

Din sökning på "*" gav 534164 sökträffar

Att göra det svåra enkelt En kvalitativ studie om hur chefer i energibranschen uppfattar och konstruerar problem

Examensarbetets titel: Att göra det svåra enkelt En kvalitativ studie om hur chefer i energibranschen uppfattar och konstruerar problem Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2022 Kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare: Johanna Bergkrantz, Wilma Gullstrand, Vilma Lassila Handledare: Christine Blomquist Fem nyckelord: Jämställdhet, kompetensbehov, problemkonstruktion, mak

En jämförelse av antalet angripna träd av granbarkborren i naturreservat med olika trädsammansättning

Det är ingen nyhet att stora delar av Sverige är täckt av skog. Det är också vår största export. I takt med ökade klimatförändringar vill man hitta mer hållbara energikällor, mer hållbara sätt att bygga, eller hållbara bränslekällor. För att klara denna utveckling har skogen en stor roll. Granbarkborren är en liten insekt som gilla att äta, bo och föröka sig i gran. Om det sker en stor storm och fThe forest industry has big problems with the bark beetle attacking trees. This results in that they must log the damaged trees, which leads to an economic loss. For a tree to be able to stand against a big populations of bark beetles, it needs to have a strong defence or be surrounded by other trees via associational resistance. Furthermore, natural enemies to the bark beetle can also act as a de

Våldsutsatta kvinnors ansvar - En studie om ansvarstagandet bland mammor och kvinnor utan barn i våldsärenden

Intermediate partner violence is a recurring social problem with negative consequences for the women involved. This paper describes an analysis of domestic violence, with focus on the role of the mothers and the women without children. The aim of this study is to explore the responsibility of the women involved in domestic violence. This study focuses on mothers and women without childrens respons


Camping is a well-establised type of recreation. Camping can be done using di!erent equipment and di!erent means of transportation. The following project explores di!erent solutions to improve the camping experience while using the bicycle as the main means of transportation. The aim is to develop a product concept that can increase comfort while being transported in a practical way with a bicycl

Suffering From Attention

I examine a favourite child's effect on educational attainment and mental and physical health and well-being. In the favourite child effect, based on parental preferences in the sex composition of children using a proxy for parental investment, I can assess how parents distinguish inputs based on the sex of their children. Identification utilising data from three longitudinal studies in the Un

’Vem kommer hem’-skärmen för minskad oro i hemvården

The world's elderly population is growing and the future home care is facing great challenges to cover the need of home care that will be required. Digital technical equipment plays a key role in modern health care and can be important to overcome the challenges in the future home care. A challenge that has been discovered within Helsingborg’s home care is that patients are worried about when

Klimatförändringar och klimatanpassning i jordbruket: En undersökning om medvetenhet, inställning, hinder och behov hos lantbrukare i Sjöbo kommun

Sverige är extremt beroende av lantbruket för sin produktion av mat. Om vi inte anpassar lantbruket till ett förändrat klimat kan det leda till att vi står utan mat på bordet. Genom klimatanpassning går det att förhindra negativa konsekvenser av klimatförändringar, men också att utnyttja fördelarna med längre växtsäsong och varmare klimat. Detta kräver medvetna bönder och att de har rätt förutsättThe agricultural sector is both affecting and affected by climate change. Future climate is predicted to be warmer and wetter with more weather extremes. This is going to affect the already vulnerable agricultural sector and we need to strengthen our food production and food security. Therefore, agriculture needs to adapt to climate change to prevent negative effects but also to utilize the p

Template-assisted Electrodeposition and Model Electrodes Studied by Electron Microscopy and High Energy X-ray Diffraction

Elektrokemi är ett område där kemiska reaktioner sker genom ett utbyte av elektroner. Vissa elektrokemiska reaktioner sker naturligt medan andra kan drivas genom att ström förs genom systemet. Ett elektrokemiskt system består av elektroder som är de ytor där elektroner lämnas eller hämtas. Elektroderna är sedan placerade i en gas eller vätska som för elektronerna mellan dem. Elektrokemiska reaktioThere is a great interest in studying detailed changes at electrode surfaces during electrochemical processes to better understand the electrochemical reactions at the electrode surface-liquid interface and improve the electrode efficiency. The Au(110) surface has a known (1$\times$2) missing row reconstruction in vacuum conditions, which can change into higher-order (1$\times$3), (1$\times$5), an

Datahantering i mindre fabriker

Arbetet har utförts på Balsgård FoodTech AB i Kristianstad som ägs och drivs av Mårtensson Consulting som också har önskat få detta arbete utfört. Arbetet har syftat till att undersöka om det är möjligt att i mindre fabriker samla in och sammanställa data för att kunna presentera och använda sig av. Detta har utförts genom att studera fabrikens implementerade system och variabler samt inspektera eThe work has been carried out at Balsgård FoodTech AB in Kristianstad, which is owned and run by Mårtensson Consulting, which has also wished to have this work carried out. The work was aimed to investigate whether it is possible in smaller factories to collect and compile data in order to be able to present and use it. This has been done by assessing the factory's already implemented systems

“The forest is gone bit by bit" - Deforestation and its impacts on indigenous communities in Prey Lang, Cambodia

Globally, deforestation is occurring at staggering rates and causing tremendous impacts on the planet. Indigenous people, in particular, have long depended on the forest, and their beliefs and ways of life are highly affected by the changes occurring around them. To explore these impacts, Kuy indigenous people living in Pneak Roluk, inside the Prey Lang forest in Cambodia, have been selected as a

The fiscal impact of population aging in Lithuania: 2020-2100

In the last few decades, the population in Lithuania has been gradually becoming older due to a combination of the declining fertility rate, negative net migration, and rising life expectancy. It is estimated that this process will be even more rapid in the future, as it is projected that by the year 2100 the share of elderly people over 65 will increase by 84%, whilst the working-age population (

Estimation of dissolved organic carbon from inland waters using remote sensing data and machine learning

This thesis presents the first attempt to estimate Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in inland waters over a large-scale area using satellite data and machine learning (ML) methods. Four ML approaches, namely Random Forest Regression (RFR), Support Vector Regression (SVR), Gaussian Process Regression (GPR), and a Multilayer Backpropagation Neural Network (MBPNN) were tested to retrieve DOC using a fi

A Bland New Way To Imitate? A Qualitative Study Exploring the Phenomena of Blands Through Consumers' Perceptions

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the phenomenon of blands – A rise of brands that potentially adhere to a similar blueprint while claiming to be disruptive, unique and extraordinary. Moreover, this thesis aims to create an understanding of how consumers perceive blands as well as well as how value is created. Methodology: The methodology takes a social constructivist stan

Playing the game of law and healthcare – Non-binary people's access to and experiences of trans-specific healthcare in Finland

For non-binary people the law is not securing trans-specific healthcare in Finland. The current regulation is built on understanding of gender as binary and according to the Act on Legal Recognition of the Gender of Transsexuals (563/2002) a person can be confirmed to belong to the “opposite gender” if she/he fulfils the preconditions. One of the requirements is a mental health diagnosis prior to

"Ett mord är ett mord. En människa är en människa"

Brottslighet är någonting som väcker känslor och intresse hos människor, vilket gör det tacksamt att använda brott som grund för nyhetsartiklar. Speciellt grova våldsbrott, som mord, ges ofta stort fokus i nyhetsrapportering då det har ett naturligt nyhetsvärde. Syftet med studien är att analysera hur svenska nyhetsartiklar porträtterar offer och gärningspersoner i mordfall. Vidare syftar studien

How to analyze identification in storytelling?

This thesis examines the use of storytelling in advertising from a rhetorical perspective. Specifically, stories told in IKEA’s recent advertising campaign Där livet händer (Where life happens) will be analyzed. The purpose is to propose a way in which to analyze identification in storytelling. Departing from a Burkean perspective, building on Black’s concept of the second persona and Burke’s dram

Leading through a Pandemic: A study on Female Leadership & Covid-19 Outcomes

The purpose of this thesis is to examine if female-led countries fared the Covid-19 pandemic differently from male-led countries. To do so, I rely on a pooled OLS regression model, using data from 189 countries between January 2020 to March 2022. My results show that countries with female leaders have significantly fewer cases and deaths of Covid-19 than countries with male leaders. This is found