

Din sökning på "*" gav 532866 sökträffar

Aristocrats and Refined Peasants : The Concept of Aristocracy in Swedish Historiography

This article investigates the evolution of aristocracy as a concept in Swedish historiography from the early nineteenth century to the present. In the political climate of the early 1800s, aristocracy became an increasingly contested concept, as reflected in ordinary language and the writing of national histories. A scholarly debate over anti-aristocratic prejudice between the historians Anders Fr

Is ignorance bliss? En uppsats om huruvida högintelligenta människor är mer benägna att uppleva ångest.

I följande uppsats undersöktes ångest och olika sätt att tänka genom en enkät i ett försök att hitta en koppling mellan olika kognitiva stilar och ångest. Detta resulterade i ett försök att hitta samband mellan objektiva, spatiala och verbala kognitiva stilar samt självupplevd ångest i en population bestående av högintelligenta personer och en kontrollgrupp. Detta undersöktes med hjälp av en kontrIn this following essay, anxiety and different ways of thinking were examined through a questionnaire in an attempt to find a connection between different cognitive styles and anxiety. This resulted in an attempt to find connections between objective, spatial and verbal cognitive styles, and self-perceived anxiety in a population which consisted of highly intelligent people and a control group. Th

The Effects of Confirmation Bias on Memory: An Experimental Study

This study investigated the effects of confirmation bias on episodic memory. This was achieved through an experiment assessing people's attitudes towards drugs and their recall of pro, neutral, and anti-drug news headlines. Our hypothesis was that participants would be better at remembering headlines that were in support of their beliefs and worse at remembering those that were against. 109 pe

Rasismens många ansikten och dess konsekvenser: En enkätstudie om vita och icke-vitas attityder, känslor, upplevelser och beteendeintentioner kopplat till rasism

Denna studie undersökte samband mellan olika vidmakthållande faktorer vid rasism (delstudie 2) och sambandet mellan rasismens konsekvenser för de drabbade (delstudie 1). Studien undersökte två populationer; icke-vita personer (delstudie 1) och vita personer (delstudie 2). Gruppen icke-vita (n=163) besvarade enkäter om minoritetsstress, upplevd diskriminering, upplevda motreaktioner från vita och lThis study explored the relationship between different factors maintaining racism (study 2) and the relationship between the consequences of racism for those exposed to it (study 1). The study examined two separate populations; people of color (study 1) and white people (study 2). People of color (n=163) answered surveys regarding minority stress, experience of discrimination, experienced white co

Patients with rectal cancer are satisfied with in-hospital communication despite insufficient information regarding treatment alternatives and potential side-effects

Aim: Patients with rectal cancer may undergo treatment such as surgery and (chemo)radiotherapy. Before treatment, patients are informed of different options and possible side-effects. The aim of the study was to evaluate the patients’ experience of communication with healthcare personnel at time of diagnosis and after one year. Method: A total of 1085 patients from Denmark and Sweden were included

Development and Shelf-Life Assessment of Kvass Beverage with Viable Microbial Flora

The fermentation process is deeply ingrained in human history, not only for preservation but also for enhancing the nutritional value of foods. In the contemporary context, the surge in global food waste is driving innovative solutions, with surplus bread being explored due to its high rate of wastage. Simultaneously, there is a growing interest in reviving traditional fermentation practices amid

Concept development and evaluation of a fibre-based packaging for ready-meals

This report details the development and evaluation of fibre-based primary packaging concepts for the growing ready-meals category, focusing on a concept packaging design project for Micvac AB. The research methodology employed the Double Diamond of Design Thinking as an innovation model. The project encompassed an assessment of the desirability, feasibility, and viability of fiber-based packaging.

Towards Sustainable Packaging: A Framework for the Milk and Plant-Based Beverage Industry

The beverage packaging industry is growing rapidly, driven by urbanization and changing lifestyles. Demand for packaged beverages with extended shelf life is driving sales of products with superior barrier properties, due to the high environmental impact of food waste compared to packaging waste. Despite progress, packaging waste represents more than a third of total waste. Thus, milk and plant-ba

An Explorative Study on How New Ventures Communicate Their Brand Identity to Attain Positive Brand Awareness, Brand Attitudes, and Legitimacy

Entrepreneurial marketing has proven to be important for a brand's survival in a fiercely competitive market. A well-communicated brand identity contributes to positive brand awareness, brand attitudes and legitimacy, which are important elements for a successful brand. There are some communication strategies for well-established companies, but to our knowledge, there is a lack of research on

Exploring Decision Making Processes and their Influence on Uncertainty Management

In this master's thesis, data from eight different cases of novice entrepreneurs is gathered. The goal was to investigate how novice entrepreneurs shape their decision-making process to manage uncertainty in the early stages of their ventures. Utilizing qualitative interviews conducted between March and April of 2024, this study delves into the different strategies used by novice entrepreneurs

How does education influence the cognitive mechanism used in the entrepreneurial ideation phase?

Entrepreneurship is essential to accelerate entrepreneurial innovation and economic growth. Brilliant ideas do not only arise from the Eureka moment but the founder's talent and creativity have a large cooperation in this process. There are many factors that trigger the founder's creativity and can lead to successful entrepreneurship. This paper aims to study the relationship between the c

Confronting Entrepreneurial Stress - Unpacking the Coping Strategies of Entrepreneurs

The recent surge in entrepreneurship can be attributed, in part, to the perceived advantages it offers, such as independence and flexibility, which have motivated many to pursue this career path. Beneath the surface, however, the entrepreneurial landscape is filled with frustrations and challenges that affect the emotional well-being of business owners. Understanding these challenges and identifyi

Det andra könet och Kriminalvården: En kvalitativ studie om rehabiliteringsarbete vid svenska kvinnoanstalter

Till följd av hur samhället länge präglats av androcentrism, där kvinnan är perifer till den centrala mannen, har forskning identifierat ett problem i hur läran om brott otillräckligt uppmärksammat kvinnor, kvinnlig brottslighet och kvinnlig rehabilitering. Ny forskning har satt kvinnan i fokus vid utvecklingen av könsspecifika insatser inom rehabilitering på fängelser runtom i världen, forskning

Predicting life with a permanent end colostomy : A prospective study on function, bother and acceptance

Aim: The factors that influence a patient's experience of a colostomy are not known. The aim of this study was to characterise stoma function, stoma-related bother and acceptance among patients operated for rectal cancer and to investigate if there were any preoperative personal factors with predictive impact on long-term stoma-related bother. Methods: The QoLiRECT (Quality of Life in RECTal cance

Influence of Selective Carbon 1s Excitation on Auger–Meitner Decay in the ESCA Molecule

Two-dimensional spectral mapping is used to visualize how resonant Auger–Meitner spectra are influenced by the site of the initial core–electron excitation and the symmetry of the core-excited state in the trifluoroethyl acetate molecule (ESCA). We observe a significant enhancement of electron yield for excitation of the COO 1s → π* and CF3 1s → σ* resonances unlike excitation at resonances involv

The Relations Between Perceived Stress, Psychological Resilience and Social Media Addiction Among European Young Adults

This study explored the relationship between perceived stress, psychological resilience, and social media addiction among European young adults. It is motivated by the need to understand how social media affects mental health and development during important life stage. Our study sample consisted of 223 participants aged 18-25 from various regions across Europe. We found significant positive relat

Estimation of Uncertainties in Radioiodine Uptake Measurement and Thyroid Volume Scintigraphy Before Subsequent Radioiodine Therapy

Hypertyreos är en sköldkörtelsjukdom där sköldkörteln är överaktiv och producerar för mycket hormoner. Tillståndet kan orsaka symptom som är jobbiga att leva med i vardagen, till exempel hjärtklappning, svettningar, yrsel och illamående. En utav de behandlingar som används mot hypertyreos är radiojodbehandling. Vid radiojodbehandling utnyttjar man sköldkörtelns egenskap att absorbera jod från den Aim: The aim was to estimate the uncertainty of various factors, influencing the radioiodine uptake (RAIU) at clinical measurements of hyperthyroid patients. Furthermore, to evaluate the estimation of thyroid volume from nuclear medicine scintigraphic images. Another aim was to investigate in what extent these uncertainties may influence the eventual therapeutic radioiodine activity, and thereby t