Din sökning på "*" gav 534010 sökträffar
Svante Thuresson & Claes Crona Trio, Saluhallen, Höganäs
Myter & Hörspel
Ryggfrakturer vid morbus Bechterew. Skador som troligen är underdiagnostiserade.
Articulotrochanteric distance in slipped capital femoral epiphysis
The difference in altitude between the proximal limit of the femoral head and the tip of the greater trochanter - the articulotrochanteric distance (ATD) -was recorded in 312 patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis and compared with that in normal hips. The ATD was markedly reduced after severe slipping, independent of the method of treatment. In mild or moderate slippings, the ATD differe
Hip displacement in relation to age and gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy
Purpose: Hip dislocation in cerebral palsy (CP) is a serious complication. By radiographic screening and prophylactic surgery of children at risk most dislocations can be prevented. CPUP, the Swedish CP registry and follow-up program, includes annual radiographic examinations of children at Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels III-V. Data from CPUP were analysed to assess the
Free-breathing fetal cardiac MRI with doppler ultrasound gating, compressed sensing, and motion compensation
BACKGROUND: Fetal cardiovascular MRI complements ultrasound to assess fetal cardiovascular pathophysiology.PURPOSE: To develop a free-breathing method for retrospective fetal cine MRI using Doppler ultrasound (DUS) cardiac gating and tiny golden angle radial sampling (tyGRASP) for accelerated acquisition capable of detecting fetal movements for motion compensation.STUDY TYPE: Feasibility study.SUB
Prince H's Universe : Right or Left
A review of ‘Prince H’s Universe: Right or Left’ – an immersive and interactive Hamlet talk-show, at HamletScenen, Elsinore.
No title
Cette étude propose une analyse de la proportion d’élèves suédois qui étudientle français au collège et présente une réflexion plus générale sur la situationde l’enseignement du français en Suède. À partir de données statistiques de labase de données SIRIS, mise à disposition publique par la Direction nationale desÉtablissements scolaires, les résultats montrent que, même si la proportion d’élèves
Disciplinary intersections of gender and ethnicity in populist radical right media in Romania
The present study examines how the desirable ideals of femininity for the ethno-nationalist project are framed in populist radical right media in contemporary Romania. The study examines the editorials of populist radical right party leader (Corneliu Vadim Tudor) published at election times between 2000 and 2012 in the weekly party publication. It explores the inventory of media frames, which prov
Building research capacity in rural health settings : Barriers, priorities and recommendations for practitioners
International Law and the Limits of History
Pre- and postoperative information needs
The purpose of this study was to investigate patients' need for pre- and postoperative information. Fifty patients admitted to open cholecystectomy were included in the study, 37 women and 13 men. Their median age was 49.5 years, ranging 17-76. The patients answered one questionnaire both at admission and at discharge. In the questionnaire, 48 statements had to be answered on a five-point, Likert
Practical evaluation and handling of patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Crack paths and fracture process region autonomy - Discussion of fracture paper #12
The official iMechanica Blog for the Elsevier Journal Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Are competing risks models appropriate to describe implant failure?
Blågröna lösningar i Sofielund : klimatanpassningsåtgärder i allt tätare städer
Ett klimat i förändring är något som påverkar oss alla. För staden och dess invånare innebär det bland annat mer nederbörd och en ökad risk för översvämningar. Det är därför viktigt att arbeta med klimatanpassningsåtgärder.Tanken med den här broschyren är att visa vilka lösningar som naturen kan bidra med. Den fokuserar på ett redan bebyggt område; Sofielund i Malmö. Innehållet bygger på intervjue