

Din sökning på "*" gav 533667 sökträffar

“Dem har ju andra förutsättningar än en inrikes född.” - Socialsekreterares beskrivningar av långvarigt ekonomiskt biståndsmottagande bland utrikes födda klienter.

The aim of this study was to provide a further understanding of the reasons why foreign-born people remain in long-term need of financial aid from the social welfare system. This study focuses particularly on foreign-born clients who are capable of working but receive financial aid due to unemployment. We look into how social workers work to help foreign-born clients to leave their need for long-t

Photocatalytic setup for in situ and operando ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy at MAX IV Laboratory

The Ambient-Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (APXPS) endstation at the SPECIES beamline at MAX IV Laboratory has been improved. The latest upgrades help in performing photo-assisted experiments under operando conditions in the mbar pressure range using gas and vapour mixtures whilst also reducing beam damage to the sample caused by X-ray irradiation. This article reports on endstation upg

Modeling the fractal growth of templated, mesoporous silica films

Brewster angle micrographs have been obtained of the development of a silica film grown at an air-water interface with use of the surfactant template cetylpyridinium chloride. The micrograph images showed that the growing silica film exhibited complex, fractal-like patterns. These images have been analyzed to determine the values of the fractal dimension and lacunarity, and the forms of the autoco

Measurement of the Adsorption of Cytochrome c onto the External Surface of a Thin-Film Mesoporous Silicate by Ellipsometry

The measurement of adsorption of cytochromes c onto the external surfaces of a thin film mesoporous silicates (MPS) supported by silicon wafers was discussed. Adsorption in a multilayered system consisting silicon, SiO 2, MPS, and adsorbed proteins was analyzed using ellipsometry. Synthesis of MPS thin films on 0.5 mm thick silicon wafers was done using a dip-coating alcohol vaporization method. I

Structural studies on surfactant-templated silica films growtn at the air/water interface

In situ characterisation of a growing surfactant-templated silica film has been carried out by X-ray reflectivity, diffuse X-ray scattering from the surface. Brewster angle microscopy and surface pressure measurements. The results indicate an unexpected film growth mechanism where layered structures form in solution and diffuse to the interface after some critical induction period.

Influence of Peristaltic Pump Tubes on Protein Particles Formation for Lipase Enzyme Therapeutic Protein

Introduction: In Bio-pharmaceutical production, peristaltic pump tubing is considered one of the factors that influence protein aggregation. Background: Protein particles present challenges for the control and analysis of various manufacturing processes in the biopharmaceutical industry for their significant effects on safety and quality. Aim(s): This research aims to study the effect of differe

Development of an Improved Demand Planning Process - A Case Study at KåKå

Background: Operations planning and control has undergone an extensive shift from an individual company focus to a complete supply chain focus which has required a new common approach for supply chain planning and control to evolve. Increasing competition and globalization has created complexity in supply chain planning and integration since it requires a new cross-functional approach. To handle s

Building Energy Modelling Workflows for Swedish Certification Assessments

Environmental Building Certification (EBC) assessments are often time-consuming and challenging, as they encompass a lengthy process that includes modelling, simulation, proofing, credit calculation, and report writing. Hence, there is a growing need to streamline this process. The objective of this thesis is to examine existing Building Energy Modelling (BEM) workflows and evaluate their abilit

Artificial Intelligence and Motivation in Distributed Software Development teams

Distributed software development (DSD) teams have become increasingly popular among organizations. While the distributed teams come with certain benefits such as reduced costs, availability of remote workforce and a bigger skill base, they also come with challenges. One of the main challenges in DSD teams is keeping the employees motivated while working in a virtual environment. As motivation in D

Rättsliga spänningsförhållanden i arbete med samarbetssamtal

The aim of this study has been to investigate and analyze legal tensions in work with family law regarding mediation with a focus on consensual solutions and the will of the child as a legal and normative ideal. The method used in the study was semi-structured individual interviews with eight social workers, who work within the municipal social service with family law issues. The respondents work

The digital economy and its implications: does the OECD’s Pillar One Proposal challenge the principles of law within International and EU tax law?

Change is the only constant; yet, as we step into the brave new world of taxing the digital economy, it might seem like the need and development of principles and rules for adequate profit allocation has only begun. This thesis discusses the profit allocation rules under the Unified Approach of the OECD Pillar One Proposal Amount A in relation to three identified principles of law in international

Landet lagom åberopar landet lagför

Problem/Bakgrund: Det svenska högerregeringsskiftet 2022 och medföljande Tidöavtal stadgade förslag på kriminalpolitiska åtgärder innefattande bland annat stora straffskärpningar och utökade polisiära befogenheter. Dessa motioner tycktes mottas med en viss oro vid Frivården i Göteborg, då många anställda utifrån sin behandlingsinriktade arbetspraxis verkade tveksamma till dessa skärpningars effek

Alignment of Image Sensor using Piezoelectric Crystals

Förbättring av bildkvalité med hjälp av kristaller! Alla som någon gång har försökt att ta en bild vet den stora vikten av att ha bra fokus i bilden och hur störigt det är när man inte får till bra bildkvalité. Dagens kameror har blivit känsligare och det är idag viktigare än någonsin att alla komponenter i kameran finns på rätt plats. Bara några mikrometers skillnad på placeringen av bildsensornThe use of piezoelectric crystals as a way to achieve automatic alignment of an image sensor in a camera was investigated in collaboration with Axis Communications AB. Piezoelectric crystals can be created into different configurations, piezoelectric stacks being one of the simpler ones. By attaching three piezoelectric stacks behind an image sensor and applying voltage to the stacks, they expand

An evaluation of the Janzen-Connell hypothesis for a dry tropical forest in Guinea-Bissau

The Janzen–Connell hypothesis states that seedling survival increases with distance from the parent tree, which promotes regular spacing of species within a forest and thus biodiversity. Very few studies have tested this hypothesis in tropical Africa. This paper evaluates the occurrence of Janzen-Connell effects for seedlings and adult trees of the species Cola cordifolia in a dry tropical forest

Hur gammal är jordens inre kärna?

Åldern för jordens inre kärna är en gåta som har förbryllat forskare i många decennier. Allt från en ålder lika hög som jordens magnetfält (mellan 3,5 och 4,2 Ga) i den ena änden, ner till 0,5 Ga i den andra änden. Eftersom den inre kärnan existerar på en fullkomligt oåtkomlig plats i jordens innersta centrum, medför detta självklara svårigheter när det kommer till direkta observationer (med seismThe age of the Earth's inner core is an enigma that has puzzled scientists for many decades. Everything from an age as high as the Earth's magnetic field (between 3.5 and 4.2 Ga) at one end, down to 0.5 Ga at the other end. Since the inner core exists in a completely inaccessible place in the innermost center of the Earth, this presents obvious difficulties when it comes to direct observat

Hostile Sexism and The Acceptance of Rape Myths: The Role of Masculinity Threat in Two Salient Predictors of Sexual Violence

This thesis aimed to investigate the association between masculinity threat and two salient predictors of sexual assault: hostile sexism and rape myth acceptance. The thesis comprised two studies. Study 1 focused on the correlational relationships between three measures of masculinity threat (masculine contingency, gender role discrepancy stress, and status threat) and the two predictors of sexual

The Meridian S03E02 : The Hunt for Dark Matter

We are on a hunt for the invisible in this second episode of the third season of The Meridian. Ruth Pöttgen is a senior lecturer at the Department of Physics where she is studying fundamental particles. She is especially interested in finding that mysterious and elusive Dark Matter particle.In this third season we are also including some Cosmic Curiosities. These are some ideas, events or trivia f

The Potential Use of Degradable Starch Microspheres as a Carrier for Nasal Drug Administration

Nasal administrering är en administeringsmetod där läkemedel inhaleras genom näsan. Metodens huvudsakliga syfte är att snabbt och effektivt behandla lokala symtom. Men på senare tid har det även ökats intresse för att uppnå en systemisk effect, där läkemedlet når blodomloppet och därigenom påverkar hela kroppen. Näshålan är ungefär 15-20 ml, med en yta på cirka 150 cm2 och är uppdelad i två symmIntranasal drug delivery is a practical and accessible method for treating localized symptoms as well as achieving systemic drug absorption. The approach takes advantage of the permeability, vascularization, and limited enzymatic activity of nasal tissue, leading to enhanced drug absorption. Moreover, drugs can bypass the blood-brain barrier and directly reach the brain through the olfactory route

Learning from social outreach workers- A study of crime prevention among children in the county of Stockholm

Currently, there is an increased societal focus on youth criminality and also a growing popularity of municipal social outreach work as a countermeasure of it. The purpose of this study is therefore to elucidate social outreach workers' experience of their work with children through a crime preventative perspective, to expound upon their role in crime prevention and to highlight the emotional

Who is Adapting to a New Culture? Unmasking How Personality Traits Predict Acculturation Among Non-Western Immigrants in Sweden

Using data from 159 participants (Mage = 27.11 years; SD = 6.47; 55% men), we investigate the relationships between personality traits, acculturation towards heritage and mainstream culture, and sociocultural adaptation among non-Western immigrants in Sweden. A series of regression analyses have shown conscientiousness and agreeableness significantly related to heritage culture identification, whi