

Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar

A cross-sectional magnetic resonance imaging study of factors influencing growth plate closure in adolescents and young adults

Aim: To assess growth plate fusion by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and evaluate the correlation with sex, age, pubertal development, physical activity and BMI. Methods: Wrist, knee and ankle of 958 healthy subjects aged 14.0-21.5 years old were examined using MRI and graded by two radiologists. Correlations of growth plate fusion score with age, pubertal development, physical activity and BMI

Understanding and Improving Continuous Experimentation : From A/B Testing to Continuous Software Optimization

Kontrollerade experiment (t.ex. A/B test) används av många företag med användarintensiva produkter för att förbättra mjukvara med hjälp av användardata. Några företag anammar ett experimentdrivet tillvägagångssätt för mjukvaruutveckling med kontinuerliga experiment (KE). Med KE så utvärderas alla förändringar som påverkar användare med ett experiment och det finns specialiserade roller som aktivt Controlled experiments (i.e. A/B tests) are used by many companies with user-intensive products to improve their software with user data. Some companies adopt an experiment-driven approach to software development with continuous experimentation (CE). With CE, every user-affecting software change is evaluated in an experiment and specialized roles seek out opportunities to experiment with functiona

Reconnecting society with its ecological roots

Recent high-profile analyses of trajectories and prognoses of ecosystem decline around the world have called for a renewed focus on embedding the values of the natural world across all areas of public policy. This paper reports the results of a UK-based deliberative process involving experts from a wide range of policy domains and across societal sectors: government departments, associated agencie

Evidence for spin-polarized bound states in semiconductor–superconductor–ferromagnetic-insulator islands

We report Coulomb blockade transport studies of semiconducting InAs nanowires grown with epitaxial superconducting Al and ferromagnetic insulator EuS on overlapping facets. Comparing experiment to a theoretical model, we associate cotunneling features in even-odd bias spectra with spin-polarized Andreev levels. Results are consistent with zero-field spin splitting exceeding the induced superconduc

A practical framework and online tool for mutational signature analyses show intertissue variation and driver dependencies

Mutational signatures are patterns of mutations that arise during tumorigenesis. We present an enhanced, practical framework for mutational signature analyses. Applying these methods to 3,107 whole-genome-sequenced (WGS) primary cancers of 21 organs reveals known signatures and nine previously undescribed rearrangement signatures. We highlight interorgan variability of signatures and present a way

Whooper swan cygnus cygnus January population censuses for northwest mainland Europe, 1995-2015

Internationally coordinated censuses of Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus across continental northwest Europe were undertaken in mid-winter 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015. The estimate of 138,500 birds in 2015, the highest to date, represented a more than doubling of the population size (at an annual increase of 4.1%) since the first census total of 59,000 swans in 1995. The largest increase was in Den

“Go Out from Your Sign” : Rashi to Genesis 15:5 as a Reference to Astrological Primary Direction –Its Background in Rabbinic Literature and Parallels in Abraham bar Ḥiyya

This article suggests that Rashi’s exegetical commentary to Gen 15:5, in which Abram counts the stars, is meant to invoke an association to the astrological technique known as Primary Directions (based on equating one degree of Right Ascension in the rotation of the earth around its axis with one year of life), which was one of the main methods of prognostication in pre-modern astrology – beginnin

Comparison of Different Methods for Spatial Downscaling of GPM IMERG V06B Satellite Precipitation Product Over a Typical Arid to Semi-Arid Area

Spatial downscaling is an effective way to obtain precipitation with sufficient spatial details. The performance of downscaling is typically determined by the empirical statistical relationships between precipitation and the used auxiliary variables. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive comparison of five empirical statistical methods for spatial downscaling of GPM IMERG V06B monthly and an

Urgent need to clarify the definition of chronic critical limb ischemia – a position paper from the european society for vascular medicine

Summary: Chronic critical lower limb ischemia (CLI) has been defined as ischemia that endangers the leg. An attempt was made to give a precise definition of CLI, based on clinical and hemodynamic data (Second European Consensus). CLI may be easily defined from a clinical point of view as rest pain of the distal foot or gangrene or ulceration. It is probably useful to add leg ulcers of other origin

Laminar burning velocities of methane + formic acid + air flames : Experimental and modeling study

Laminar burning velocities of methane + formic acid + air flames were determined using the heat flux method at 1 atm and initial gas temperature of 353 K. For fuel mixtures containing 75 or 50% mole fraction of HCOOH, a range of equivalence ratios from 0.7 to 1.3 was covered. In stoichiometric mixtures burning velocities were measured varying fuel composition from pure methane to 85% of formic aci

Effect of intraoperative nerve monitoring on postoperative vocal cord palsy rates after thyroidectomy : European multicentre registry-based study

BACKGROUND: Intraoperative nerve monitoring (IONM) of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) predicts the risk of vocal cord palsy (VCP). IONM can be used to adapt the surgical strategy in order to prevent bilateral VCP and associated morbidity. Controversial results have been reported in the literature for the effect of IONM on rates of VCP, and large multicentre studies are required for elucidation

Association is not prediction : A landscape of confused reporting in diabetes – A systematic review

Aims: Appropriate analysis of big data is fundamental to precision medicine. While statistical analyses often uncover numerous associations, associations themselves do not convey predictive value. Confusion between association and prediction harms clinicians, scientists, and ultimately, the patients. We analyzed published papers in the field of diabetes that refer to “prediction” in their titles.

Airtightness of Nepalese Residential Buildings

Experimental field measurements regarding airtightness following the fan pressurisation method were done on 25 typical residential buildings at different locations in Nepal. The field measurement data were classified according to building type and building age.The mean air permeability (Q50 ) for the studied buildings was 6.9 l/s·m2 and the mean air change rate was 55.5 air changes per hour at 50

Market economy and urban change : Impacts in the developing world

Across the developing world the preceding decade or so has witnessed a profound reconfiguration of the political economy of urban policy. This new policy environment is driven by globalization, the neo-liberal macro-economic package of 'market enablement' and structural adjustment, which now form the dominant development paradigm. The consequences of this approach for urban development agendas and

The Malmö Offspring Study (MOS) : design, methods and first results

As cardio metabolic disease manifestations tend to cluster in families there is a need to better understand the underlying mechanisms in order to further develop preventive strategies. In fact, genetic markers used in genetic risk scores, important as they are, will not be able alone to explain these family clusters. Therefore, the search goes on for the so called missing heritability to better ex

The role of multiple injections on combustion in a light-duty PPC engine

This paper presents a numerical investigation of the ignition and combustion process of a primary reference fuel in a partially premixed light-duty internal combustion (PPC) engine. Partially pre-mixed combustion is achieved by employing a multiple injection strategy with three short injection events of fuel pulses. The timing of the first two fuel pulses, 48 and 22 crank angle degrees before top

High-temperature oxidation of propanol isomers in the mixtures with N2O at high Ar dilution conditions

This work provides, for the first time, new information regarding the kinetics interaction between N2O and propyl alcohol isomers. To this end, the formation and consumption of atomic oxygen were measured behind the reflected shock waves using Atomic Resonance Absorption Spectroscopy (ARAS) technique for 1–10 ppm n- i-propanol + 10 ppm N2O + Ar mixtures, at 2–3 bar and over a wide temperature rang