Din sökning på "*" gav 532864 sökträffar
Efficient Invoice Interpretation: Practical and AI-Powered MicroService for Automated Data Extraction
This thesis details the development, implementation, and optimization of a local microservice designed to enhance invoice processing at Hulo, a company that manages au- tomatic payment invoices. This is conducted through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques, focusing particularly on Computer Vision and Object- detection. Motivated by the need to address the inefficienc
The Design and Use of Management Control Systems to Support The Achievement of Sustainability Agenda: A Comparative Study on Swedish and Indonesian Companies
The purpose of this study is to examine how companies in developed and developing countries have designed and utilized their MCSs to support the accomplishment of their sustainability agenda. The developed country is represented by Sweden, meanwhile, the developing country is represented by Indonesia. This thesis utilized a qualitative approach to gain new insights on the topic. Data was collecte
The Impact of Deal Frequency and Acquisition Blocks on Bidder Performance
This study investigates the performance of serial acquirers, with a particular focus on how differences in acquisition strategies influence announcement returns. It integrates Morillon's (2021) bidder classification: loners, occasional, joggers, sprinters, and marathoners. We analysed the frequency of deals and whether these deals are clustered in blocks. The sample is unique as it focuses on
Investor Activism in Europe - Examining Success Rates and Stock Returns of Activist Campaigns in Europe
Applying BROOK90 to model the Water Balance of the spruce forest in Hyltemossa, Sweden
This thesis evaluated the performance of the water balance model BROOK90 for an even aged spruce forest in southern Sweden. The water balance of the forest was modelled from 1950 onwards to find periods and patterns of drought. Moreover, the impact of climate change as well as thinning as a strategy to reduce drought stress on the water balance were evaluated. Hyltemossa, a managed Norway spruce f
Literature Study on the Technical Development of Invasive Recording Brain Computer Interfaces
Brain Computer Interfacing is a sprawling scientific field, with many competing designs in use or being tested. The goal of this project was to compile information about Utah Arrays, Michigan Probes, Neural Lace (also known as Mesh Electronics), Neuralink and Stentrode, and compare the positives and negatives of each design. Of especial interest were the parameters of material, number of electrode
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Anmeldelse af Poesi og andre former for trods af Adda Djørup
Dimensioneringen av överbyggnader med PMS Objekt respektive ERAPAVE PP
En vägöverbygganad består av olika materiallager med specifika funktioner som tillsammans underlättar uppfyllande av krav på säkerhet, beständighet och livslängd. Dimensioneringen av överbyggnader är en process som syftar till att bestämma lämpliga och tillräckliga tjocklekar på ingående materiallager. Denna process äger rum med hjälp av dimensioneringsprogram bland annat ERAPAVE PP (Elastic RespoA road superstructure consists of different material layers with specific functions that together facilitate the fulfilment of requirements for safety, durability and service life. The design of superstructures is a process that aims to determine suitable and sufficient thicknesses of included material layers. This process takes place with help of dimensioning programs including ERAPAVE PP (Elasti
Kuggifieringen av högre utbildning
Examensarbetets titel: Kuggifieringen av högre utbildning - En kvalitativ studie om styrning, motivation och frihet inom högre utbildning Seminariedatum: 30/05/2024 Kurs: FEKH49 - Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Lucas Rodgers, Cornelia Zander och Simon Öhlin Handledare: Emilie Hesselbo Fem nyckelord: Högre utbildning, Byråkrati, Kollegialitet, Akademisk f
Investigation of the Possibility to Implement a Heat Pump for the Recovery of Heat From Process Cooling Water
This report aims to investigate the possibilities to implement a high temperature heat pump at a Dow facility in Landskrona. By implementing a heat pump, waste heat from the production can be recovered and reused in the process. The question at issue is whether there will be enough energy available when needed due to an intermittent process, and if a heat pump will be feasible to implement. To inv
Efficient Protocols for Forensic DNA Extraction
Optimering av DNA-extraktion för brottsutredande analys Har du någon gång undrat vad som händer med de prov som spårsäkrats på en brottsplats? Omkring 70 000 brottsplatsspår analyseras årligen på Nationellt forensiskt centrum (NFC) i syfte att kunna knyta det till en person genom framtagning av en DNA-profil. Detta görs via STR-analys, där korta upprepande fragment i DNA:t analyseras. Eftersom indDNA extraction is a fundamental step in forensic analysis, directly impacting the accuracy of subsequent analysis. At the Swedish National Forensic Centre (NFC), ChelexDirect is currently the routine method for DNA extraction. Following extraction, samples are analyzed using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Short Tandem Repeat (STR) analysis to obtain a DNA profile. The objective of this study
From serendipity to precision: investigating pH-induced oligomerization switch for protein control
Understanding the pH sensitivity of proteins and enzymes across intracellular compartments is crucial for fundamental research. Lizatović et al. [1] aimed to design a peptide incorporating a specific amino acid to form a hexamer structure and lacking it to form a pentamer structure. Unexpectedly, two distinct structures emerged based on pH. At pH 6, a hexamer structure formed, albeit with a surpri
Optimising diagnostic strategies for the early detection of Parkinson’s disease, using seed amplification assays
Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, and it is linked with aggregation of α-synuclein protein. PD can be diagnosed using real-time quaking induced conversion (RT-QuIC) assay. RT-QuIC, despite its effectiveness, is not really understood in terms of the mechanisms driving it. Aim(s): The aim of the project was to reproduce RT-QuIC protocol develop
Analysis of list creation with machine learning
Detta examensarbete utforskar listgenerering med hjälp av maskininlärning inom IKEA. Avhandlingsarbetet involverade informationsinsamling, planering, studier av maskininlärning koncept, skapande av ett konceptbevis (POC) och analys av resultaten. Den tekniska bakgrunden byggdes på litteratur genomgångar och praktiska färdigheter genom maskininlärning kurser som Google's "Machine Learning This Bachelor’s Thesis delves into the category of list generation using machine learning within IKEA. The thesis work involved information gathering, planning, studying machine learning concepts, creating a proof of concept (POC), and analyzing the results. The Technical Background was built upon literature reviews and practical skills acquired through Machine learning courses such as Google’s “M
Force Directed Drawing Algorithms and Parameter Optimisation
Tidsestimat för mjukvarutestning hos Region Skåne
Detta examensarbete är ett samarbete med Region Skåne för att adressera den brist på strukturerade estimeringsmetoder som finns för projekt inom avdelningen “Digitalisering IT och MT”. Fokus har varit att skapa ett Proof of Concept (POC) i Excel som ska fungera som en grund för planering och genomförande av tester inom testavdelningen. Testprocessen i Region Skåne består av fyra faser: initiera, pThis thesis project is a collaboration with Region Skåne aimed at addressing the lack of structured estimation methods for projects within the "Digitalization IT and MT" department. The focus was on creating a Proof of Concept (POC) in Excel to serve as a foundation for planning and conducting tests within the testing department. The testing process at Region Skåne consists of four phase
Piano eller orgel? Varför välja! En studie i likheter och skillnader mellan de olika instrumenten
Är det en fördel eller nackdel att vara pianist i grunden när man ska lära sig spela orgel? Även om orgel och piano är två helt olika instrument, och skillnaderna är fler än likheterna, finns det mycket som man som pianist har nytta av i sitt orgelspel. Jag har jämfört båda instrumenten både konstruktionsmässigt och speltekniskt för att inse skillnaderna. Genom att studera orgelverk av två skickliIs it an advantage or disadvantage to be a pianist when learning to play the organ? Although the organ and piano are two completely different instruments, and the differences are more than similarities, there is much that you as a pianist can benefit from in your organ playing. I have compared both instruments both in terms of construction and playing technique to realize the differences. By study
The effects of different anonymity regimes on liquidity at Nasdaq Nordic Exchanges
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of various post-trade anonymity regimes on the liquidity of the Stockholm, Helsinki, and Copenhagen exchanges in 2014, 2019, 2020, and 2022. The theoretical perspectives used for this paper include information asymmetry, adverse selection, informational value of broker codes, trader dynamics under anonymity, order anticipation, and market make
The Impact of the Strategic Use of Financial Derivatives on the Effectiveness of Interest Rate Risk Management of Non-financial Firms in China
This study investigates the effectiveness of financial derivatives in managing interest rate risk for non-financial firms in China and analyzes the moderating role of market conditions in this relationship. Through an empirical analysis of panel data from non-financial firms listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets between 2017 and 2022, the study finds that the use of financial derivativ