Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar
Implementation Aspects of Antenna Selection for MIMO Systems
Antenna selection is a promising technique for reducing complexity of multiple-antenna (MIMO) systems. In antenna selection, more antenna elements than RF transceiver chains are available for up-conversion and down-conversion. A subset of the available antenna elements is selected and connected to the RF chains. The reduction in the number of RF chains helps to reduce the implementation cost of mu
Svartsprit blir vit? - en studie om illegal alkoholhantering i Skåne, i kölvattnet av EU-intergrationen
Vad har social kompetens och bildning gemensamt?
Det förefaller bildas ett slags vardagsetiskt tomrum i massutbildningssystemet, vilket nu bland annat fylls genom betoningen av social kompetens i skolan. Social kompetens tenderar att bli den vardagsetiska aspekten av vår tids bildning. Den viktiga frågan att diskutera är inte om vi ska ha undervisning och träning i social kompetens i skolan eller inte, utan snarare hur det kan komma sig att vard
Att trolla med kvalitetssäkring, En jämförelse mellan hälso- och sjukvården och revisionsbranschen
De senaste två decennierna har införandet av kvalitetssäkring varit en bland såväl privata som offentliga verksamheter i Sverige. Trenden har fört med sig nya kvalitetssäkringstekniker, kontrollformer och i viss mån normer och värderingar. I boken beskrivs de tämligen olika förändringsprocesser som införandet av kvalitetssäkring har gett upphov till i hälso- och sjukvården samt revisionsbranschen.
Study of the sequential constraint-handling technique for evolutionary optimization with application to structural problems
Engineering design problems are most frequently charac-terized by constraints that make them hard to solve and time-consuming. When evolutionary algorithms are used to solve these problems, constraints are often handled with the generic weighted sum method or with techniques specific to the prob-lem at hand. Most commonly, all constraints are evaluated at each generation, and it is also necessary
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Poly(ethylene glycol)-containing supports for solid-phase synthesis of peptides and combinatorial organic libraries.
The choice of a polymeric support is a key factor for the success of solid-phase methods for syntheses of organic compounds and biomolecules such as peptides and oligonucleotides. Classical Merrifield solid-phase peptide synthesis, performed on low cross-linked hydrophobic polystyrene (PS) beads, sometimes suffers from sequence-dependent coupling difficulties. The concept of incorporating PEG into
"Varför har du skägg?" Reflektioner över den nya diskrimineringsgrunden "könsöverskridande identitet eller uttryck"
Att undervisa och delta i pedagogisk utveckling
Early Monasticism and the Rhetorical Tradition : Sayings and Stories as Schooltexts
Diversity of thermostable DNA enzymes from Icelandic hot springs
The diversities of bacteria as well as thermostable DNA enzymes in Icelandic hot springs were studied using different techniques. First of all the bacterial diversity of different microbial mats as well as sediment samples was described by using both molecular methods and cultivation methods. The molecular methods showed a low level of diversity and it was apparently lower as the environment becam
Modal concord in Japanese : some initial observations
Biogeografisk uppföljning - förslag till variabler, indikatorer och datainsamling för delsystem fjärilar
Symmetric Positivity Preserving Balanced Truncation
We consider positivity preserving model order reduction of SISO linear systems. Whereas well-established model reduction methods usually do not result in a positive approximation, we show that a symmetry characterization of balanced truncation can be used to preserve positivity after performing balanced truncation. As a consequence, the method is independent of the initial realization and always r
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Transnational Actor Participation in International Institutions: Where, Why, and with What Consequences?
The introductory chapter briefly describes the transnational turn in global governance, reviews the state of the art, and situates the chapter contributions in terms of how they expand the research agenda.