

Din sökning på "*" gav 532448 sökträffar

Girl Dinner- en estetisk ironi eller ätstörning? : en diskursanalys av trenden "Girl Dinner"

Den här uppsatsen behandlar Tik Tok-trenden girl dinner som fenomen ur ett större perspektiv, sett ur feministisk teori, där en trend börjar som ett ironiskt sätt att driva med kvinnlighet, men där diskussionen kan övergå till maktdynamik och kroppshets. Mikrotrender som girl dinner, sker dagligen hela tiden på sociala-medierplattformar som TikTok och florerar snabbt.Videor som visar kvinnors sätt

Artificiella romanser : en kvalitativ textanalys av AI skildrad som romantisk partner i populärkulturella verk

I denna uppsats undersöks hur romantiska relationer med artificiell intelligens (AI) skildras i tre populärkulturella verk, samt vilka möjliga konsekvenser som kan vara till följd av denna framställning. De tre verken som analyseras är Be Right Back, Blade Runner 2049 och Her. I studien genomfördes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de tre texterna, i syfte att se om det fanns gemensamma återkommand

”Vi ska göra Sverige bra igen” Retorisk analys av Jimmie Åkessons Almedalstal 2022

I uppsatsen görs en neo-aristotelisk och en ideologikritisk analys på Jimmie Åkesson sommartal i Almedalen 2022. Jimmie Åkesson väljer topiker som överensstämmer med den nationalistiska ideologi han företräder. Invandrarfientlighet, kriminalitet, lag och ordning, omvärldskriser, är de vanligaste topikerna han använder i sitt tal. Han använder sig av de klassiska bevismedlen för att vinna publikens

Directives in the Japanese Workplace : Examining Gender Stereotypes and the Perception of Impoliteness Through the Bare Imperative

This thesis examines the interplay between gender and the perception of impoliteness in the Japanese workplace. Firstly, impoliteness is an area in sociolinguistics that discusses face-threatening acts, perceived in situations modified by different aspects, e.g. context and the gender of the interlocutors. Secondly, gendered language is another area within sociolinguistics which gained popularity

Japanese Jazu : An Examination of English in Japanese Jazz Lyrics

This thesis deals with language mixing in 20th century Japanese jazz, particularly the use of English. There have been multiple studies conducted on the language mixing phenomenon in Japanese pop-music (J-pop), a popular genre in Japan today. The results showcase that English is frequently used in J-pop, both inter-sentential and intra-sentential code-switching. The use of English has also been sh

Mortality and morbidity among heart transplant recipients in Sweden. Limitations of a life with a transplanted heart.

Bakgrund För noggrant utvalda patienter med avancerad hjärtsvikt är hjärttransplantation den optimala behandlingen för att förbättra överlevnad och livskvalitet. Men trots detta är sjukligheten fortfarande betydande inom gruppen. Med avhandlingen ville vi undersöka utfallet bland hjärttransplanterade patienter i Sverige med fokus på dödlighet, samsjuklighet och fysiska begränsningar som är relater

Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection correlates with high MFI donor-specific antibody development following lung transplantation with consequential graft loss and shortened CLAD-free survival

Background: Donor-specific antibodies (DSAs) are common following lung transplantation (LuTx), yet their role in graft damage is inconclusive. Mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) is the main read-out of DSA diagnostics; however its value is often disregarded when analyzing unwanted post-transplant outcomes such as graft loss or chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD). Here we aim to evaluate an MFI

Neural semantic effects of tone accents

This study investigated whether the brain utilizes morphologically induced tones for semantic processing during online speech perception. An auditory comprehension task was conducted while measuring event-related potentials (ERPs). The study tested whether a discrepancy between contextual expectations and the tonal realizations of the target word would yield an N400 effect, indicative of semantic

Global Consensus Recommendations on Improving the Safety of Chronic Total Occlusion Interventions

Safety is of critical importance to chronic total occlusion (CTO) percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). This global consensus statement provides guidance on how to optimise the safety of CTO) PCI, addressing the following 12 areas: 1. Set-up for safe CTO PCI; 2. Guide catheter-–associated vessel injuries; 3. Hydraulic dissection, extraplaque haematoma expansion, and aortic dissections; 4. Haem

Related in Death? Further Insights on the Curious Case of Bishop Peder Winstrup and His Grandchild’s Burial

In 2021, we published the results of genomic analyses carried out on the famous bishop of Lund, Peder Winstrup, and the mummified remains of a 5–6-month-old fetus discovered in the same burial. We concluded that the two individuals were second-degree relatives and explored the genealogy of Peder Winstrup to further understand the possible relation between them. Through this analysis, we found that

Exploring Definitions and Predictors of Response to Biologics for Severe Asthma

Background: Biologic effectiveness is often assessed as response, a term that eludes consistent definition. Identifying those most likely to respond in real-life has proven challenging. Objective: To explore definitions of biologic responders in adults with severe asthma and investigate patient characteristics associated with biologic response. Methods: This was a longitudinal cohort study using d

Association of MAFLD and MASLD with all-cause and cause-specific dementia : a prospective cohort study

Background: Liver disease and dementia are both highly prevalent and share common pathological mechanisms. We aimed to investigate the associations between metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD), metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) and the risk of all-cause and cause-specific dementia. Methods: We conducted a prospective study with 403,506 partici