

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Risk governance state-of-affair across swedish interdependent infrastructures

Society is highly dependent on services such as electricity, communication, and transportation. Furthermore, the critical infrastructures (CIs) that provide these services are highly interdependent through a number of physical, economic and organizational links. In this context, a holistic perspective on risk is essential to avoid suboptimal interventions and risk-related blind spots. Here, fragme

Effects of photoperiod on the migratory behavior of songbirds during spring and autumn migration

Photoperiod, the relative duration of daylight in a 24-hour diel-cycle, is an environmental cue that influences physiological processes in birds, regulating life-history events such as reproduction and migration. Here we study whether variations in photoperiod affect migratory behaviors, including activity, orientation, and body mass, across bird species during 2023 spring and autumn migration. Ou

Mechanisms of sex determination underpin female pattern polymorphism in Anolis sagrei

Anolis sagrei exhibit a female limited dorsal pattern polymorphism with two discrete pattern morphs (chevron or diamond). The underlying genetic basis has been traced to a Mendelian autosomal locus (gene CCDC170) which is adjacent to the gene for estrogen receptor one (ESR1). Thus, this model system gives an excellent opportunity to study the origin and maintenance of new phenotypic variants. In t

Changing diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes (CDC4G) in Sweden : A stepped wedge cluster randomised trial

Background The World Health Organisation (WHO) 2013 diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) has been criticised due to the limited evidence of benefits on pregnancy outcomes in different populations when switching from previously higher glycemic thresholds to the lower WHO-2013 diagnostic criteria. The aim of this study was to determine whether the switch from previous Swedish

Search for direct production of winos and higgsinos in events with two same-charge leptons or three leptons in pp collision data at (Formula presented.) TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search for supersymmetry targeting the direct production of winos and higgsinos is conducted in final states with either two leptons (e or μ) with the same electric charge, or three leptons. The analysis uses 139 fb−1 of pp collision data at (Formula presented.) TeV collected with the ATLAS detector during Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider. No significant excess over the Standard Model expectat

Okinawa-Based Nordic Diet Decreases Plasma Levels of IAPP and IgA against IAPP Oligomers in Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Pancreas-derived islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) aggregates and deposits in the pancreas and periphery of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) patients, contributing to diabetic complications. The excess IAPP can be removed by autoantibodies, and increased levels of immunoglobulin (Ig) G against IAPP have been reported in T2D patients. However, whether other Ig classes are also affected and if the levels can be

Substance use-related problems in mild intellectual disability : A Swedish nationwide population-based cohort study with sibling comparison

Background: Evidence for substance use-related problems in individuals with mild intellectual disability is sparse and mainly limited to selected psychiatric populations. We evaluated the risk of substance use-related problems in individuals with mild intellectual disability compared to the general population. Additionally, we have performed secondary sibling comparison analyses to account for fam

Measurement of jet substructure in boosted Formula Presented events with the ATLAS detector using Formula Presented of 13 TeV Formula Presented collisions

Measurements of the substructure of top-quark jets are presented, using Formula Presented of 13 TeV Formula Presented collision data recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Top-quark jets reconstructed with the anti-Formula Presented algorithm with a radius parameter Formula Presented are selected in top-quark pair (Formula Presented) events where one top quark decays semileptonically and the

Rethinking (Human) bodies in HRI : embodied interactions every day

Significant amounts of HRI research effort are spent on the design/evaluation of robot bodies. Critical discussion and debates concerning the way bodies are treated and considered within HRI have tended to focus on the implications of designing/interacting with highly anthropomorphic robots, yet drawing attention away from the human body in HRI, particularly in the context of everyday interactions

Ett intellektuellt proletariat : Fackliga strategier bland svenska folkbibliotekarier

The Swedish public librarians’ union (SFF) was founded in 1938 and joined the larger DIK union in 1972. SFF’s roots can be traced back to a union of library assistants at Stockholm’s library. From its start, SFF fought for higher wages and improved status for public librarians. SFF’s repertoire for collective confrontations consists of methods inspired by theworkers’ and civil servants’ movements.

Utilizing Transcriptomics to Determine the Genetic Basis of Allelopathic Exudates in Moss

The understanding of interspecific interactions is key to understanding the complexity, diversity, and evolution of land plants. Bryophytes, including mosses, are a diverse group of non-vascular plants that are especially important to study, as they are key parts of ecosystems, are chemically diverse, and have a gametophyte dominant life history. Genetic studies revolving around interspecific inte

Rainy day

Site specific exhibition (photographs) at Pumphuset Borstahusens Konstförening, Landskrona

Convergence Properties of Iteratively Coupled Surface-Subsurface Models

Surface-subsurface flow models for hydrological applications solve a coupled multiphysics problem. This usually consists of some form of the Richards and shallow water equations. A typical setup couples these two nonlinear partial differential equations in a partitioned approach via boundary conditions. Full interaction between the subsolvers is ensured by an iterative coupling procedure. This can

CD163+ macrophages in mantle cell lymphoma induce activation of prosurvival pathways and immune suppression

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is dependent on a supportive tumor immune microenvironment (TIME) in which infiltration of CD163+ macrophages has a negative prognostic impact. This study explores how abundance and spatial localization of CD163+ cells are associated with the biology of MCL, using spatial multiomic investigations of tumor and infiltrating CD163+ and CD3+ cells. A total of 63 proteins wer

Soil Carbon Storage in Temperate Heathland and Forest: What Role Do Ericoid Mycorrhizae Play?

Heathlands have been identified as ecosystems which store large amounts of carbon, especially in soil, which is very important for climate change mitigation. Ericoid mycorrhizae, which are the symbiosis between mycorrhizal fungi and ericaceous plants and which often dominate in heathlands, have been proposed as drivers of soil organic carbon storage through their production of recalcitrant melaniz

Sharing housing: a solution to – or a reflection of – housing inequality?

Shared housing is a rather unusual phenomenon in Sweden. However, due to the decreasing availability of affordable housing and a large share of single-person households in urban areas, sharing is on the rise and new forms of shared housing have entered the market. By analysing how shared housing overlaps with existing patterns of socioeconomic segregation and by interviewing developers of diverse

Natural selection in wild beetle populations

Naturlig selektion i vilda skalbaggspopulationer Naturlig selektion är en nyckelfaktor för evolutionen. Även om vi vet att mängden variation i egenskaper (fenotyper) ger råmaterial för selektion och om den är genetisk påverkar evolutionens hastighet, har vi fortfarande mycket att lära om hur naturlig selektion påverkar specifika egenskaper över tid. I min examensuppsats undersökte jag hur naturliNatural selection is an important force behind evolution. It is well known that phenotypic variation provides opportunity for evolution, but research into how selection acts on specific traits over time is lacking. In this thesis, I studied how selection acts upon the shape and body size of the beetle Cassida viridis. Across three populations, I measured size (length and area), shape, and lifespan

Abundances of disk and bulge giants from high-resolution optical spectra : V. Molybdenum: The p-process element

Aims. In this work, we aim to make a differential comparison of the neutron-capture and p-process element molybdenum (Mo) in the stellar populations in the local disk(s) and the bulge, focusing on minimising possible systematic effects in the analysis. Methods. The stellar sample consists of 45 bulge and 291 local disk K-giants observed with high-resolution optical spectra. The abundances are dete