

Din sökning på "*" gav 533548 sökträffar

Ungas rädsla för brott - en kvalitativ intervjustudie av rädslans ursprung och dess konsekvenser hos unga

Syftet med denna uppsats var att genom en tematisk analys skapa en förståelse för ämnet rädsla för brott. Målet var att ge svar på om intervjupersonerna upplevde rädsla för brott, hur rädslan definierades, vilka faktorer som kan ha en påverkan på upplevd rädsla för brott, samt vad denna rädsla kan få för konsekvenser i en persons vardag. För att besvara frågeställningarna har kvalitativa, semistru

Origin of blue straggler stars in the Milky Way halo

Blue straggler stars (BSSs) are exotic stellar objects that appear to be younger than the age of the population they come from suggests. They are observed as the extension of the main sequence stars, beyond the turn-off point. They are present in all types of stellar populations, such as open clusters, globular clusters, dwarf galaxies, and even in the open field. It is believed that they form mai

Episodes of Large Capital Inflows: Identification and Economic Aftermath

Large capital inflows have always been a cause of concern for policy makers. While most countries experience episodes of large capital inflows, Advanced Economies tend to fare slightly better, while Emerging Economies experience more adverse effects. This study identifies 228 such episodes of large capital inflows in 1980-2019, in 38 countries. Further, an attempt is made to analyse the aftermath

The Narcissists Wallet: The Nexus between Narcissism and Financial Decision-Making among Aspiring Entrepreneurs

This study examines how grandiose narcissism affects the resource acquisition of aspiring entrepreneurs. The study's results help bridge a gap in the literature and provide a better understanding of the nexus between narcissism and entrepreneurial finance. By drawing on previous literature from both fields, we set out to explore the relationship between narcissism and an individual’s preferenc

Public Domain Intelligence Tests: Psychometric properties of the Cog15 and ICAR16 cognitive ability scales

The current paper aims to explore the psychometric properties of two public domain cognitive ability scales, Cog15 and ICAR16, and investigate how well they each capture the g-factor in a Swedish sample (N = 428). The motivation for choosing these aims is that public domain, free, and easily accessible intelligence tests are needed for measuring the g-factor. Principal components analysis (PCA), c

Electron-skyrmion systems, in and out of equilibrium, and isolated or contacted to reservoirs

A Kondo lattice skyrmion model in contact with a macroscopic environment is simulated to explore skyrmion dynamics, which is an extension of previous work. The system is simulated using non-equilibrium Green's functions within the generalized Kadanoff-Baym ansatz and the wide band limit. To get a time-linear scaling, we present an approximation to the collision integral, which offers a good tr

Comfort through Clothing: North American women’s relationship with clothing through the lens of culture.

Through ethnographic analysis, this thesis investigates the ways in which North American women seek and experience different modes of comfort through their clothing. The material is drawn from a market research study that employs qualitative methods with a spectrum of women across the United States and Canada. Framed by Bourdieu’s practice theory and Latour’s actor- network theory, the text proble

US Against ‘the other’ En kvlitativ innehållsanalys som studerar amerikanska soldaters behandling av manliga irakiska fångar i samband med deras invasion i Irak och utifrån Abu Gharib-fängelset.

USA invaderade Irak 2003 och i samband med denna invasion tog de över Abu Ghraib-fängelset, som ligger strax utanför Irakiska huvudstaden Baghdad. 2004 spreds en del bilder i medier runt om i världen, och dessa bilder visade irakiska fångar torterade och förnedrade av amerikanska soldater. Jag skrev denna studie för att studera amerikanska soldaters behandling av manliga irakiska fångar i samband

On the Carbon Border: The Western Balkans and the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

I maj 2023 antogs en viktig del av EU:s nya klimatpolicy, en mekanism för koldioxidjustering vid gränsen. Syftet med mekanismen är att förhindra koldioxidläckage, med andra ord se till att EU:s höjda klimatambitioner inte leder till att utsläpp flyttas utanför EU i stället för att minska totalt sett. EU vill säkerställa likvärdig koldioxidprissättning för importerade och inhemska produkter. MekaniIn May 2023, the EU adopted a crucial part of their updated climate policy, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). This thesis poses questions about how this novel legislation affects the EUs South-Eastern neighbours, the Western Balkans (WB). The relevance for applied climate change strategies lies in the policy-oriented approach to a new type of international climate policy. Previous res

Simulating metal ct artefacts for ground truth generation in deep learning.

CT scanning stands as one of the most employed imaging techniques used in clinical field. In the presence of metal implants in the field of view (FOV), distortions and noise appear on the 3D image leading to inaccurate bone segmentation, often required for surgery planning or implant design. In this research project, we focused on developing a pipeline to create a rich ground truth dataset, formin

Risker och möjligheter med mobiltelefonen

År 2007 släpptes världens första smartphone. Bara 16 år senare har näst intill varenda människa i Sverige en mobiltelefon i deras ficka. Sakta men säkert har mobiltelefonen blivit en del av vår vardag som ett av våra mest basala behov. Den digitala utvecklingen har gått så pass fort att vi ännu inte känner till vilka risker och möjligheter mobiltelefonen utgör för människan och vårt samhälle. Den

Sociala band eller social tillit?

Att Sveriges invånare har tillit till rättsväsendet och dess ingående myndigheter är viktigt för att dessa myndigheter ska kunna genomföra sina uppdrag som i mångt och mycket handlar om att göra det svenska samhället till en tryggare plats fri från brott. Svenskars tillit till rättsväsendet har över tid varit mycket högt och beskrivs av Brottsförebyggande rådet som konstant ökande sedan 2017. Syft

"Nu ska vi hänga en ängel"

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the liturgical practice of giving a newly baptised person a memorial item, which is often at first hung in a so-called “baptism tree”. How are baptism trees used within the liturgy, and how do different priests interpret its role? The thesis bases its findings on in-depth interviews with four ministers, three observations of baptism, plus a questionnaire s

Conclusions about turbulent exchange coefficients from model studies

Turbulent exchange coefficients are studied by field experiments and by mathematical models. The field experiments give a horizontal diffusivity of about 200 em'/s- The vertical exchange coefficient departs on the wind and is about 10 em'/s. Il has a maximum value a few metres below the surface and lends to fall to molecular values in the thermocline. Only where the thermocline is in contact with

Concordance of International Regulation of Pediatric Health Research

Objective: To assess the comparability of international ethics principles and practices used in regulating pediatric research as a first step in determining whether reciprocal deference for international ethics review is feasible. Prior studies by the authors focused on other aspects of international health research, such as biobanks and direct-to-participant genomic research. The unique nature of

Development and testing of autologous in vitro models for their ability to mimic the immune system’s response toward immunotherapies

Immunotherapy aims to enhance the immune system’s response to cancer. Different immunotherapies exist, such as cytokine therapies and immune checkpoint inhibitors. The FDA has approved immunomodulatory drugs, such as Proleukin, a recombinant IL-2 cytokine, Nivolumab, and Avelumab, which are immune checkpoint inhibitors. However, these drugs lead to side effects in patients known as immune-related

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Abstract in ItalianPubblicazione realizzata da IL CLUB degli autori in quanto Opera 2^ Classificata al Premio di Poesia «Ebook in… versi 2022»Questa la motivazione della Giuria: «Le ventitré liriche della silloge di Carla Killander Cariboni colgono e fissano frammenti delle molteplici manifestazioni della vita e diventano paradigma dell’esperienza esistenziale e della finitudine dell’Uomo.Le stagi