

Din sökning på "*" gav 537582 sökträffar

Visual configuration of two species of Falconidae with different foraging ecologies

Significant interspecific differences in avian vision occur, even in congeneric species, and these have been correlated with differences in the perceptual challenges associated with foraging. Although diurnal raptors are assumed to be mainly visually guided in their foraging, they differ markedly in their foraging tactics and this may result in different visual demands. Among the Falconidae (Falco

Botanical evidence of malt for beer production in fifth–seventh Century Uppåkra, Sweden

The excavation of a low-temperature kiln structure at an affluent Iron Age regional center, Uppåkra, located in southern Sweden, revealed from archeobotanical samples and its context evidence of malting in the process to make beer. Carbonized germinated hulled barley grain (Hordeum vulgare) was recovered from the kiln structure itself and from the surrounding occupationalsurface. Located somewhat The excavation of a low-temperature kiln structure at an affluent Iron Age regional center, Uppåkra, located in southern Sweden, revealed from archeobotanical samples and its context evidence of malting in the process to make beer. Carbonized germinated hulled barley grain (Hordeum vulgare) was recovered from the kiln structure itself and from the surrounding occupationalsurface. Located somewhat

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This article discusses the political plans for Yemeni politicians, and how they use their plans just as slogans.

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The article addresses the situation in Eden-Yemen, where the political and armed conflict between pro-Emirate and Yemen government parties.

Aspects of fluid therapy in the critically ill. Experimental and clinical studies on fluid therapy in the inflammatory conditions.

Patients suffering from inflammatory conditions often present with severe hypovolemia due to vasodilatation and increased vascular permeability. Early administration of fluids is, therefore, a cornerstone and lifesaving therapy.However, a vigorous and aggressive fluid therapy increases tissue edema, worsen tissue perfusion and organ function. Based on this, the presented studies investigated diffe

Systematic design of MIMO terminal antennas using Theory of Characteristic Modes

The Theory of Characteristic Modes (TCM) offers a natural and systematic way to design Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antennas with high total efficiency and uncorrelated antenna patterns. In this paper, recent advances in the growing field of TCM-aided MIMO antenna design are reviewed. In particular, the focus is on the challenging problem of designing MIMO antennas for compact mobile term

Pseudo-single-bunch mode for a 100 MHz storage ring serving soft X-ray timing experiments

At many storage rings for synchrotron light production there is demand for serving both high-flux and timing users simultaneously. Today this is most commonly achieved by operating inhomogeneous fill patterns, but this is not preferable for rings that employ passive harmonic cavities to damp instabilities and increase Touschek lifetime. For these rings, inhomogeneous fill patterns could severely r

Adapting Cities : Ecosystem-based approaches and citizen engagement in municipal climate adaptation in Scania, Sweden

Även om vi skulle lyckas minska de globala utsläppen av växthusgaser, så finns det ett angeläget behov att anpassa samhället för att kunna motstå klimatförändringens skadliga effekter. Denna process kallas klimatanpassning. Städer står inför särskilda risker från klimatförändringen och nuvarande tillvägagångssätt, som ofta förlitar sig på tekniska lösningar och toppstyrd implementering, bedöms intEven if current attempts to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions would succeed, society-wide adjustment to the harmful effects of climate change is urgently needed. This process is known as climate adaptation. Cities face particular risks from climate change, and there is increasing evidence that traditional approaches, which have often relied on technical solutions and top-down management struc

Adolescents’ motives for selling sex in a welfare state – A Swedish national study

In addition to money or other compensation, other motives for selling sex may be important in a welfare country such as Sweden. The aim of this study was to carry out an exploratory investigation of adolescents’ motives for selling sex in a population-based survey in Sweden. A total of 5839 adolescents from the third year of Swedish high school, mean age 18.0 years, participated in the study. The

Diversity of olfactory structures: A comparative study of antennal sensilla in Trichoptera and Lepidoptera

The antenna is the main sensory organ of insects, housing different types of sensilla dedicated to detect chemicalcues, motion, humidity and temperature. Sensilla are divided into different types based on their wall structureand morphology. Among the olfactory sensilla, there is an enormous variation in the numbers and morphologicaltypes present in different insect taxa. The reasons for this varia

Asymptotically Optimal Regression Trees

Regression trees are evaluated with respect to mean square error (MSE), mean integrated square error (MISE), and integrated squared error (ISE), as the size of the training sample goes to infinity. The asymptotically MSE- and MISE minimizing (locally adaptive) regression trees are characterized. Under an optimal tree, MSE is O(n^{-2/3}). The estimator is shown to be asymptotically normally distrib

Children as co-creators? : The limits of the concept of service dominant logic for public welfare services targeting children

Co-creation (or co-production, Voorberg et al., 2015) of public services together with individual service users is based on the assumption that the individual can define her or his own value to be co-created. However, in the case of children, this can be put into doubt, as children do not have the same cognitive perspectives and abilities as adults, and a weaker voice as agents. This results in thCo-creation (or co-production, Voorberg et al., 2015) of public services together with individual service users is based on the assumption that the individual can define her or his own value to be co-created. However, in the case of children, this can be put into doubt, as children do not have the same cognitive perspectives and abilities as adults, and a weaker voice as agents. This results in th