

Din sökning på "*" gav 533045 sökträffar

Tempeh fermentation using side streams from the food industry with lactic acid bacteria pre fermentation.

Today, a greater proportion of the population prefers a plant-based diet. Due to this reason, there is an increase in the production of side streams from the food industry, which are often discarded or used as food for animals. Tempeh is a plant-based product fermented with R. oligosporus that is commonly made from soybeans from Indonesia. In this thesis, side streams from food production which ar

Gas-Phase Anion Exchange for Multisegment Heterostructured CsPb(Br1xClx)3 Perovskite Nanowires

Metal-halide perovskites (MHPs) are promising as active optoelectronic materials for a diverse range of devices. Anion exchange is a post-growth modification of MHP materials that allows tuning of the band gap and crystal structure by exposure to alternative halides, normally using solution methods. Here, low temperature gas-phase anion exchange for the conversion of CsPbBr3 nanowires (NW) into Cs

BLOCKCHAIN AND EU PUBLIC PROCUREMENT LAW - The Legal Implications of Adopting Blockchain Technology in Public E-Procurement

The EU's economy is heavily influenced by public procurement, with services, works, and supplies worth approximately €2 trillion being purchased by public authorities annually. While the EU's legal framework allows for electronic means in public procurement, the aim is to achieve full e-procurement to maintain transparency, equal treatment, non-discrimination, and fair competition. However

"Nit allein den rechtglaubigen, sonder auch den irrigen : Two Sixteenth-Century German Catholic Prayer Books as Tools of Re-Catholicisation"

This article presents two German Catholic prayer books written by the two sixteenth-century priests Johann Faber OP and Peter Michael Brillmacher SJ – known for their catechetical and apologetical work in areas of confessional division. Adding to the claims by early twentieth-century researchers that these books were used for “resisting and combating Protestantism,” I argue that they were tools fo

Revitalizing Jute Farming: A Case Study of ICARE Scheme in West Bengal, India

The Jute-ICARE initiative by the Government of India aims to address climate change's impact and improve jute farmers' livelihoods. This study investigates the challenges and opportunities for jute farmers in adopting the scheme's technologies using the DPSIR framework and the social learning theory. Inadequate information dissemination to farmers and differing perspectives between pol

A Waste of Food-Waste Bags

It is estimated that the average Swede throws away 61 kg of food waste annually. The more food waste there is, the more food waste bags are required. Since the implementation of a tax on thin plastic bags, grocery stores have been providing fruit bags of paper as an eco-friendly alternative. This study examines the current usage of paper fruit bags in the municipality of Helsingborg and explores t

The chemical evolution of the Milky Way: pushing APOGEE to higher precision and accuracy

In the recent decade, a rapid increase in all-sky spectroscopic surveys has occurred, and with it, the wealth of observational data and information on our Galaxy. Consequently, numerous detections of new structures, such as new open clusters, accreted and in-situ components, are discovered. However, the accuracy and results of industrialised pipelines to derive stellar parameters and abundances ha

Den upphovsrättsliga apokalypsen - En studie om användningen av skyddade verk som träningsdata för att generera nya alster genom kreativ artificiell intelligens

En fortskridande teknisk utveckling har inneburit större möjligheter att exploatera upphovsrättsligt skyddat material i den digitala miljön. En teknik som särskilt har uppmärksammats är kreativ artificiell intelligens, som kan användas för att generera nya litterära eller konstnärliga verk. Förfogandet innebär emellertid att många upphovsrättsligt skyddade verk utnyttjas under inlärningsprocessen The technology is evolving in a rapid pace and there are endless possibilities to exploit copyright-protected material in the digital environment. As artificial intelligence develops to be more autonomous, the phenomenon is one of the hot topics in copyright law today. Creative AI can be described as “creative” machines that can be used to generate new literary or artistic outputs. This thesis aim

ESG portfolios in different industries

The objective of this essay is to examine the relationship between Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and abnormal returns for companies in six different industries: Consumer Goods, Financials, Health Care, Industrials, Technology and Utilities. In order to investigate this topic, we construct equally weighted high minus low (HML) portfolios for every individual ESG pillar and for ESG as a

Mixing in ice covered lakes

Mixing in ice covered lakes is caused by through-flow currents, oscillations of the ice cover and by convective currents induced by heat flow from the sediments or by solar radiation penetrating the ice. Mainly from studies in Swedish lakes, current velocities and mixing coefficients are quantified for the different processes generating water movement. Seiche movement caused by wind induced oscill

There is still a long way to go: An exploratory study on the factors contributing to the inclusion and exclusion of female character representation in video games

Thesis Purpose: This thesis aims to explore the complex phenomenon of female character representation, both quantity and portrayal, in video games and which factors either inhibit or enhance the creation and how. Methodology: A qualitative study with an inductive approach, designed to answer the research question “How do different factors contribute to the inclusion or exclusion of female charact

Closing the GAPS

Title: CLOSING THE G A P S: Detecting misalignments between the corporate brand identity and brand image of Volvo Cars and Volkswagen within the German and Swedish markets Date of the Seminar: 02.06.2023 Course: BUSN39 Business Administration: Degree Project in Global Marketing - Master Level Supervisor: Ulf Elg Word count: 31033 Keywords: brand image, brand perceptions, brand identity, consumer,

Echoes of the past: A Qualitative Study on Personal and Historical Nostalgia and their Impact on Consumer Identity

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore young consumers' identity creation in the context of nostalgic consumption and marketing. The study seeks to deepen the understanding of how young consumers construct their identities by exploring the impact of two forms of nostalgia, personal and historical. Theoretical Perspective: To analyze the empirical data and gain insight into co

Ekvivalensprincipen - beaktad eller överkörd? En undersökning om ekvivalensprincipens betydelse vid skärpta straff för brott i kriminella nätverk.

Gängkriminaliteten har under det senaste decenniet ökat i Sverige och hårdare tag har efterfrågats. Tidöavtalet anger att det är av högsta vikt att bekämpa gängkriminaliteten i Sverige och i början på 2023 lämnade regeringen in en proposition till riksdagen som bland annat föreslog straffskärpningar för vissa straffskalor för brottstyper som är vanliga inom kriminella nätverk. Enligt propositionenThe past decade has witnessed a rise in gang-related violence and crime in Sweden, which has caused a debate prompting calls for more stringent measures. In early 2023, the government submitted a proposition to the parliament which included proposals for stricter penalties för certain crime categories commonly associated with criminal networks. According to the proposition, increased penalty scale

Vad är passiv (o)frivillighet?

Den 1 juni 2018 infördes ett frivillighetsrekvisit i den svenska våldtäktsbe-stämmelsen i 6 kap 1 § BrB. Det nya rekvisitet innebär att avsaknad av ömse-sidig frivillighet ligger till grund för straffansvar. Målsägandens agerande och hur personen uttryckt frivillighet är av central betydelse för bedömningen. I min uppsats har jag undersökt vilka gränser målsägandens frivillighet ställs inför när dOn June 1, 2018, a voluntariness requirement was introduced in the Swedish rape provision in Chapter 6, Section 1 of the Swedish Penal Code (BrB). The new requirement implies that the absence of mutual voluntariness forms the basis for criminal liability. The actions of the victim and how their expressed voluntariness is assessed are of central importance in the evaluation. In my essay, I have exa

Barnadråp - Brottets varande eller icke varande i den moderna svenska strafflagstiftningen

Det svenska stadgandet av barnadråp är på många sätt en säregen bestämmelse i förhållande till andra brottsgärningar i den svenska brottsbalken. Brottet har funnits reglerat i flertalet svenska lagsamlingar under hundratals år, allt från 1734 års lag fram tills dagens brottsbestämmelse. Som ett resultat av att brottet tillämpas ytterst sällan, bristande rättspraxis, de historiska och traditionsenlThe provision regarding infanticide in Swedish law is, in many ways, a distinct provision compared to other offenses in the Swedish Penal Code. Several Swedish legal compilations have regulated this offense for hundreds of years, ranging from the 1734 Act to the current Swedish Penal Code. Due to the infrequent application of the offense, lack of legal precedent, the historical and traditional imp

Två reformer senare – En granskning av bestämmelserna om företagsbot

Företagsbot är en ekonomisk sanktion som infördes den 1 juli 1986 i syfte att på ett mer effektivt sätt bekämpa brott som begås i företags verksamheter. Sanktionen utgör i regel ett komplement till övriga straffrättsliga sanktioner. Bestämmelserna om företagsbot återfinns huvudsakligen i 36 kap. brottsbalken, varav 7–10 a §§ är de mest centrala. 7 § anger de rekvisit som måste uppfyllas för att ålA corporate fine is a financial sanction that was introduced on 1 July 1986 with the aim of more efficiently combating crimes committed in the operations of corporations. The sanction typically functions as a complement to other criminal sanctions. The provisions on corporate fines are found mainly in Chapter 36 of the Swedish Penal Code, of which Sections 7 to 10 a are the most essential. Section