

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

Soppköket : ett sceniskt experiment

Högerpopulism och fascism är allt mer närvarande i samtiden, både på gatorna och i Facebookflödena. Idag är det inte längre tabubelagt att uttrycka främlingsfientliga åsikter och nätaktivisterna har börjat ta steget ut i offentligheten genom aktioner och manifestationer. I den här scenen tar vi avstamp i detta här och nu, i en scen om svårigheten att förhålla sig till de som verkar göra gott men i

Ilizarov technique in the correction of knee flexion contracture : Report of four cases

The Ilizarov technique was used in five knees for the correction of a flexion contracture that had not responded to nonoperative treatment. Preoperative contractures of 25–75° were reduced to 0–15°. Three months after frame removal the knees had almost the same range of extension as immediately after frame removal, and all except one patient with severe arthritis had the same range of flexion as b

Junctional Adhesion Molecule 2 Represents a Subset of Hematopoietic Stem Cells with Enhanced Potential for T Lymphopoiesis

The distinct lineage potential is a key feature of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) heterogeneity, but a subset of HSCs specialized for a single lymphoid compartment has not been identified. Here we report that HSCs expressing junctional adhesion molecule 2 (Jam2) at a higher level (Jam2high HSCs) have a greater T cell reconstitution capacity. Jam2high HSCs are metabolically dormant but preferentiall

Expanding Architecture: Critical perspectives from within a school of architecture

Konferensbidrad, 10:e Pedagogiska inspirationskonferensen, December 2018, LTHThe architectural community needs to be better at managing a diversity of experiences, desires and needs associated with architecture. How can students' call for a more problematizing and inclusive education and industry be used as a basis for student and teacher collaboration, as well as an educational platform for raising diversity issues? The Symposium Expanding Architecture - Critical Perspect

Handtransplantation och implantation av nervchips. Flera nyheter på väg inom handkirurgin.

Injuries and diseases of the hand naturally have an enormous impact on hand function and on quality of life, both occupational and social. The majority of hand-injury patients are under 30 years of age. Hand surgery, an established specialty in Sweden since 1969, is of great importance in terms of clinical developments, education and research. In the coming decade, scientific and clinical advances

Duration of preclinical, prodromal, and dementia stages of Alzheimer's disease in relation to age, sex, and APOE genotype

Introduction: We estimated the age-specific duration of the preclinical, prodromal, and dementia stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and the influence of sex, setting, apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype, and cerebrospinal fluid tau on disease duration. Methods: We performed multistate modeling in a combined sample of 6 cohorts (n = 3268) with death as the end stage and estimated the preclinical, prod

Investigation of soot formation in a novel diesel fuel burner

In the present work, a novel burner capable of complete pre-vaporization and stationary combustion of diesel fuel in a laminar diffusion flame has been developed to investigate the effect of the chemical composition of diesel fuel on soot formation. For the characterization of soot formation during diesel combustion we performed a comprehensive morphological characterization of the soot and determ

Ideological Affiliations, Conflicts, and Competing Mobilization Frames: The Role of Pro-Immigrant Allies in Shaping Immigrant Struggles for Greater Rights

This article critically assesses the role pro-immigrant allies play in shaping immigrant struggles for their greater rights. Drawing from original data collected in Italy between 2013 and 2014, it analyzes the conflict-laden organization of “A Day without Us,” a mass mobilization that took place in Italy on March 1, 2010. It explains how ideological divides, competing mobilization frames, and stru