

Din sökning på "*" gav 529663 sökträffar

A Step Towards Imaging Angle Resolved Photoelectrons with X-Ray Radiation for Applications in Gas Phase

Photoionisation dynamics occurring in Ar and N2O upon the absorption of soft X-ray radiation, have been studied through the extraction of the beta parameter from the angular distributions of Ar 2p 3/2 and N2O Nt 1s photoelectrons by a means of Velocity Map Imaging Spectroscopy. The results of beta determined in the dipole approximation for N2O at different photon energies, coincided with pre-docu

Storytelling som vapen i ett kommunikativt maktspel

Varje dag dör människor i olika delar av världen på grund av att man inte värnar om sin sexuella och reproduktiva hälsa. Förmedling av kunskap är därför av största nödvändighet. Så även i Ryssland som utgör fallet i denna studie. Där strikt politik, religiösa grupper, och gamla värderingar hindrar spridningen av information om SRHR till folket. RAPD är den enda statliga NGO i landet som jobbar medEveryday people are facing serious consequences with their sexual and reproductive health. Dissemination of knowledge is therefore necessary. Russia is one country we have identified with this very problem. Strict politics, religious groups and old values are major obstacles that contribute to the prevention of spreading out the right information of a good SRHR to the people. RAPD is the only gove

An Organizational Field Analysis about Granting Children Residing in Sweden without Permits their Statutory Right to Schooling

The centre of analysis in this research has been the new welfare legislation in Sweden 2013 granting children residing in the country without a permit tuition free and legal access to the Swedish educational system. Methodological triangulation has been used were a quantitative analysis has been made involving efforts taken to identify the number of children in the municipalities of Sweden having

Climate and Energy: A Perfect Match? An Analysis of the Potential Impacts of the EU Emissions Trading System (EUETS) on European Energy Security

Energy security and climate change are prime political concerns in the European Union. The main instrument to combat climate change through reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the EU is the EUETS, a cap and trade system. This thesis investigates in a case study the question of how the EUETS potentially impacts European energy security. In order to analyze potential impacts, this study operational

Institutional quality as determinant for the success or failure in poverty reduction

After the economic recession suffered during the eighties decade, the population under poverty conditions has increased dramatically. With the purpose of amend the situation; President Carlos Salinas has established the biggest anti-poverty program in Mexican history, the Programa Nacional de Solidaridad (PRONASOL). The following three administrations continued the implementation of these policies

Resource Management and Prioritization in an Embedded Linux System

This master thesis tackles the problem of limited computing resources on a camera that is executing computing applications together with image acquisition and streaming. The thesis was carried out at Axis Communications in cooperation with the Department of Automatic Control at Lund University. The problem of limited resources on an Axis camera is handled by a two part solution where a resource m

A simple waterbalance of a subcatchment to the Kapuas River

In developing countries across the world people are depending on rivers as a source of water for drinking, cooking and bathing. This is also the case in the Indonesian part of the island Borneo where this study was made. The largest river is the river Kapuas which, together with its tributaries, supplies the area with water. The hydrology of these rivers is changing and the quality of the water in

Replication, development and evaluation of a GDP indicator for the Swedish business cycle. Can the framework of ECB’s indicator ALI be used to create an indicator for the Swedish business cycle?

This study shows that the framework used to construct the successful Euro Area Leading Indicator (ALI), developed by de Bondt and Hahn on behalf of the European Central Bank, can successfully be applied to the Swedish business cycle. The ALI type indicator constructed in this study is a weighted index of nine macroeconomic series and accurately predicts the Swedish business cycle by three months (

Institutions running after economic growth : The challenge of a Common Industrial Policy at the dawn of a new Industrial Revolution

The fact that the precursor of the European Union came into existence just after the Second World War, in a time of reconstruction and major structural change, hasn’t been a chance. The European integration developed in fact on an institutional agreements in order to fully implement the Second Industrial Revolution in the European system. An efficient and cohesive European market has been the prag

Exploratory case study of wheat flour and rice packaging in Indonesia - Proposals to develop paper-based packaging system

Issue of study: Looking at the lack of strong fibers to form strong paper packaging in Indonesia, there are potentials to introduce Scandinavian long-fibered strong paper bag packaging in Indonesia. Two basic food categories, wheat flour and packaged rice, are chosen as the consumption rate is increasing in Indonesia. Indonesia is tropical country with high temperature and humidity level. In addit

Utländska socialarbetares syn på betydelsen av kulturkompetens i möten med klienter med invandrarbakgrund

Syftet med vår undersökning var att undersöka hur socialarbetare med utländsk bakgrund resonerar kring ett behov av kulturkompetens i möten med invandrarklienter. Våra frågeställningar var: Hur definierar socialarbetarna begreppet kulturkompetens? Vilka erfarenheter har socialarbetarna av betydelsen av kulturkompetens i socialt arbete med invandrarklienter? Och vilka fördelar och nackdelar finns dThe aim of our study was to examine and analyze how social workers of foreign origin reflect on the need for cultural competence in meetings with immigrant clients. Our research questions were: How does the social workers define the concept of cultural competence? What experience do the social workers have with regards to cultural competence in social work with immigrant clients? And what are the

Det blir vad vi gör det till – så vad gör vi det till? En diskursanalys av LVU-domar.

The aim of this study was to examine how social problems are constructed through the power of the written word. By studying 23 cases of 3§ LVU (Care of Young Persons Special Provisions Act)the aim was to try to determine how young boys and girls antisocial behavior were described depending on their gender. The study has been carried out through a social constructionist erspective that focuses on

Strategic and tactical asset allocation - is it really used?

The purpose with this thesis is to examine if strategic and tactical asset allocation are used within Swedish balanced funds and to outline how these investment strategies are used, by identifying trends. Compiled data over the asset allocation within Swedish balanced funds 12 years back has been analyzed by defining strategic and tactical asset allocation in quantitative terms. With several hypo

Queer Belonging in Chinese Society: A Case Study of LGBTs Negotiation of Belonging

In this study, possibilities to belong in the contemporary Chinese society are recognized to differences along axes of sexual orientation. Lesbians and gays in the LGBT group are exposed to violations of their human rights in forms of discrimination and lack of legal protection. The aim of this thesis is to critically explore “politics of belonging” by highlighting processes of inclusion and exclu

Credit Rating- En jämförelse mellan Banken och UC

Examensarbetets titel: Credit Rating – en jämförelse mellan Banken och UC Seminariedatum: 5 juni 2014 Ämne/kurs: FEKH89, examensarbete kandidatnivå i finansiering, 15 HP Författare: Malin Hansson & Magda Lukaszewicz Handledare: Erling Green Fem nyckelord: credit, rating, bank, UC, fallissemang Syfte: Vårt syfte med arbete är att utröna om det finns några skillnader mellan Bankens och UC:Title: Credit Rating – a comparison between Banken and UC Seminar date: June 5th, 2014 Course: FEKH89, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS‐cr Authors: Malin Hansson & Magda Lukaszewicz Advisor: Erling Green Key words: credit, rating, bank, UC, probability of default. Purpose: The purpose of the essay i

The unitary patent package - Court competence and substantive law

The unitary patent package (Regulation 1257/2012 creating a unitary patent protection (UPR) , Regulation 1260/2012 on language regime creating a unitary patent protection (UPRL) , and the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (UPCA) ) will make it possible to apply for a single patent (European patent with unitary effect or EPUE) at the non-EU European Patent Office (EPO) in Munich. EPUE will cover

Modelling and robust estimation of AV node function during AF

Objective: The purpose of the present thesis is to enrich the robustness of a statistical atrioventricular (AV) node model during atrial Fibrillation (AF). The model takes into account electrophysiological properties as the two pathways, their refractory periods and concealed conduction; these pathways are located between sinoatrial (SA) and AV node. It is highly desirable understanding of the AV

Determinants of corporate CDS spreads in the Eurozone - Is there a spillover effect from sovereign to corporate credit risk?

We study the determinants of corporate CDS spreads for 125 companies headquartered in the Eurozone, with an emphasis on sovereign CDS spreads as a main determinant of corporate CDS spreads in levels and changes. This is done by analyzing financial companies, as well as non-financial companies. The period of analysis is from January 2004 to April 2014, which has been divided into 3 sub-periods; bef