

Din sökning på "*" gav 529696 sökträffar

Metallföroreningar i Landskrona - miljöövervakning med blåmussla

Environmental monitoring using bioindicators is a valuable tool in quantifying and assessing metal pollution in the aquatic environment. In this study, I have analyzed monitoring data on metals in blue mussels (Mytilus Edulis) from the Öresund in Landskrona, Sweden. Comparisons with previous monitoring studies from the area show elevated concentrations of several metals, including copper (Cu), lea

(Re)situating Women in Irish Revolutionary History by (Re)Doing Undone Gender : A Critical Discourse Analysis of Sean O'Faolain's Biography "Constance Markievicz".

The production of knowledge and claims of objectivity in Irish revolutionary historical narratives are discursively gendered processes which maintain a power-differentiation between the sexes through the assignment of a hierarchy of significance to the participation of men and women in the Irish struggles for independence. The partial visibility of women in such historical accounts is discursively

The Representation of the EU and EU-Hungarian Relations in Népszabadság and Magyar Nemzet : a Critical Discourse Analysis

This study examines the representation of the European Union (EU) and EU-Hungarian relations in the two largest daily newspapers in Hungary, Népszabadság and Magyar Nemzet. Focusing on the topic of the Hungarian national elections and the tenth anniversary of Hungary in the EU, a critical discourse analysis (CDA) was carried out on articles appearing between 1 March and 5 May 2014 to identify disc

Andrafieringen av tiggare : en studie i framställningen av tiggare i debatten kring förbud mot givande till tiggare

Debatten om tiggeriet och tiggare ökar i Sverige och den här uppsatsen syftar till att finna uttryck för framställningen av tiggare, i debatten om ett eventuellt förbud mot att ge till tiggare. Perspektivet som är andrafiering förklarar hur skildringar av grupper skapas och hur vissa representationer av människor konstruerar en annan grupp som "de andra" i förhållande till samhället i stThe aim of this thesis is to uncover the negative representation of beggars in a specific Swedish press-debate, which mainly discusses a possible ban against giving to beggars. Resting on a theory of othering which explains how portrayal of groups, often minorities, are formed, and how certain representations of people constructs them as ”the other” in relation to the society at large, the analysi

The New Normal: Same-sex Families Negotiating Nuclear Family

France legalised same-sex marriage (mariage pour tous) in 2013. In theory, it also allows a recognition of gay and lesbian families, as the social parents can now adopt their spouses children, thus becoming themselves official parents. However, same-sex families existed prior to that law. Through interviews with French gay and lesbian parents, I focus on two aspects of their family life: the way t

Skyddet mot barn- och tvångsäktenskap i Sverige ur ett civilrättsligt perspektiv

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att ur ett civilrättsligt perspektiv undersöka hur de svenska civilrättsliga reglerna skyddar någon som riskerar att utsättas för barn- och tvångsäktenskap, samt olika myndigheters agerande och förhållningssätt när de möter någon som befinner sig i riskzonen för påtvingade äktenskap. En stor del av de äktenskap som ingås mot någons vilja berör parter som bor i oliThe purpose of this paper is to examine from a civil law perspective how the Swedish legislation protect anyone at risk for child and forced marriages, as well as how various government agencies intervene and approach situations when they meet someone who is at risk of forced marriage. A large part of the marriage entered against someone's will affect parties who live in different countries.

Entrepreneurial Orientation in Marketing: An empirical study of small businesses in the Swedish fashion industry

Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) can be defined as strategic processes encouraging entrepreneurial actions to support businesses in recognizing and exploiting new opportunities. Previous studies have shown that businesses with higher levels of EO, characterized through actions that are innovative, proactive and risk-affine, perform better than the ones that lack such orientation. Therefore, EO is

Hur vi kommer ihåg oss själva : Avvikande minnesberättelser i skandinavisk samtidsprosa : Kim Leines Kalak, Knud Romers Den som blinker er bange for døden, Hanne Ørstaviks Tiden det tar och Torgny Lindgrens Minnen

Minnet har betydelse för iakttagelsen av oss själva som individ och för våra relationer till andra människor. Hur vi kommer ihåg oss själva i det förflutna och hur vi berättar om det är avgörande för vår självförståelse och identitet, samt vår plats i samhället. Också grupper, familjer, politiska partier, eller en nationalstat har minnen som används för att gestalta en gemensam bas. Minnesakten är

Using GeoTools to Implement the Multi -Criteria Evaluation Analysis : Weighted Linear Combination Model

Multi-Criteria Evaluation Analysis (MCEA) is a decision making method employed to solve optimization problems that require the evaluation of a set of criteria to build an optimal decision. Where MCEA is integrated with GIS, optimization problems with spatial aspects, such as finding the best location of a facility across an area, could be solved. MCEA is implemented through different criteria dec

Män och jämställdhet : en diskursanalys utav begreppet maskulinitet i SOU 2014:6

This essay examines the extent to which notions concerning masculinities manifest themselves in the Swedish Government Official Report SOU 2014:6 Män och Jämställdhet, by analyzing how the concept of masculinity is constructed throughout the discourse presented by the document. Restricted to chapter 3, 4 and 11 of the publication; all of which is primarily focused on the question at issue, this es

Centralisering av inköp av konsult- och bemanningstjänster på Axfood - En flerfallsstudie

I inköpsfunktionen för indirekt material och tjänster finns, för fallstudieföretagen, en kategori som ofta benämns Professionella tjänster eller dylikt. I denna övergripande kategori är konsult- och bemanningstjänster ofta underkategorier. Gränsdragningen mellan konsulttjänsterna och bemanningstjänster har dock visat sig otydliga och problematiken verkar främst finnas för konsult- och bemanningstjIn the purchasing funktion of indirect materials and services there is, for the case study companies, a category often referred to as Professional Services. In this overall category consultancy and temporary labour services are subcategories. Drawing the line between consultancy and temporary labour services has been proved unclear and the problems seem to mainly concern IT services. A proposal on

Kommunicerad närhet - en sociologisk undersökning av intimitetsskapande i icke-monogama relationer

Med utgångspunkt i den monogaminorm som är så gott som allrådande i det moderna samhället är syftet med denna undersökning att ta reda på hur intimitet skapas i relationer som går bortom denna norm. Sex personer som har erfarenhet av icke-monogama relationer intervjuas för att synliggöra hur överenskommelser, förväntningar och gränsdragningar bidrar till skapande av närhet och intimitet. Dessa ber

The Effects of Conditional Cash Transfers on Work Incentives of the Mexican Rural Population: Does Oportunidades Create Income Dependency?

The Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program “Oportunidades” has proven to be effective in improving access to education and health services for the poor in Mexico; however, the studies of the program’s impact on the work incentives of its rural indigenous participants are practically inexistent. For this reason, by applying a propensity score matching methodology, this research analyses the impact

Grit and Different Aspects of Well-being: Direct and Indirect Effects via Sense of Coherence and Authenticity

Grit, the “passion and perseverance for long-term goals” (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews & Kelly, 2007, p. 1087) is strongly related to success in goal attainment even under challenging circumstances. The current thesis investigated how grit relates to three aspects of well-being: psychological well-being (PWB), life satisfaction, and harmony in life. This relationship is approached through the

Voluntary building certification schemes in São Paulo: Strengthening the LEED certification process for existing buildings

The building sector is one that can be accounted for numerous impacts on the environment, both by extremely high consumption of resources, and by emitting green house gases to the atmosphere on a large scale. Retrofitting existing buildings tackles energetic and emission related issues and one way to go about such projects is through the process of high-performance building certification, within w

Från arbetskraft till "illegal immigrant"

This thesis aims to examine the European Union’s policy regarding immigration to the EU from third part states. The main purpose is to highlight the reformations that have taken place since the late 50’s. Through an critical discourse analysis as a method, the thesis concludes that EU’s present-day restrictive migration policy has had substantial influence on how we interpret the concept of immi

Combining hyperspectral UAV and mulitspectral FORMOSAT-2 imagery for precision agriculture applications

Precision agriculture requires detailed information regarding the crop status variability within a field. Remote sensing provides an efficient way to obtain such information through observing biophysical parameters, such as canopy nitrogen content, leaf coverage, and plant biomass. However, individual remote sensing sensors often fail to provide information which meets the spatial and temporal res

Ostyrbarhet, våld och tvång : Några terminologiska problem i en statsvetenskaplig text

Detta examensarbete bygger på en översättning från engelska av en statsvetenskaplig text, Ungovernability, av den tyske statsvetaren Claus Offe. Den inledande delen av arbetet är en textanalys av källtexten som utgår från textmodellen i Lennart Hellspongs och Per Ledins Vägar genom texten: handbok i brukstextanalys (1997). Analysen följs av en översättningskommentar som fokuserar på problem vid öv

Sex-Disaggregated Budgets as Driver of Social Change? - Exploring the Effects of Sex-Disaggregated Budgets in a Guatemalan Context

The aim of the study was to examine the effects of sex-disaggregated budgets (SDBs) by looking at Guatemalan cooperatives. The method of the study was semi-structured interviews carried out with Guatemalan cooperative members and staff accessed through the Swedish Cooperative Center (Swedish development non-governmental organization). The main conclusion is that the SDBs have had substantial posit