. Solallén består av 21 enplansradhus i Vikaholm i utkanten av Växjö, och är Skanska Sveriges andra m

Sample preparation approach influences pam50 risk of recurrence score in early breast cancer

The PAM50 gene expression subtypes and the associated risk of recurrence (ROR) score are used to predict the risk of recurrence and the benefits of adjuvant therapy in early-stage breast cancer. The Prosigna assay includes the PAM50 subtypes along with their clinicopathological fea-tures, and is approved for treatment recommendations for adjuvant hormonal therapy and chemotherapy in hormone-recept

The colour matrix at next-to-leading-colour accuracy for tree-level multi-parton processes

We investigate the next-to-leading-colour (NLC) contributions to the colour matrix in the fundamental and the colour-flow decompositions for tree-level processes with all gluons, one quark pair and two quark pairs. By analytical examination of the colour factors, we find the non-zero elements in the colour matrix at NLC. At this colour order, together with the symmetry of the phase-space, it is re

Uncovering the critical soil moisture thresholds of plant water stress for European ecosystems

Understanding the critical soil moisture (SM) threshold (θcrit) of plant water stress and land surface energy partitioning is a basis to evaluate drought impacts and improve models for predicting future ecosystem condition and climate. Quantifying the θcrit across biomes and climates is challenging because observations of surface energy fluxes and SM remain sparse. Here, we used the latest databas

Unveiling Center-Type Topological Defects on Rosettes of Lead Zirconate Titanate Associated to Oxygen Vacancies

Understanding the formation of topological defects in ferroelectric materials can provide access to their unusual physics, invaluable for possible applications of domain engineering in nanoelectronics. The present study shows the spontaneous formation of center-type topological defects in lead zirconate titanate (PZT) films, characterized by a strong in-plane radial electromechanical response on r

Interactions of governmental policies and business models for a circular economy: A systematic literature review

Governmental policies and business models are considered key elements for a transition to a circular economy. In current literature, there is a lack of understanding on how these two elements interact and how this understanding is used to accelerate the realisation of a circular economy. We shed light on this issue by conducting a systematic review of the literature in combination with a literatur

Empiri och historikerns sökverktyg : Kataloger, bibliografier, databaser och Melchior Hofmanns böcker som aldrig togs upp i den svenska nationalbibliografin

Empirical evidences in the library and the historian’s search tools: Union catalogues, bibliographies, databases, and the omission of Melchior Hofmann’s works from the Swedish national bibliographyThe article considers the connection between historians’ interpretations of the past and the search tools (catalogues, bibliographies, and databases) they use to access empirical source material in libra

From 2D and 3D documentation to 4D interpretation : Building archaeological conclusions and workflow strategies gained by remote study of Insula V 1, Pompeii

The text describes new methods elaborated for and used in the building archaeological assessment of a city block, studied first on site, then remotely by members of the Swedish Pompeii Project. Use of a digital platform, with collected wall observations and analysis, systematic photographic documentation of all standing structures, and 3D models, allowed discussion to proceed after the fieldwork c

Försvagar distansarbetet facket?

Pandemin har gjort att distansarbete praktiseras, studeras och diskuteras mer än någonsin. En aktuell fråga är om distansarbetets tilltagande omfattning hos stora tjänstemannagrupper riskerar att undergräva den fackliga styrkan och förskjuta maktbalansen till arbetsgivarnas fördel.

A machine learning approach to enhance indoor thermal comfort in a changing climate

This paper presents an alternative workflow for thermal comfort prediction. By using the leverage of Data Science & AI in combination with the power of computational design, the proposed methodology exploits the extensive comfort data provided by the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II to generate more customised comfort prediction models. These models consider additional, often signific

(O)trygghet i Göteborg? : Från kust till inland

Vid tiden för Göteborgs 400-årsjubileum var ordet trygghet på många av göteborgarnas läppar. Göteborgs Stad hade sedan några år inlett ett tydligt fokus på att försöka öka invånarnas trygghet genom projekt som ”Trygg i Göteborg” och genom polisiära insatser för att minska den organiserade brottsligheten. Med tanke på sådana insatser tedde det sig kanske inte underligt att hela 15 procent av de sva