Din sökning på "*" gav 534565 sökträffar
The Power of Norms : A Case Study in Search of a Fossile Free Society
In his excellent book Normvetenskap (Norm Science), has initiated an interesting discussion on strategic normative thinking (SNT). This article presents a case study trying to verify, falsify or, if possible, shed light upon aspects upon SNT. The unit of analysis for the study is the concept of norms and the operational set of measures relates to research on norms. The analysis of the case show´s
Physical Modeling and Control of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engines
Due to the possibility of increased efficiency and reduced emissions, Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) is a promising alternative to conventional internal combustion engines. Ignition timing in HCCI is highly sensitive to operating conditions and lacks direct actuation, making it a challenging subject for closed-loop control. This paper presents results on model-based control of igni
A Velocity Estimator relying on Friction Observers: Application to inverted pendulum stabilization
This paper addresses the problem of velocity reconstruction of robotic systems with rigid-body dynamics subject to friction. The aim of this paper is to estimate the velocities in the joint of a robot as well as the friction interacting with these velocities. Confronted with friction phenomena interacting with velocity dynamics, we have developed a non-linear observer, partly model-based for estim
Connecting adaptability strategies to building system lifecycles in hospital retrofits
PurposeThe fast advancement of medical technology and processes poses challenges to hospital construction and management. The purpose of this paper is to provide a structured approach to advancing adaptability in hospital retrofits, proposing the preferable timing and scope of different adaptability strategies.Design/methodology/approachA qualitative research approach was chosen, with 28 semi-stru
Real-Time Identification of Multilinear Systems
Civilrätten som kraftkälla för hållbar utveckling
Klineterna vänder sig knappast till sina advokater för att få veta vad de inte får göra, utan för att få klart för sig hur de ska göra det de vill göra. I en tid när allt fler och allt starkare mänskliga viljor gör sig gällande för att främja utvecklingen av hållbara samhällen, kan den förutseende advokaten stärka sin roll som klientens bästa rådgivare. Till de instrument som står advokaterna till
En invasion av verkligheten
Ecology of parasitoids and their hosts in oilseed rape fields
Oilseed rape fields are a very common crop in the agricultural landscape of southern Sweden, and they can harbour surprisingly many insect species. Some of them are herbivores that feed on various parts of the oilseed rape plant, others are natural enemies of the herbivores, and even more species are tourists from the surrounding landscape. In my thesis I have studied these insects and how their pOilseed rape fields are a very common crop in the agricultural landscape of southern Sweden, and they can harbour surprisingly many insect species. Some of them are herbivores that feed on various parts of the oilseed rape plant, others are natural enemies of the herbivores, and even more species are tourists from the surrounding landscape. In my thesis I have studied these insects and how their p
Från blogg till bok - om nya och gamla publiceringsformer inom humaniora
Vi finns till för alla men framför allt för barn och familjer : om de nordiska alkoholmonopolens retorik
The Psychological Science Accelerator: Advancing Psychology Through a Distributed Collaborative Network
A large deletion spanning XG and GYG2 constitutes a genetic basis of the Xgnull phenotype, underlying anti-Xga production
BACKGROUND: The PBDX/XG gene encoding the Xga blood group antigen was described in 1994, but the genetic determinant of XG expression on RBCs was reported only in 2018. However, the frequencies of Xg(a-) individuals could not explain the rarity of anti-Xga makers. We therefore sought to elucidate the molecular basis of the Xg(a-) phenotype in people producing anti-Xga .STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Tw
Erik XIV och Johannes Magnus – om en kunglig läsning av ett historiskt verk
Remissyttrande: Nya ungdomspåföljder (Ds 2017:25)
Reliability Analysis of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beam with regards to Anchorage Failure
Reinforcement corrosion is a common problem in reinforced concrete infrastructure today, and it is expected to increase in the future. To simply replace the corroded structures with new ones requires large resources, both in financial and environmental terms. Therefore it is important that existing structures are used to their full potential, also after the onset of corrosion. This paper presents
Hållbart arbetsliv för äldre medarbetare i Helsingborgs stad
Hållbart arbetsliv för alla åldrar i Helsingborgs stadI Sverige har det av samhällsekonomiska orsaker föreslagits att ålderspensionen ska senareläggas, eftersom pensionssystemet är uppbyggt så att vi ska arbeta två tredjedelar av våra liv. En av de största utmaningarna för den svenska arbetsmarknaden är att göra arbetslivet hållbart så att fler klarar av att arbeta till en högre ålder. För att fle
Postnatal depression hos pappor riskerar att gå under radarn.
The Coming of Age of Breast Tomosynthesis in Screening
The Benefit of a Flexible Ankle-Foot Orthosis on Balance and Walking Ability in Persons with Late Effects of Polio : A Mixed-Methods Study
ABSTRACT Introduction Many persons with late effects of polio (LEoP) have muscle weakness in the lower limbs, which affects their balance and walking ability. Although an ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) is commonly prescribed for these persons, there is limited knowledge if an AFO improves their balance and walking ability in terms of speed, distance, and perceived safety. The aims of this study were 1)