

Din sökning på "*" gav 530339 sökträffar

Hydrodynamic modelling and estimation of exchange rates for Bardawil Lagoon, Egypt. An investigation of governing forces and physical processes using numerical models.

Bardawil Lagoon, a natural lagoon located on the northern coast of the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, there are three inlets of which two are man-made connecting the lagoon with the Mediterranean Sea. The inlets are subjected to changes in morphology, due to sediment transport, over time and this may lead to degrees of closure of either inlet. The sediment transport is governed by longshore currents and

"Back to the USSR" En förklaring av Rysslands energipolitik

Ryssland är en av världens största olje- och gasproducenter. Detta tillsammans med landets bristande demokrati utgör ett hett debattämne i dagens energikonsumerande samhälle. I uppsatsen analyseras den ryska energipolitiken ur ett nationellt såväl som internationellt perspektiv. Den politiska och ekonomiska dimensionen utreds men uppsatsen går också djupare in på olika gruppers identiteter och hur

Språkförbistring i översättning: Svårigheter med att översätta franskt talspråk och ungdomsspråk i boken "Pays de malheur!"

Detta examensarbete grundar sig på en översättning av boken "Pays de malheur!". Arbetet är indelat i tre delar; en översättning, en förberedande textanalys och slutligen en djupanalys. Syftet med arbetet har varit att åstadkomma en god översättning som uppfyller mottagargruppens krav men som samtidigt respekterar källtexten och dess författare. Utmärkande för e-breven som boken grundar s

Democracy under international administration - Assessing democracy in Kosova

In this thesis I have examined the work of the United Nations Interim Administrative Mission in Kosova by assessing the quality of democracy created under such an administration. The main goal has been to find the democratic consequences arising from UNMIKs work. The main question posed in this thesis is therefore directed towards answering if this mission has been a success or failure. In order t

Statskontoret, EU och statsförvaltningen En idéanalys av Statskontorets tankeföreställning rörande en europeiserad statsförvaltning

The purpose in this thesis is to explore the underlying conceptions concerning europeanization and public administration that Statskontoret is expressing in its publications. Statskontoret is an agency in the service of the Swedish State which provides the Government and the Ministries with investigations and surveys. The methodological choice in this thesis is to perform an idea analysis cont

Stationssamhället Hurfva : en skånsk bondbys förändring med järnvägens ankomst

Järnvägen och dess moder industrialismen omformade Sverige från bondeland till industriland. Genom en förändring över endast ett 10-tal år ersattes de knaggliga vägarna och ett förlegat skjutsväsende med ett kommunikationsmedel som alla kunde resa och transportera varor med. Större delen av riket förvandlades på många vis av det nya kommunikationssättet. Även små bondbyar i Skåne blev i högsta gra

Women Hold Up More Than Half the Sky : Analyzing the wife abuse in Shanghai

Cultural change and modernization should directly undermine traditional patriarchal norms and, by stimulating industrialization, should indirectly set off a series of socioeconomic changes favorable to women, and together these changes should give women more autonomy, resources, and a sense of self-sufficiency, thereby resulting in a marked improvement in the status of women. (Lee&Clark 2000:

Att göra förändring: en studie av ledarskap och organisation vid förändringsarbete

The purpose of this essay is to analyse how the leadership and the structure of the organization affect the process of changes within a specific department in Lunds kommun socialdepartment, from the director of social work to the co-workers at Utredningsenheten för ungdom och familj. We aim to answer the following questions; How does the structure of organisation affect the process of change? Wh


The purpose of this thesis was to understand the ways parents with different educational backgrounds perceive education as enabling their children 'capabilities'. Situating myself in a rural area of Uttarakhand, I interviewed parents from diverse educational backgrounds about their children's education. Some parents were illiterate while others held university degrees. Their perceptio

Evolving Educational Strategies - Environmental Science turns Sustainable

This thesis concerns how current educational practices of teaching about the environment, where focus is practically solely set on ecological perspectives, can evolve into encompassing a triple-bottomed perspective of sustainability where ecological, social and economic perspectives have equal scope.

Konditionalitet, effektivitet och legitimitet. En normativ studie av politisk konditionalitet.

Since the end of the Cold War, foreign aid donors have been using political conditionality to promote human rights, democracy and good governance in recipient countries. This phenomenon has been analyzed and criticized, but mainly from a strictly empirical point of view. In this paper, the legitimacy of political conditionality is analyzed through a normative perspective based on the extrinsic val

Catering Sticks and Carrots for the Global Security - Comparing the EU and the US Non-Proliferation Strategies

The European Union (EU) and the United States (US) often use different foreign policy strategies. In their non-proliferation policies they have had somewhat different approaches towards the suspected proliferators. In this thesis the usefulness and effectiveness of these different strategies, containment and engagement, are studied within the question of non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destr

Vägar till egen försörjning: en fallstudie av ett aktiveringsprojekt

The aim of this thesis was to examine how a coordinator at a social welfare project in support of job seekers, achieve results in his efforts to reduce the number of clients with social assistance. The method of data collection was a mixture of open thematic interviews and semi- structured interviews with open questions. The coordinator was interviewed four times during the length of the project.

Om ett marknadsanpassat Globalt Ansvar En kritisk diskursanalys av privatoffentliga partnerskap och företags sociala ansvar i svenskt utvecklingssamarbete

Swedish Development Cooperation emphasizes the need for collaboration among actors on a national level. In that context, the purpose of the thesis is to investigate how Public Private Partnership (PPP) on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) may influence the changing role of the state. The thesis is informed by Critical Discourse Analysis. In order to investigate the social constructions of real

Water utilization in a river basin in the Lake Poopó region of Bolivia : problems and conflicts.

The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the distribution of hydrological resources over time and space in two sub basins of the Lake Poopó area in Bolivia. This investigation is made in order to evaluate how supply and demand can be balanced and what effect the insufficiency of hydrological resources has on the socio economic situation. The two main problems in the area regarding water


One of the defining features of the post-Cold War era is the growth of international migration in all areas of the world, especially in Europe, where the lift of the Iron Curtain created needs and opportunities as far as immigrants are concerned. Although a beneficial process in itself, the growth of migration to Europe was frequently a cause of various forms of conflict, which in the social scien

Young Middle-Class Japanese Women Working in Foreign Financial Affiliates in Japan : An Equal Career Track

This is a study of a category of young middle-class Japanese women who work for foreign financial affiliates in Japan. These women are equipped with a high educational background, languages skills, and who are fond of the international atmosphere. In other words, they have the cultural capital and social capital which link them to the international realm. The aim of this study was to examine this

Speech-intentions and self-monitoring - Manipulating verbal feedback in a single-word production task

It is commonly assumed that the speech production process is started and guided by a clear conception of what to say, i.e. an intention or a pre-linguistic message. This intention can also function as a standard of accuracy against which actual performance can be measured. But critique against the idea of such a centrally governed process has been offered, and propositions for how a distributed mo

"Varder lekare sårad..." : Musik, politik och ideologi i tidigmedeltidens Norden

The aim of this paper is to illuminate and discuss the political and ideological aspects of Early Medieval Nordic music. Due to shortage of sources, this issue has been overlooked until now. Did Early Medieval Nordic music meet the requirements for political and ideological use? In what ways could music potentially be used politically and ideologically? Was music used as a political and ideologica