

Din sökning på "*" gav 533090 sökträffar

Modelling temperature dynamics of a district heating system in Naestved, Denmark – a case study

Modelling the temperature dynamics of a district heating system is typically validated for a single pipe or a system with limited information about dynamic consumer behaviour. In the present work, time dependent consumer data from the Naestved district heating system was used to investigate the ability of modelling tools to represent the temperature profile distortion throughout an entire heating

Supports made from recycled glass as biofilm carriers in anaerobic packed bed treatment of high-strength wastewaters

The possibility of using carriers made of recycled glass in anaerobic packed bed reactors has been studied in laboratory-scale experiments. Two types of carrier were studied: a porous bead of glass foam and an open ring of a smoother, sintered glass. The performance of processes with these carriers was compared with a conventional upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) process. The treatment of wa

Conversion and Contextual Conceptions of Christ: A Missiological Study among Young Converts in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen är baserad på forskning rörande sambandet mellan omvändelsemotiv och Kristusbild bland unga konvertiter i Brazzaville, Republiken Kongo. Förf. visar att samband föreligger och att de vanligaste Kristusföreställningarna kan relateras till två arketyper i kongolesiska traditionella trosföreställningar: nämligen broder-anfadern (Yaya) och häxdoktorn (nganga). This study presents contextual conceptions of Christ among young urban converts, within the Evangelical Church of Congo (EEC). The basic data consists of interviews, conversion stories, gathered during fieldwork in 1995-1997. From the data explicit and implicit conceptions of Christ were deducted and accounted for in the study. The main analytical questions are: How do young people (aged 17-35) co

Interligand electron transfer determines triplet excited state electron injection in RuN3-sensitized TiO2 films

Electron injection from the transition metal complex Ru(dcbpy)(2)(NCS)(2) (dcbpy = 2,2'-bipyridine-4,4'-dicarboxylate) into a titanium dioxide nanoparticle film occurs along two pathways. The dominating part of the electron injection proceeds from the initially excited singlet state of the sensitizer into the conduction band of the semiconductor on the sub-hundred-femtosecond time scale. The slowe

Characterisation of Urban Rainfall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Arbetet avser studier av regnkarakteristik i tid och rum i Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I storskalig betraktelse studerades ett 550 km2 område för att bl.a. finna påverkan av monsuner. I skalan av ett avrinningsområde avsåg arbetet en studie av regnets dynamiska egenskaper och rumsliga korrelationsstrukturer. I en enpunktskala, för ett 23 km2 stort område framtogs sannolikheRainfall characteristics of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, are studied in space and time; on a large scale, 550 km2, and long term scale to find out the monsoon influence, and on urban basin scale, 23 km2, to determine dynamic properties of rainfalls and spatial correlations, and on a point scale to determine the probabilities of very high rain intensities. The importance of spatial and temporal variabi

Effects of tiagabine, a gamma-aminobutyric acid re-uptake inhibitor, on normal rat bladder function.

PURPOSE: Previous reports have demonstrated the inhibitory effect of exogenous gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on micturition. In the current study we tested whether tiagabine (Sanofi Synthelab., Newcastle-upon Tyne, United Kingdom), a GABA re-uptake inhibitor increasing endogenous GABA concentrations, would affect micturition in awake rats or influence rat detrusor contraction in vitro. MATERIALS

Attempt to establish a chronic model to study the influence of bile and pancreatic juice diversion on pancreas feedback regulation in conscious pigs

The diversion of pancreatic juice and bile stimulates pancreatic exocrine secretion but the mechanism behind this process is still not clear. The present study investigates the influence of long lasting (10 h) bile diversion or pancreatic juice and bile diversion on the pancreatic secretion in conscious pigs. The experiments were performed on 4 weaned piglets, which had a catheter inserted to the

Social capital and health: does egalitarianism matter? A literature review

The aim of the paper is to critically review the notion of social capital and review empirical literature on the association between social capital and health across countries. The methodology used for the review includes a systematic search on electronic databases for peer-reviewed published literature. We categorize studies according to level of analysis (single and multilevel) and examine wheth

A new low Reynolds stress transport model for heat transfer and fluid in engineering applications

A new Reynolds stress transport model (RSTM) aimed for engineering applications is proposed with consideration of near-wall turbulence. This model employs the Speziale, Sarkar and Gatski (SSG) pressure strain term, the omega equation, and the shear stress transport (SST) model for the shear stresses at the near-wall region (say, y(+) < 30). The models are selected based on the following merits: Th

Rotational Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy: Experimental and Theoretical Developments in Gas-phase Thermometry

Dual-broadband pure rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy was investigated in terms of thermometry and species concentration measurement for studies of combustion. The modelling of rotational CARS spectra under conditions of high pressure at room temperature was investigated. Resonant terms of the Stokes (CSRS) type were found to have a significant effect on the intensity of the anti

The expression of hormone-sensitive lipase in clonal beta-cells and rat islets is induced by long-term exposure to high glucose

Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is expressed and enzymatically active in beta-cells and has been proposed to be involved in the generation of the lipid-derived signal that seems to be necessary for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. In this study, we investigated whether the expression of HSL in INS-1 cells and in rat islets is affected by exposure to high glucose concentrations. Incubation of I

Physiological development of a mixed metabolic and respiratory umbilical cord blood acidemia with advancing gestational age.

Objective: To investigate respiratory and metabolic components of gestational age-dependent umbilical cord blood gas changes. Study design: Cord blood gases were determined in 1336 vigorous singletons with uncomplicated cephatic vaginal delivery at 37-43 weeks. Linear regression analysis and non-parametric statistics were used with a P < 0.05 being significant. Results: Gestational age correlated