

Din sökning på "*" gav 527957 sökträffar

Specific Derivatization of the Active Site Tyrosine in dUTPase Perturbs Ligand Binding to the Active Site

Selective modification of one (of three) tyrosine residue per enzyme monomer leads to inactivation of dUTPase of the retrovirus equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV). The substrate dUMP and the cofactor Mg2+protects against inactivation and modification, in agreement with the study onE. colidUTPase (Vertessyet al.(1994)Biochim. Biophys. Acta1205, 146-150). Amino acid analyses of nitrated dUTPases

Att se och tänka med ritual: kontrakterande ritualer i de isländska släktsagorna

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen utvecklas en begreppsapparat som syftar till att utvidga vetenskapens möjligheter att studera människors formaliserade praktik i såväl religiösa som profana sammanhang. Begreppet ritual blir en term att se och tänka med. Författaren applicerar sin begreppsapparat på de medeltida isländska släktsagorna där skapandet av allianser mellan personer är ett viktTo make it possible to classify an action as a ritual act we need to know exactly what constitutes it. In this thesis I try, with the aid from literature of the field called ritual studies and the sagas of Icelanders, to sort out what these constituent elements best should consist of if we want to use the term ritual as an analytical tool in the production of knowledge with scientific criteria. Ri

Effect of Turbulence and Initial Temperature Inhomogeneity on Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Combustion

A 0.5-liter optical HCCI engine firing a mixture of n-heptane (50%) and iso-octane (50%) with air/fuel ratio of 3 is studied using large eddy simulation (LES) and laser diagnostics. Formaldehyde and OH LIF and in-cylinder pressure were measured in the experiments to characterize the ignition process. The LES made use of a detailed chemical kinetic mechanism that consists of 233 species and 2019 re

Temperature-dependent formation and photorepair of DNA damage induced by UV-B radiation in suspension-cultured tobacco cells

Two photoproducts of DNA damage, i.e. cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and 6-4 photoproducts (6-4PPs), induced by UV-B radiation in suspension-cultured tobacco cells were quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with monoclonal antibodies. CPDs and 6-4PPs were induced in tobacco cells by UV-B radiation. Photorepair of CPDs was faster than that of 6-4PPs. UV-B radiation induces f

Surface chemistry of TiCl4 on clean and hydrogen modified W(110): identification of surface intermediates

The adsorption and decomposition of titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) on W(110) were studied with high-resolution core level photoelectron spectroscopy. At least two stable intermediates are formed along the pathway to TiCl4 decomposition: TiCl4(a), which is stable up to 300 K, and TiCl3(a), which is stable up to 500 K. Successive adsorption at 80 K shows that the TiCl4() species forms in the presenc

Strain in GaP/GaAs and GaAs/GaP resonant tunnelling heterostructures

We studied the morphology of GaP/(001)GaAs and GaAs/(001)GaP heterostructures grown by metal-organic vapour-phase epitaxy and found wire-like surface undulations elongated in the [110] direction. We attribute this elongation to anisotropic lateral growth rates in the [110] and [110] directions, which are due to a different roughness of monolayer surface steps. In III-V materials grown by molecular

The effect of endovascular aortic stents placed across the renal arteries

OBJECTIVES: To investigate renal artery patency and renal function after deployment of aortic stents covering the orifices of renal arteries. DESIGN: Prospective open animal study. SETTING: Department of Experimental Surgery at a university hospital. MATERIALS: Twenty-three pigs were used. METHODS: Ten pigs were observed for 1 h after graft-anchoring aortic stents, Gianturco (5) and Palmaz (5), we

Human endothelin subtype a receptor enhancement during tissue culture via de novo transcription

OBJECTIVE: Endothelin (ET) has, since its discovery, increasingly been considered a key player in the pathophysiological processes of cerebral vasospasm in the course of subarachnoid hemorrhage, although it remains unclear how ET is involved. We present data that indicate an inherent capacity of human cerebral arteries to change their sensitivity to ET. METHODS: Human cerebral arteries were obtain

Essays on Network Effects and Money

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling består av fyra separata artiklar. Den gemensamma nämnaren för alla artiklarna är att de behandlar pengar och nätverkseffekter. En vara med nätverkseffekter är en vara där nyttan av varan är beroende av hur många andra individer som använder sig av varan. Ett typexempel i litteraturen är faxmaskiner: ju fler som har en fax, desto större nytta har man av This thesis contains four separate papers in the field of monetary economics. The common basis for all the papers is that they deal with money and network effects in one way or another. Although the common basis is the same in all the articles, different approaches are used: theory, econometrics and history of economic thought. This first essay focuses on the network effect in the use of money an

Quality of life associated with varying degrees of chronic lower limb ischaemia: comparison with a healthy sample

OBJECTIVES: To assess quality of life in patients with varying degrees of ischaemia in comparison with controls, and to determine whether the degree of lower limb ischaemia and sense of coherence were associated with quality of life. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 168 patients, including 93 claudicants and 75 patients with critical ischaemia and 102 controls were studied. Quality of life was assessed usin