

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Discomforts in the academy: from ‘academic burnout’ to collective mobilisation

As part of a set of interventions on discomfort feminism, this article addresses how the politics of discomfort informs boundary work in the neoliberalized academic workplace in Switzerland. Departing from the authors’ engagements in a series of workshops on new forms of stress and pressure in academia and the effects of the deteriorating conditions of labor at their department, this article explo

Industrial water treatment within a wetland planted with Hemarthria compressa and subsequent effluent reuse to grow Abelmoschus esculentus

This study assesses the potential of constructed wetland systems to treat tannery effluent (TE) and mixed industry effluent (MIE). After each of the three influent cells acting as settling cells, three treatment cells in horizontal series along with a Control were applied. Each of the cells was subjected to horizontal surface flow and planted with Hemarthria compressa (L.f.) R.Br. (perennial whip

Translation and psychometric validation of the Persian version of the Questionnaire on Smoking Urges for assessment of craving to smoke among university students

Background. Even though tobacco is one of the most preventable causes of death worldwide, it endangers more than 8 million people yearly. In this context, meta-analyses suggest that a significant part of the general Iranian population over 15 years of age smoke and that there is a need for good screening tools for smoking cravings and urges in Iran. The present study reported the translation and i

Evaluation of deep-learning-based myocardial infarction quantification using Segment CMR software

This work evaluates deep learning-based myocardial infarction (MI) quantification using Segment cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) software. Segment CMR software incorporates the expectation-maximization, weighted intensity, a priori information (EWA) algorithm used to generate the infarct scar volume, infarct scar percentage, and microvascular obstruction percentage. Here, Segment CMR softwa

Stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade LSS 2021

Alla som arbetar med myndighetsutövning behöver ha aktuell lagstiftning nära till hands för att garantera klienter och brukare en rättssäker samhällsservice. Motsatsen leder till både personligt lidande för den enskilde och slöseri med tid och pengar för att hantera överklaganden. LSS 2021 är en nödvändig informations- och lärobok för alla som arbetar med frågor som berör personer med funktionsned

The chirality-flow formalism

We take a fresh look at Feynman diagrams in the spinor-helicity formalism. Focusing on tree-level massless QED and QCD, we develop a new and conceptually simple graphical method for their calculation. In this pictorial method, which we dub the chirality-flow formalism, Feynman diagrams are directly represented in terms of chirality-flow lines corresponding to spinor inner products, without the nee

Analysis of manufacturing costs for powder metallurgy (pm) gear manufacturing processes : a case study of a helical drive gear

This paper presents a thorough manufacturing cost analysis for a powder metallurgy (PM) manufactured gear (using press and sintering technique—P/S), through a case study of a R&D 4th drive gear (a helical gearwheel) utilizing both real usage data from six companies and some estimated data from literatures. The chosen costs calculation method, performance part costing (PPC), is comprehensive an

Multiscale Characterization of Embryonic Long Bone Mineralization in Mice

Long bone mineralization occurs through endochondral ossification, where a cartilage template mineralizes into bone-like tissue with a hierarchical organization from the whole bone-scale down to sub-nano scale. Whereas this process has been extensively studied at the larger length scales, it remains unexplored at some of the smaller length scales. In this study, the changes in morphology, composit

Indexing haemodynamic variables in young children

Background: Haemodynamic studies in children are rare and most studies have included few subjects in the youngest age group. Haemodynamic variables need to be indexed to establish a reference of normality that is valid in all populations. The traditional way to index haemodynamic variables with body surface area (BSA) is complicated in young children due to its non-linear relationship with body we

Between History and Power. The Historiography of Romanian National- Communism (1964–1989)

This article aims to analyse the relationship between history and political power in communist Romania during the rule of Nicolae Ceauşescu. The article’s opening section explains how Romanian historiography was substituted by a pro-Soviet and pro-Stalinist version which proclaimed the superiority of the Soviet Union and of communism; secondly, the section illustrates the delicate passage between

Sea surface and subsurface circulation dynamics off equatorial Peru during the last ∼17 kyr

The complex deglacial to Holocene oceanographic development in the Gulf of Guayaquil (Eastern Equatorial Pacific) is reconstructed for sea surface and subsurface ocean levels from (isotope) geochemical proxies based on marine sediment cores. At sea surface, southern sourced Cold Coastal Water and tropical Equatorial Surface Water/Tropical Surface Water are intimately related. In particular since ∼

Association between central haemodynamics and renal function in advanced heart failure : a nationwide study from Sweden

Aims: Renal dysfunction in patients with heart failure (HF) has traditionally been attributed to declining cardiac output and renal hypoperfusion. However, other central haemodynamic aberrations may contribute to impaired kidney function. This study assessed the relationship between invasive central haemodynamic measurements from right-heart catheterizations and measured glomerular filtration rate

Performance of the upgraded PreProcessor of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger

The PreProcessor of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger prepares the analogue trigger signals sent from the ATLAS calorimeters by digitising, synchronising, and calibrating them to reconstruct transverse energy deposits, which are then used in further processing to identify event features. During the first long shutdown of the LHC from 2013 to 2014, the central components of the PreProcessor, th

Automatic static charging of electric distribution vehicles using ERS technology

In order to electrify commercial distribution vehicles, an easy to use charging infrastructure with minimum driver interaction is needed, as managing time is essential to maximize profit for this type of vehicles. This paper proposes the use of a piece of a conductive Alternating Short-Segmented Electric Road System (ASSE) as an automatic charger for lightweight distribution vans. Since the ASSE i

ESVM guidelines – the diagnosis and management of raynaud’s phenomenon

Regarding the clinical diagnosis of Raynaud’s phenomenon and its associated conditions, investigations and treatment are substantial, and yet no international consensus has been published regarding the medical management of patients presenting with this condition. Most knowledge on this topic derives from epidemiological surveys and observational studies; few randomized studies are available, almo

Evidence for tt¯ tt¯ production in the multilepton final state in proton–proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search is presented for four-top-quark production using an integrated luminosity of 139 fb- 1 of proton–proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 13TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Events are selected if they contain a same-sign lepton pair or at least three leptons (electrons or muons). Jet multiplicity, jet flavour and event kinematics are used to separate signal from

Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Laminar Burning Velocities of Cyclopentanone and Its Binary Mixtures with Ethanol and n-Propanol

Cyclopentanone is a promising biofuel that can enable more efficient engine operation and increase the fuel economy of the light duty fleet over current and planned technology developments. While the ignition of cyclopentanone has been investigated in detail, more studies on the laminar burning velocities of cyclopentanone are called for. In this work, the laminar burning velocities of cyclopentan