

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Delicate Dialogues: Faculty Member’s Experiences to Language Barriers within a Swedish University

The purpose of this study is to investigate how faculty members at Lund’s School of Economics and Management experience language barriers within the workplace. The study focuses on the relationship specifically between the language use of Swedish and English within the working environment. Data for this research were collected by conducting 14 semi-structured interviews with employees from the fac

Creating Shared Value Through Strategic Cross-Sector Partnerships: Strategic Synergies between Businesses and NGOs

This thesis examines the dynamics and impact of strategic cross-sector partnerships between businesses and non-governmental organisations, focusing on how these collaborations create shared value. The thesis looks at several strategic cross-sector partnerships involving large organisations such as IKEA, Hapag-Lloyd, UNICEF, and WWF to understand the unique characteristics that influence these coll

Building trust when facing violence: Insights from the Swedish Police and the Swedish Armed Forces

The study investigates employees' perceptions of trust within the Swedish Police and the Swedish Armed Forces. Trust is critical for organisational success, yet there is a lack of research comparing different dimensions of trust within these public sectors. This topic is particularly relevant given the rising threats to Sweden's national security, resulting in military rearmament and incre

Understanding Psychological Safety in Hybrid Work Teams: Experiences of Barriers and Facilitators

This study aims to enhance understanding of the barriers and facilitators to creating and maintaining psychological safety in a hybrid work environment. It also explores whether these factors differ for hybrid teams compared to traditional settings. The research involved a literature review of existing barriers and facilitators, followed by qualitative, semi-structured interviews with members of t

Less Closure for Better Closure: What HR-managers should do to mitigate the negative aspects of an employee's high Need for Closure in a VUCA world

The VUCA world we face today, proposes challenges for individuals with a high Need for Closure (NFC) as they may experience decreased well-being when faced with uncertainty and ambiguity. This in turn creates a problem for organizations as their employees with a high NFC may struggle to come up with innovative solutions to the complexity they are facing, making it difficult for the organization to

N-Thio-β-lactams targeting L,D-transpeptidase-2, with activity against drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Effective treatment of tuberculosis is frequently hindered by the emerging antimicrobial resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The present study evaluates monocyclic β-lactam compounds targeting the mycobacterial cell wall remodeling. Novel N-thio-β-lactams were designed, synthesized, and characterized on the L,D-transpeptidase-2, a validated target in M. tuberculosis. The candidates were eval

Screening for prostate cancer : evidence, ongoing trials, policies and knowledge gaps

Long-term screening with serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and systematic prostate biopsies can reduce prostate cancer mortality but leads to unacceptable overdiagnosis. Over the past decade, diagnostic methods have improved and the indolent nature of low-grade prostate cancer has been established. These advances now enable more selective detection of potentially lethal prostate cancer. This n

Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy for a Degenerative Meniscus Tear Is Not Cost Effective Compared With Placebo Surgery : An Economic Evaluation Based on the FIDELITY Trial Data

BACKGROUND: In patients with a degenerative tear of the medial meniscus, recent meta-analyses and systematic reviews have shown no treatment benefit of arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM) over conservative treatment or placebo surgery. Yet, advocates of APM still argue that APM is cost effective. Giving advocates of APM their due, we note that there is evidence from the treatment of other musc

Long term sustained attention alters dynamic functional connectivity patterns

Mental fatigue has attracted much attention from researchers as it plays a key role in performance efficiency and safety situations. Functional connectivity analysis using graph theory is an effective method for revealing changes in cognition resources influenced by mental fatigue. Previous studies have revealed that functional networks are dynamically reorganized. Therefore, it is critical to exp

The Development of Circular Economy Within the Building Industry. A study focusing on Sweden and Denmark

The building industry is one of the most polluting sectors and consumers of resources. Simultaneously, demand for housing is increasing and resources are becoming scarce. Therefore, circular practices have gained emphasis to possibly leverage this problem. This paper aims to try and explain how the development of circular practices can be explained by the Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT). This pa

Simulating the neutron-induced activity and dose rate of components in the reactor pressure vessel of Oskarshamn 3

During operation of a nuclear power plant the neutron radiation of the reactor core may induce activity in surrounding components and equipment. These may in turn become radiation hazards during decommissioning or component exchanges. To better plan for this, models of the degree of activation and subsequently, the dose are therefore of great importance. Building upon a previous study of the neutr

Political Skills for Middle Managers in Aerospace Industry: A Tailored Framework

This paper analyzes the set of political skills that middle managers use to navigate the aerospace industry. The current study considers Mintzberg’s (1985), Ferris et al.’s (2007), and Treadway et al.’s (2005) conceptualization of organizations as political arenas, will, and skills. Thus, it constitutes a theoretical base to create a new tailored political skills framework that could help aerospac

Interprofessional Collaboration in Inpatient Care

There is an increased demand for managing the complex hospital organisations in which healthcare personnel operate within, which is even more so evident from today's healthcare crisis in Sweden. Since the World Health Organisation (WHO) emphasised the importance of interprofessional collaboration in 2010, research on this area has increased. However, much of the research considers only one act

Njutningens bett : Om lyxglass och genus

Magdalena Petersson McIntyre diskuterar i ”Njutningens bett: Om lyxglass och genus” kampanjerna för glassen Magnum. Annonserna har kvinnlig njutning med sexuella övertoner som tema och använder sig av ett visuellt språk som ofta är sexuellt explicit och ibland tolkats som könsdiskriminerande. Här sätts kampanjerna istället i samband med föreställningar om lyx, särskilt det som brukar benämnas ”den

From Practice to Theory: First Steps into Translating Sustainability Ideals into Actions in Swedish and Danish SMEs in the Food Sector

This thesis is designed as exploratory research, with the aim of studying the relatively underexplored and poorly understood theory-practice gap in small-medium enterprises transition from sustainability ideal to practice. While existing literature has extensively addressed theoretical implications, scant attention has been paid to the lived experiences of SMEs, particularly within the context of

Developing a digital image correlation setup for in situ testing of Achilles tendons

Experimentell uppställning för mekanisk prövning av hälsenor ”Aj!” Så kan det låta när du skadar din hälsena. Hälsenan är en av de starkaste senorna i kroppen och också den som oftast skadas. Skador på hälsenan kan uppkomma till följd av plötsliga rörelser men även vid repetitiv överansträngning under en längre tid. I värsta fall kan senan gå av helt och hållet. För att kunna förebygga och behandTendons connect muscle to bone and assist in joint motion. To be able to do this, they must withstand large forces and be able to alter their structure under load. If a tendon experiences too high or sudden forces, it will start to tear and eventually rupture. To examine how this happens and how the tendon behaves before rupture, mechanical testing is done. This study focuses on how to combine mec