

Din sökning på "*" gav 526417 sökträffar

FPGA implementation of real-time image convolutions with three level of memory hierarchy

In this paper, a customized image convolution processor with three level memory hierarchy is implemented on Xilinx VirtexE FPGAs. Due to its fully pipelined datapath for calculations and streamlined data flow architecture, the processor has the performance close to that of TI highest performance C64x processor at less than 1/8 of the clock frequency with substantial I/O bandwidth reductions. Furth

From teleology to eschatology: The katechon and the political theology of the international law of belligerent occupation

While contemporary international law is often understood as teleological, encompassing notions such as progress, development, and prosperity for all of human kind, in this essay the field of the international law of belligerent occupation is read as katechonic, as embodying the figure of the katechon within international law’s eschatology. The essay considers Carl Schmitt’s political theology thro

Design, Development and Applications of Highly Sensitive Protein-Based Capacitive Biosensors

Highly sensitive biosensors were developed for environmental and medical applications. The biosensors were based on bioengineered proteins as biorecognition elements coupled to a highly sensitive capacitive transducer. Heavy metal binding proteins like the metallothionein SmtA, regulatory protein MerR, periplasmic protein MerP and the synthetic phytochelatin EC20 were used for designing, construc

Väljer unga fel? – grundskoleelevers attityder till gymnasievalet

Ungdomsarbetslösheten bland unga under 25 år är sedan 1990-talet en stor utmaning. Detta samtidigt som övergången från skola till arbetsliv utgör en nyckeldimension vad gäller ungdomsarbetslöshet. En faktor som avgör denna övergång handlar om matchningen mellan gymnasial utbildning samt efterfrågade kunskaper på arbetsmarknaden. Sverige har en heterogen matchning, ungdomsarbetslösheten är hög, sam


Abstract in Undetermined Att skriva kandidatuppsats innebär en stor och spännande utmaning för de flesta studenter. Det är under arbetet med denna som man förväntas ta det sista steget till att bli en självständig kunskapsproducent och belönas med en filosofie kan- didatexamen. Därmed framstår den såväl som det mest krävande som lärorika momentet på grundutbildningen. I den här boken görs en grun

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Popular Abstract in Swedish En bred, distinkt materialpresentation är knuten till enskilda variabler av psykologiskt märke. Dessa innebär ett sök efter den autentiske Garborg, värderat som såväl symptombärare som symptomlösare. Introduktionen till Garborgs levnadshistoria avser att vara en invitation, speciellt till dem som inte är bekanta med honom som person och författare. Utifrån en period kriA broad, distinctive material presentation is done, which is linked to some variables of psychological value, stating a research for the authenticity of Garborg in viewing him as well a symptom bearer as a symptom solver. An introduction to Garborg is meant to be an invitation, especially to those who are not so well acquainted with him as a person and a writer. Out from a period of about 110 year


The work presented in this thesis demonstrates the application of electrochemical methods for probing the dynamics of cellular metabolism in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The main part of the work has been done using genetically modified strains of yeast. Employing baker’s yeast, S. cerevisiae, as a model organism, it was demonstrated how an amperometric method can be utilized for real-time in

Security in Physical Distribution - Causes, mitigation measures and an investment model

Recent statistics and terror events testify an increased vulnerability of distribution networks. Antagonistic threats as theft, counterfeiting, contamination and terror are burdening supply chains with unexpected costs in form of lost cargo, production downtimes, lower customer satisfaction, and higher transportation costs. Society is also worried about the possibility for terrorists to exploit su

PIXE Analysis of Samples of Intermediate Thickness

A procedure for making accurate matrix corrections in PIXE analyses of samples of intermediate thickness has been developed. The transmission of a collimated X-ray beam through different parts of the sample is measured with a Si(Li) detector to determine the thickness and shape of the sample. Experiments have been performed using uniform polymer foils doped with known concentrations of different e