

Din sökning på "*" gav 531347 sökträffar

Monuments in the Landscape: A spatial analysis of rune stones in Västergötland during the Late Viking Age and early Medieval period

There are several aspects of rune stones that can be discussed and analysed. With the help of digital tools, it is possible to look at social dimensions of archaeological objects in ways that were previously difficult to explore. In this thesis, the aim is to analyse rune stones from a spatial perspective by looking at their possible role in the landscape, what type of context they are found in an

Do Oil Price Shock Affect Household Consumption? -Evidence from five OECD Countries

International oil prices have been fluctuating a lot since decades. Since oil is an important component influencing global indicators, it is also important to evaluate to what extent consumer spending is affected in the aftermath of oil price shocks. Thus the paper addresses whether international oil price change has any impact on consumer spending in the long and short run. To conduct this study,

Labour Mobility, Housing Prices and Unemployment: a Swedish perspective

The importance of the housing market and labour market has long been recognized and explored in macroeconomics. In this thesis the linkages between these two markets are highlighted and examined. In this paper the particular relationship that will be explored is that of rising housing costs and unemployment, thereby adding to the small number of papers observing rising costs as opposed to falling

Handlingsförfarandet vid hembesök hos demenssjuka utan beslutsförmåga och deras sammanboende partners : Biståndshandläggares upplevelse av och handlande gällande konflikter om brukarens behov utifrån två givna scenarier

The aim of this study is to explore how care managers work with users/clients with dementia and partners in their ordinary housing. In four interviews care managers in two municipalities describe how they would act from two given scenarios from a perspective of conflict when the user’s partner and the care manager did not agree on the needs of the user. The study also focuses on the general work t

”De är ju alldeles galna… de hänger inte ihop med verkligheten” : En kvalitativ studie som belyser socialsekreterares upplevelser kring sina arbetsvillkor inom socialtjänstens barn- och ungdomsenhet

The aim of this study was to understand the experiences that social workers in the social services child protection unit has regarding their working conditions and how they reflect about their workload, staff turnovers, wellbeing in regards to the role of a social worker. Our qualitative study was based on seven interviews with social workers who worked in a middle-sized municipality in Skåne. Th

Föräldrainvolvering vid samtal med minderåriga : En kvalitativ studie om kuratorers syn på föräldrainvolvering

Author: Linnea Olsson och Sandra Brandt Title: Föräldrainvolvering vid samtal med minderåriga Supervisor: Johan Cronehed Assessor: Anna Tegunimataka The aim of this study was to examine counselors approach to parental involvement in dialouge with adolescents in the age 13-17 years old. The main questions in this study was 1) what is counselors view on parental involvement? 2) what is the counselo

Labour Rights Protections within International Trade: A study of Free Trade Agreements and Generalised Systems of Preferences

This study examines the phenomena of “social clauses” that aim to uphold labour standards within the international trade regime and discusses examples of their implementation. “Social clauses”, despite their contentious past within the World Trade Organisation and preceding frameworks, can be found in a number of Free Trade Agreements and Generalised Systems of Preferences. The study initially set

Valuation of Ecosystem Services in Ecosystem-Based Marine Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea Region - why, when and how?

The ecosystems of the Baltic Sea are under severe pressure, threating the long-term prosperity of the region and human wellbeing. New marine management approaches need to be tested and developed. Valuation of ecosystem services in the process of ecosystem-based marine spatial planning in the Baltic Sea region could be useful in improving communication between stakeholders, as well as, the evaluati

Format Development and its Effects on Store Image – A Case Study on the inner-city IKEA Hamburg-Altona

Purpose The purpose of this research is to explore the effects of format development of an original single-format general merchandise retailer on store image. Theoretical Perspectives This study is grounded on the alignment of existing literature in the fields of format development and store image. The theoretical framework build thereupon is bridging the two fields and develops a model to measur

Information about the usage of information - and its role in municipal work with climate adaptation

Information om information kring klimatanpassning Klimatet förändras, och denna förändring är med största sannolikhet orsakad av människan. Detta konstateras av FNs klimatpanel i deras senaste rapport. Det finns idag information om vilka utmaningar vi står inför och jag har i min studie tittat på hur denna information används i kommuners arbete med klimatanpassning. Det finns en liknelse som föThis study has looked at eight municipalities in Scania and how they use climate related information in their work with climate adaptation, and what information they would like to have access to in order to take the next step. The municipalities were chosen on the basis of population and are no extreme cases; rather they are examples of an average Swedish municipality. How the usage of information

The decision-making process and willingness to pay for green dwelling

Title The decision-making process and willingness to pay for green dwelling Seminar date 2015-05-26 Course FEKN90 Master Thesis in Business Administration (Level D), 30 ECTS Authors Emil Rydén and Robert Waszkiewicz Supervisor Matts Kärreman Key words Consumer behavior, willingness to pay, green dwelling, energy efficiency gap, sustainability, sustainable development Purpose The purpose of t

Invandrarens väg till entreprenörskap: Upplevelser av det flexibla arbetslivet - en intervjustudie om manliga invandrares möte med den svenska arbetsmarknaden

Uppsatsen studerar hur män från Mellanöstern som är första generationens invandrare möter den svenska arbetsmarknaden och på vilket sätt den nya kapitalismen och entreprenörskap påverkar invandrarens förankring på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Syftet är att undersöka hur invandraren möter de krav som det flexibla arbetslivet i Sverige ställer. Vi ville också fånga invandrarens subjektiva upplevelse

Improving green LEDs: A meta study into the causes and remedies of the green gap

Dagens belysning i många hem världen runt består till stor del av vanliga glödlampor. I många svenska och västerländska hem är det även vanligt med låg-energilampor och fosfor-LEDs. Fosfor är ett grundämne som tillsammans med blåa LEDs möjliggör skapandet av vitt ljus. Principen bygger på att blått LED-ljus passerar ett fosforlager där en del av det blåa ljuset omvandlas till gult ljus. KombinatioThis literature review investigates and evaluates different strategies to improve InGaN-based light emitting diodes (LED) by analyzing published theoretical and experimental studies. The issues of non-uniform carrier distribution, piezoelectric polarization fields and poor wave function overlap can be mitigated by the use of InGaN barriers and substrates as well as staircase designs for quantum we

Let’s make them shorter! : abbreviated loanwords in Japanese

The focus of this thesis is to show the variety of Japanese loanwords’ abbreviation processes. Nowadays loanwords play a big role in Japan’s society. Most of loanwords are long and have some difficulty to integrate in Japanese language in their full forms. This is why most of the loanwords are shortened by the usage of various patterns and rules, which will be described and analyzed in this paper.

Tillförlitlighet eller efterkonstruktion? En rättssociologisk kritisk diskursanalys av friande och fällande våldtäktsdomar

Rancorous debates about the rape legislation occur periodically in Swedish media. The purpose of this study is to highlight laws argumentation about the women’s statement in rape verdicts from a gender perspective. Furthermore, the study examines how laws argumentation is divided about the women’s story in guilty and exculpatory verdicts, and why she is less trustworthy than the man in the exculpa

Micromanaging Behaviour and Engineering Management

Researchers argue that micromanaging behaviour has now become a common trait of management and been perceived as negative. Furthermore, there is little research on the technical perspective of micromanagement and why and how it occurs in an engineering environment. While each research covers only a few segments of the origin, symptoms and reasons of micromanagement, our thesis tries to consolidate

Three-wave Lateral Shearing Interferometry With Partially Coherent Light

Vid mikroskopi så tar man en bild av ljus som har passerat igenom ett prov. Ljusets styrka påverkas av provet och fångas på en kamera. Ett problem som uppstår är när man ska ta bilder av genomskinliga material, dessa påverkar ju inte ljusets styrka. Det finns flera lösningar på detta problem, en av dessa kommer beskrivas här och har undersökts närmare i exjobbet.} Ljus färdas olika snabbt igenom This thesis contains an examination of a method for quantitative phase imaging using lateral shearing interferometry. The focus is on how the degree of spatial coherence in the light source effect the image. The method is examined by first creating a simulation of the system, then looking at some analytical solutions for the interaction between some parameters, and finally conducting an experime

Vad var det som hjälpte? Två terapier beskrivna av patient respektive terapeut, efter Dialektisk beteendeterapi (DBT)

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vad som bidrar till positiv förändring i terapi. Forskningsstöd finns för att psykoterapi är en effektiv behandlingsform, men vad det är som är verksamt, vet vi mindre om. Patient respektive terapeut intervjuades efter två framgångsrika terapiprocesser med dialektisk beteendeterapi (DBT). En kvalitativ ansats med halvstrukturerad intervju användes med fråg