

Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar

Revisiting, Reconciling and Recasting the Generalised Biopolitical Border: Seeking a Reconciled Multiperspectival Methodology for the Analysis of Concrete Textual Materials in the (Re)production of Sovereign Borders

This thesis is essentially a project in theory- and method-building. It engages the strengths of Vaughan-Williams’ alternative border imaginary under the name of the generalised biopolitical border (GBB) in accounting for the complexity of border phenomena in contemporary global politics. However, it identifies two major shortcomings related to Vaughan-Williams’ application of the GBB to various e

VR-teknik – Möjligheter i strokevården inom sjuksköterskans profession

I Sverige drabbas mellan 30000–35000 personer av stroke varje år, av dessa är det kring en tredjedel som får en bestående skada. Att bli drabbad av stroke kan medföra en stillasittande livsstil. Stillasittande i sin tur kan orsaka en förhöjd risk för fall, återkommande stroke och andra kardiovaskulära sjukdomar. Interventioner ledda av sjuksköterskor blir därför av vikt inom strokevården för att s

Mobile Self-scanning -Increasing Self-Control?

In the grocery store there are constantly occasions when choices are to be made. Sometimes it is hard to make the best choices. Therefore, consumers sometimes need tools to facilitate choosing the best groceries for their welfare. A mobile self-scanner can be such a tool. This article will study if a mobile self-scanner changes consumer behavior. To see if it works as self-control device, consumer

Benthic mapping of the Bluefields Bay fish sanctuary, Jamaica

Small island states, such as those in the Caribbean, are dependent on the nearshore marine ecosystem complex and its resources; the goods and services provided by seagrass and coral reef for example, are particularly indispensable to the tourism and fishing industries. In recognition of their valuable contributions and in an effort to promote sustainable use of marine resources, some nearshore are

Optical study of Tumble, Spray and Combustion

The automobiles of today are getting more fuel efficient in order to meet future emission standards. It is also important to have more fuel efficient engines than the competitors. The consequence is that engine development is intensified and more ideas needs to be tested thoroughly. One of the ideas at Volvo cars is a tumble flap. The tumble flap is controlled to close a predefined part of the int

"Ja, de får utstå för mycket, alldeles för mycket ibland" : Socionomers upplevelser av barn som lever i en miljö där pappa slår mamma.

The purpose of this study is to gain a higher level of understanding of how children act and handle a violent home environment, using social workers experiences of working with children growing up in a violent home. The focus of the study is that violence is performed by the father against the mother. The study was based on a qualitative method; I preformed semi-structured interviews with five soc

Utveckling av ängs- och betesmarker ur lantbrukarens perspektiv - En intervjustudie i Örkelljunga kommun

Att ängs – och betesmarker ger ett öppet landskap och är trevliga att ströva i är ett av skälen till att bevara dessa marker. Att ängs- och betesmarker är nödvändiga för en stor mängd växter och djur är kanske ännu viktigare. Markerna är trots allt bland de artrikaste landytorna vi har idag. På en äng kan det finnas upp till 50 olika växtarter på bara 1 kvadratmeter och man jämför ibland dessa marMeadows and pastures are one of the most species-rich habitats in Europe and Sweden. These ecosystems are dependent on ongoing care to keep their biological and cultural values alive. Farmers who manages meadows and pastures under certain conditions receive financial compensation from the EU. The politically formulated objectives of nature conservation, cultural heritage and biodiversity will, acc

Implementation of a 200 MSps 12-bit SAR ADC

Från analogt till digitalt - snabba och strömsnåla omvandlare Dagens digitala samhälle ställer höga krav på prestanda och effektivitet. I samarbete med Ericsson i Lund har en krets för signalomvandling utvecklats. Genom smart design uppnås hög hastighet och låg strömförbrukning som ligger i forskningens framkant. Från analogt till digitalt Ett viktigt byggblock för telekommunikation och videoapAnalog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with high conversion frequency, often based on pipelined architectures, are used for measuring instruments, wireless communication and video applications. Successive approximation register (SAR) converters offer a compact and power efficient alternative but the conversion speed is typically designed for lower frequencies. In this thesis a low-power 12-bit 200 MS

Finns det ett samband mellan ett medlemskap i WTO och inkomstojämlikhet?

Some consider increasing income inequality within countries as one of the biggest threat to the world economy in the year of 2015. Increasing within country inequality creates both political as well as economic insecurity. It erodes economic initiatives as well as democracies and people are left in exclusion, which undercut the ideal of human equality. In the light of the above, this thesis invest

Oro och osäkerhet : om hur barns skärmanvändning påverkar föräldrar

Barns användning av digitala medier ökar för varje år som går. Denna studie försöker besvara vilken inställning föräldrar har till barns medieanvändning och vilka förklaringar som kan ligga bakom denna inställning. Det empiriska underlaget till studien består av fem intervjuer, samtliga informanter hade minst två barn, i åldrarna 5-17 år. Det mest angelägna som framkom under intervjuerna var att i

The Returns of Private Equity - Skills or Pure Luck?

This thesis investigates if, and in that case to what extent, the fund manager’s skills affect return of private equity funds. A regression analysis based on performance data of private and public equity is undertaken and used to determine the value added through skills provided by fund managers. The results indicate that skills do in fact affect returns in private equity with up to 10% annually.

Sulfat- och svavelsyraangrepp på prefabricerade betongrör i VA-miljö

Kemiska angrepp av sulfater och svavelsyra är ett allt vanligare problem på svenska avloppsrör i betong. Inte minst tillverkarna av betongrör har märkt av ökningen, trots att deras rör uppfyller de krav som ställs är den faktiska beständigheten sämre än förväntat. Angrepp av denna typ är inget nytt i Sverige men har tidigare varit isolerat till få, särskilt extrema miljöer, till exempel rör från i

Insider trading and abnormal return on the Swedish stock market

Title: Insider trading and abnormal return on the Swedish stock market Seminar Date: 2015-05-25 Course: FEKN90 Examensarbete på civilekonomprogrammet (30hp) Authors: Philip Ek and Karin Erlinder Advisor: Rikard Larsson Purpose: By using classifications of different kinds of insiders we wish to en-lighten this area of study with empirical evidence of how insiders on the Swedish Stock Exchange

Inga Ingenjör

All Swedish citizens have the opportunity to continue their education on a university level. However, children with highly educated parents are far more likely to continue their studies after high school than others. The aim of this project is to inspire children to natural science, innovation and engineering at a young age. This to show what different possibilities the future has to offer, no mat

Implementation of Singly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods with Constant Step Sizes

Runge–Kutta methods can be used for solving ordinary differential equations of the form y0 = f(t, y) with initial condition y(t0) = y0 and where f : R x R^m -> R^m. The idea is to find a method that is efficient to implement. But it is also important for the method to be of high order and be stable. Diagonally Implicit RK-methods reduces an sm x sm matrix to s systems of m x m linear equations. Si

Vad händer om det sker en avreglering på Stockholms hyresmarknad?

Bristen på hyreslägenheter i Stockholm har sedan länge varit ett välkänt problem. Kötiden för att få en lägenhet genom ett hyreskontrakt är igenom snitt mellan fem till åtta år beroende på läge samt storlek på lägenheten. Den långa kötiden leder till att folk som inte har råd att köpa en bostadsrätt tvingas betala stora summor för att få hyra en lägenhet i andrahand. Om man har haft tur och lyckat

Monuments in the Landscape: A spatial analysis of rune stones in Västergötland during the Late Viking Age and early Medieval period

There are several aspects of rune stones that can be discussed and analysed. With the help of digital tools, it is possible to look at social dimensions of archaeological objects in ways that were previously difficult to explore. In this thesis, the aim is to analyse rune stones from a spatial perspective by looking at their possible role in the landscape, what type of context they are found in an

Do Oil Price Shock Affect Household Consumption? -Evidence from five OECD Countries

International oil prices have been fluctuating a lot since decades. Since oil is an important component influencing global indicators, it is also important to evaluate to what extent consumer spending is affected in the aftermath of oil price shocks. Thus the paper addresses whether international oil price change has any impact on consumer spending in the long and short run. To conduct this study,